Н.Төгсцогтыг хар тамхины хэргээр гадуур шалгаж байна

Монгол Улсын гавьяат тамирчин, сонирхогчдын боксын олимп, дэлхийн мөнгөн медальт Н.Төгсцогт арванхоёрдугаар сарын 28-ны өдөр хар тамхи хэрэглэсэн байдалтайгаар саатуулагдсан гэх мэдээлэл нийгмийн сүлжээнд тархсан. 



Тэгвэл энэ талаар Цагдаагийн байгууллагаас "ЦЕГ-ын Хар тамхитай тэмцэх газраас иргэн "Т" гэгчийн 2023 оны 12 дугаар сарын 28-ны өдөр мансууруулах эм, сэтгэцэд нөлөөлөх бодис хэрэглэсэн байж болзошгүй үйлдлийг илрүүлэн, шалгаж байна" гэх мэдээллийг өглөө. 

Эх сурвалжуудын мэдээлж буйгаар Н.Төгсцогтыг саатуулалгүй гадуур шалгаж байгаа аж



Сонин хачин
achiever raymond:
Indeed herbs really work wonders. I want to share a testimony of how Dr Odoma pure herbal medicine saved me from shame and disgrace. my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having a weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis is just too small. A full grown man like me has a 4 inches penis and to worsen it I don't last 5 minutes in bed. This was a serious problem in my marriage and a thing of shame that I almost lost my marriage. I was always thinking and searching for a solution until I saw a testimony of how Dr Odoma herbal medicine has been helping people regarding their sex life. I was eager to give him a try and I contacted him immediately. I explained my situation to him and he sent me the herbal medicine that I took as prescribed. To my surprise it worked perfectly and increased the size of my penis and now I can proudly say I satisfy my wife and make her happy. Thank you so much sir for saving my marriage. need cure for PENIS ENLARGEMENT, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, HERPES DIABETES, HEPATITIS, HIV, PROSTATE CANCER, WARTS, ARTHRITIS, FIBROID, INFIDELITY, contact Email: drodomasolutionhome20@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2348100649947.visit his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Drodomaherbalmedicine/
achiever raymond:
Indeed herbs really work wonders. I want to share a testimony of how Dr Odoma pure herbal medicine saved me from shame and disgrace. my penis was a big problem to me as the size was really so embarrassing,and i was also having a weak erection problem. I can't make love to my wife and my penis is just too small. A full grown man like me has a 4 inches penis and to worsen it I don't last 5 minutes in bed. This was a serious problem in my marriage and a thing of shame that I almost lost my marriage. I was always thinking and searching for a solution until I saw a testimony of how Dr Odoma herbal medicine has been helping people regarding their sex life. I was eager to give him a try and I contacted him immediately. I explained my situation to him and he sent me the herbal medicine that I took as prescribed. To my surprise it worked perfectly and increased the size of my penis and now I can proudly say I satisfy my wife and make her happy. Thank you so much sir for saving my marriage. need cure for PENIS ENLARGEMENT, ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION, HERPES DIABETES, HEPATITIS, HIV, PROSTATE CANCER, WARTS, ARTHRITIS, FIBROID, INFIDELITY, contact Email: drodomasolutionhome20@gmail.com or WhatsApp +2348100649947.visit his facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Drodomaherbalmedicine/
Tatah hudal dan avahhergeleh ni yah ve huvi hunii hereg biz chadah ni garaal chadahgui ni dampuuraal uheh gudmand garah 2- n neg l biz oruulj irj zardag damjuuldag elbegdorj bold metiin shulaachdiin zamiig ni haa henees avsniig ni togtoo hereglegch haan gedeg bizdee