Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх БНӨСУ-д үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн энхийг сахиулагчдад одон, медаль гардууллаа
Сонгуулийн саналын хуудастай холбоотой асуудлаар шаардлага хүргүүлэв

УИХ-д суудалтай намууд болон өмнө эрх барьж байсан намын дарга, төлөөллүүд сонгуулийн саналын хуудастай холбоотой асуудлаар СЕХ-д хоёр шаардлага хүргүүлж байна. Энэ талаар УИХ-ын гишүүн Т.Доржханд мэдээлэл өглөө.



Тэрбээр "Улстөрд суудалтай намуудын төлөөлөл нэгдээд СЕХ-нд шааодлага хүргүүлж байгаа. Агуулга нь хоёр зүйлтэй. Монголын түүхэнд онц бөгөөд чухал солнгууль болох гэж байна. Сүүлийн 30 жил болж байгаагүй түүхэн сонгууль болно. 126 гишүүнийг хоёр байдлаар сонгоно. Ингэхдээ тойргоос 78 гишүүнийг сонгоно. Харин жагсаалтаар буюу намын нэр дугуйлах байдлаар 48 гишүүнийг сонгох учиртай. Үр дүнд нь Монголд солонгорсон парламент бий болно, үр дүнд нь нэг нам хязгааргүй эрхтэйгээр эрх барьдаг биш маш олон сөрөг хүчнүүд бий болно гэсэн хүлээлттэй байгаа юм. Үүнийг хэрэгжүүлэхийн тулд СЕХ зайлшгүй анхаарах ёстой асуудлууд байна. Тухайлбал, зургаадугаар сарын 28-ны өдөр сонгуулийн санал хураах үед саналын хуудасны асуудал гарч ирж байгаа юм. Саналын хуудас нь хоёр тусдаа хуудас байх ёстой юм гэдэг үндэслэлийг бид гаргаж ирлээ.


Өөрөөр хэлбэл 78 тойргоос нэр дэвшигч нарын нэр нэг хуудас дээр тусдаа, жагсаалтаар нэр дэвших хүмүүсийг нь дахин тусдаа хуудаст нэрсийг нь бичих ёстой гэж үзэж байна. Хэрэв саналын хуудас хүчингүй болсон тохиолдолд нэг хуудас дээр аль алиныг нь тэмдэглэсэн бол жагсаалт маань хүчингүй болох гээд байгаа юм.


Энэ удаагийн сонгуульд гадаадад амьдарч байгаа монголчууд сонгууль өгнө. Ингэхдээ жагсаалтаар нэр дэвшиж байгаа буюу намын нэрсийг дугуйлах байдлаар саналаа өгнө. Эдгээр үндэслэлээр бол саналын хуудас дээрх хоёр төрлийн санал хураалт бол тусдаа байх ёстой гэдэг шаардлагыг албан ёсоор СЕХ-д хүргүүлж байна" гэлээ. 

