М.Оюунчимэг: Л.Энх-Амгалан сайд та өөрөө хоцрогдсон байна

УИХ-ын чуулганы нэгдсэн хуралдаанаар Дээд боловсролын тухай хуулийн төслийн анхны хэлэлцүүлгийг хийх шатанд гишүүд асуулт тавьж, хариулт авлаа.



Энэ үеэр УИХ-ын гишүүн М.Оюунчимэг "МУ-ын хөдөлмөрийн зах зээл унтамхай байдалтай байна. Мэргэжил сургалт үйлдвэрлэлийн төв буюу ажиллах хүчин бэлтгэх баазыг заавал ЕБС-ийн сургалтын системтэйгээ ижил явуулах шаардлага байна уу? Мэргэжлийн сургалтын боловсрол эзэмшсэн төгсөгчдийг хөдөлмөрийн зах зээлтэй холбож, ажиллах хүчнийг сайжруулах хэрэгтэй" гэсэн асуултад БШУ-ны сайд Л.Энх-Амгалан "Ажиллах боловсон хүчин гэдэг хуучинсаг ойлголтоос салмаар байна. Мэргэжлийн боловсрол дээд боловсрол ажиллах боловсон хүчин бэлтгэхгүй. Аль ч улс орон ажиллах боловсон гэж ярихаа больсон. Мэдлэг, ур чадвар, төлөвшил бүхий бүтээлч иргэдийг бэлтгэх л мэргэжлийн боловсролын тогтолцоо байх ёстой. Өнөөдөр альфа үеийн хүүхдүүдийг 12 жилийн хөтөлбөрөөр сургах нь өөрөө тогтолцооны шинж чанартай шинэчлэл. 9 дүгээр анги төгсгөөд хөдөлмөрийн зах зээл рүү нийлүүлэх нь хуучирсан тогтолцоо" гэсэн юм. 


Үүний дараа УИХ-ын М.Оюунчимэг "Л.Энх-Амгалан гишүүн та өөрөө хоцрогдсон байна. Боловсон хүчин хүний нөөц, бүтээлч иргэн гэдэг ялгааг бид маш сайн мэднэ. Боловсон хүчин гэдэг үг хэлснээс болж үгэн дээр тоглолт хийгээд байх юм" гэлээ.