Сонин хачин
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Hacking a mobile phone is usually something that requires hiring an expert to get it done for you to get your desired result. These mobile hacks actually work fine but most people have problems using it because bulk of the job is done and highly dependent on the hacker. In most cases, the only way you can get it done yourself is if you really know how to hack. Otherwise, your best bet will be to hire a professional hacker, and I recommend ; hackerone975 at gmail com , I have used he service and his is highly professional, he's the best and he will give you exactly what you want. CONTACT ; hackerone975 at gmail com
Hacking a mobile phone is usually something that requires hiring an expert to get it done for you to get your desired result. These mobile hacks actually work fine but most people have problems using it because bulk of the job is done and highly dependent on the hacker. In most cases, the only way you can get it done yourself is if you really know how to hack. Otherwise, your best bet will be to hire a professional hacker, and I recommend ; hackerone975 at gmail com , I have used he service and his is highly professional, he's the best and he will give you exactly what you want. CONTACT ; hackerone975 at gmail com
Hacking a mobile phone is usually something that requires hiring an expert to get it done for you to get your desired result. These mobile hacks actually work fine but most people have problems using it because bulk of the job is done and highly dependent on the hacker. In most cases, the only way you can get it done yourself is if you really know how to hack. Otherwise, your best bet will be to hire a professional hacker, and I recommend ; hackerone975 at gmail com , I have used he service and his is highly professional, he's the best and he will give you exactly what you want. CONTACT ; hackerone975 at gmail com
I have been having issues in my marriage , i suspected my wife of cheating with our lawyer , i thought of what to do only for me to come on google and come across this hackers that helped me hack into her whatsapp and other social media accounts , Now i can see all her texts without her knowing .. I’d like to thank these hackers as well cause they made me have a little peace of mind now .. incase you need the same services rendered you can contact him Kalfjohnson424 @ gmail com
BE CAREFUL of crypto platforms promising huge returns. They lure people into fake programs. I lost 198,450 USD last year. While researching on how to recover my funds, I came across several recommendations on the Bitcoin Abuse Forum about HACKERSTEVE. I contacted him via his email on hackersteve911@gmail.com | https://hackersteve.great-site.net/, and he helped me recover all my funds. If you've also been a victim of financial scams, don't hesitate to get in touch with him.
I Strongly Recommend Dr Gbogbo to you for Health Issues Dr Gbogbo is a herbal medicine specialist who specializes in curing herpes, HIV, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes, Hepatitis and many more other illnesses which he can cure through his herbal medications. I have tried all kinds of drugs given to me by my Doctor in Texas when I was suffering from Full Blown Aids but nor of his medication worked for me includes ARVs until I read a testimony of Dean charlotte from google how Dr. Gbogbo cured her from Herpes permanently without any side effects. I was happy and excited to try something new. I almost gave up when I learnt he was from Africa but by faith I contacted him and that was the end of my HIV. From Full Blown Aids to HIV negative. Sharing this testimony is one of the happiest things for me to do. All I did was to order his Herbal medicine from Africa and it was shipped to me by the UPS delivery company. It only took me 23 days to complete the medication, Surprisingly I did HIV test twice and tested negative. He is not popular but powerful. I recommend Dr. Gbogbo to anyone suffering from any illness and you are looking for a permanent cure. contact him now on Whatsapp him for more information,👇👇 ☎️ +2347031663661 Email: Drgbogboherbalcure@gmail.com
I Strongly Recommend Dr Gbogbo to you for Health Issues Dr Gbogbo is a herbal medicine specialist who specializes in curing herpes, HIV, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes, Hepatitis and many more other illnesses which he can cure through his herbal medications. I have tried all kinds of drugs given to me by my Doctor in Texas when I was suffering from Full Blown Aids but nor of his medication worked for me includes ARVs until I read a testimony of Dean charlotte from google how Dr. Gbogbo cured her from Herpes permanently without any side effects. I was happy and excited to try something new. I almost gave up when I learnt he was from Africa but by faith I contacted him and that was the end of my HIV. From Full Blown Aids to HIV negative. Sharing this testimony is one of the happiest things for me to do. All I did was to order his Herbal medicine from Africa and it was shipped to me by the UPS delivery company. It only took me 23 days to complete the medication, Surprisingly I did HIV test twice and tested negative. He is not popular but powerful. I recommend Dr. Gbogbo to anyone suffering from any illness and you are looking for a permanent cure. contact him now on Whatsapp him for more information,👇👇 ☎️ +2347031663661 Email: Drgbogboherbalcure@gmail.com
I Strongly Recommend Dr Gbogbo to you for Health Issues Dr Gbogbo is a herbal medicine specialist who specializes in curing herpes, HIV, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes, Hepatitis and many more other illnesses which he can cure through his herbal medications. I have tried all kinds of drugs given to me by my Doctor in Texas when I was suffering from Full Blown Aids but nor of his medication worked for me includes ARVs until I read a testimony of Dean charlotte from google how Dr. Gbogbo cured her from Herpes permanently without any side effects. I was happy and excited to try something new. I almost gave up when I learnt he was from Africa but by faith I contacted him and that was the end of my HIV. From Full Blown Aids to HIV negative. Sharing this testimony is one of the happiest things for me to do. All I did was to order his Herbal medicine from Africa and it was shipped to me by the UPS delivery company. It only took me 23 days to complete the medication, Surprisingly I did HIV test twice and tested negative. He is not popular but powerful. I recommend Dr. Gbogbo to anyone suffering from any illness and you are looking for a permanent cure. contact him now on Whatsapp him for more information,👇👇 ☎️ +2347031663661 Email: Drgbogboherbalcure@gmail.com
Sarah James:
My husband and I have been married for four years, and in that time, we’ve had our share of ups and downs. Recently, things have been strained between us and I began to suspect that he was cheating on me. I wasn’t sure how to go about finding out the truth, but I knew that I needed to do something. That’s when I came across this review about digitalspyhackers @ gmail com about tracking my husband’s phone. It sounded like exactly what I needed to do. And it worked! I was able to see all of the texts and calls that he was making and receiving, and I even found out who he was talking to. I confronted him about what I had found, and he finally admitted that he had been cheating on me. I’m so glad that I took the time to track his phone because now I know the truth and can move on with my life.
Wilson Becky:
Excellent and professional investigative services. I hired Mr Jason for a very private and difficult matter of hacking my ex husband's phone and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get some info such as whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs and even phone conversations that I needed for proof of his secretive affair. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person; to all loyal partners out there if you have a dishonest partner don't hesitate to send him a mail on digitalspyhackers @ gmail com
Tom Hanks:
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
Tom Hanks:
I URGENTLY NEED A VOODOO LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP ME GET MY EX BACK 2023/2024 Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 This is a very joyful day of my life because of the help Dr Gbogbo has rendered to me by helping me get my ex-husband back with his magic and love spell. I was married for 6 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me because I had Fibroids and i couldn't conceive for my husband because of my Fibroids and my husband was seeking a divorce but when I came across Dr Gbogbo email on the internet on how he helped so many people to get their ex back and help to fix relationships and make people happy in their relationship. Dr Gbogbo has also restored so many people's health which includes Herpes, Fibroids, PCOS, Diabetes and many more. I explained my situation to him and then sought his help but to my greatest surprise, he told me that he will help me with my case and then give me a herbal medicine that will help me shrink my Fibroids naturally without undergoing surgery which he really did by giving me the herbal medicine that shrinked my Fibroids naturally without me going for surgery. Here I am now celebrating because my Husband has changed totally for good and I am currently pregnant for him. He always wants to be by me and can not do anything without my presence. I am really enjoying my marriage, what a great celebration. I will keep on testifying on the internet because Dr Gbogbo is truly a real spell caster. Do you really need help? then contact Dr Gbogbo now via Email: Drgbogbospellcaster@gmail.com Whatsapp: +234 703 166 3661 He is the only answer to your problem and makes you feel happy in your relationship…
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