Сонин хачин
Anthony Kamari:
WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY TO LEARN HOW TO RETRIEVE A STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH. How much longer will you have to wait for the recovery of your stolen funds? How many recovery specialists have you contacted in an attempt to get your stolen money back? As a victim of a fraud, I also lost $456k in cryptocurrency to a phony bitcoin broker. Regaining what I had lost wasn’t simple, but it was possible, particularly after reading a review about WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY.I received assistance when I contacted them at Email: ( WizardJamesRecovery@qualityservice.com ) which is their official email address. Other contact information are: WhatsApp:(‪+1 234) 389-4661
Anthony Kamari:
WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY TO LEARN HOW TO RETRIEVE A STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH. How much longer will you have to wait for the recovery of your stolen funds? How many recovery specialists have you contacted in an attempt to get your stolen money back? As a victim of a fraud, I also lost $456k in cryptocurrency to a phony bitcoin broker. Regaining what I had lost wasn’t simple, but it was possible, particularly after reading a review about WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY.I received assistance when I contacted them at Email: ( WizardJamesRecovery@qualityservice.com ) which is their official email address. Other contact information are: WhatsApp:(‪+1 234) 389-4661
Anthony Kamari:
WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY TO LEARN HOW TO RETRIEVE A STOLEN BTC,USDT,OR ETH. How much longer will you have to wait for the recovery of your stolen funds? How many recovery specialists have you contacted in an attempt to get your stolen money back? As a victim of a fraud, I also lost $456k in cryptocurrency to a phony bitcoin broker. Regaining what I had lost wasn’t simple, but it was possible, particularly after reading a review about WIZARD JAMES RECOVERY.I received assistance when I contacted them at Email: ( WizardJamesRecovery@qualityservice.com ) which is their official email address. Other contact information are: WhatsApp:(‪+1 234) 389-4661
Since I lost a little over $170,000 in a crypto scam last month, I was honestly still very skeptical about the possibility of getting a stolen Bitcoin back into the victim's wallet. I then had to contact a hacking and recovery agency, and after finding Redeemed Hacker Pro, Hacking & Digital Assets Recovery Agent through a Google search with a ton of positive testimonials, I was persuaded to seek out their assistance. Now that my doubts have been allayed, they professionally recovered my money and secured my wallet. Here are their direct contacts: website: redeemedhackerpro.com or redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Jacob Milner:
HOW TO RECOVER STOLEN BITCOINS/CRYPTOCURRENCY- I recommend you to -THE HACK ANGELS My name is Jacob Milner. I strongly recommend THE HACK ANGELS for all bitcoin and digital asset recovery needs. I was one of their clients, and with their assistance, I was able to reclaim my funds. When it comes to cryptocurrency recovery, they truly are the best. I had invested my money in a cryptocurrency trading platform that crashed earlier this month. When I came across THE HACK ANGELS, they were able to reclaim my funds from the crashed platform. Web: https://thehackangels.com Mail Box; support@thehackangels. com Whats Ap; +1 520) - 200, 23 20
Janice Oscar:
RECOVER LOST OR SCAMMED CRYPTO/BTC/USDT – CONTACT ROOTKIT HACKER I lost about $105,050 to crypto investment scam just recently. The company posed as an investment company that could deliver a certain percentage in returns if you deposit your Bitcoin with them. At first, it seemed real, it worked twice. I didn't realize they set up a bot (robot) that will completely shutdown your account after you have decided to invest high. So I couldn't access my crypto. Contacted the customer service and they told me about (unending) website upgrade. Long story cut shut!! it was a scam and I was able to do a research and saw a comment about similar experience, so I was told to Rootkit Hacker. Well, These guys amazed me. Lol!! they literally tracked the scammer, tracked the crypto and refunded me 100%. Scammer is about to be taken to court. If you have been scammed of your Crypto i.e. Bitcoin, Ethereum etc., kindly contact (rootkithacker1@outlook.com)
Joseph Grace:
I've heard alot of stories and read many article of people loosing their hard earned money to scammers online who at first pretend to be sweet and friendly in the beginning but with the intention of sending you out on to the streets. I never hoped nor wished to be here telling you all my ordeal in the hands of these scammers and how the whole situation turned out to be. I lost a total of $540,000k to a binary investment scheme on instagram, my whole life flashed before my eyes when my account on the said platform restricted my access and declined my withdrawal request after investing my life savings with the hope of making more intrest in return. Little did I know that I was being drained by a scam company who knew their craft, before could figured it all out it was already late and my hard earned money was long gone with series of commission and excuses from the said company to restrict my withdrawal access to my investment, I was looking at my life take big landslide towards doom!. I had to seek help from friends and family as the police was unable to help me out. I didn't know where to start from, until i came in contact with jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com who came through for me and helped me recover all what i lost. I know a lot of you out there have also in one way or two fallen victim to these fake online investors, i'm here to tell you that you can be saved too just like I was, ALL YOU LOST CAN BE RECOVERED just as mine was recovered by jamesmckaywizard and his team. They swept me off my feet with their expertise and the state of the art recovery technique, I got back all the funds i lost it was all directed into my account in a week, GOD BLESS MR JAMES AND HIS TEAM... I’ll be glad to leave their contact details below for anyone whom is also in need to recover their lost funds, they're also very good in any kind of hacking programs their service is top notch;jamesmckaywizard@gmail.com or via what'sapp // +919863293475
Karen Karen:
For the past 3 months now I have been looking for good and genuine spell to bring back my ex lover back and also help me to win lottery. and it has been a hard time for me finding the right place until I get in contact with Dr Padman who gave me powerful prayer and assured me that it will take two days before the spell will be effective, truly 2 days later, my Ex Lover called me, i answered the call, he started apologizing, we are together Now. Thank you for making her know that we are meeting to be together and also making my dreams come true. And he did a spell that made me win the lottery. Please if anyone needs a LOTTERY SPELL. Contact him now for your own help, All thanks goes to DR. Padman for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is his contact info. Contact: Name: DR PADMAN Email: padmanlovespell@yahoo.com Whatsapp: +1(201)-(834)-(6111)
Mongolian International University gex MIA cyrgyyliin oyutan nertei xristiin tarxi ygaagch gadnixan bagshlx erxiin gerchilgeegui, ethic, xvmvvjliin dogoldoltoi mongoliig vzen jadsan ajillax erxiin zobshoorolgui mortloo angli xelnii bagsh nereer Mongoliin Bolobsroliin salbariig gutaaj mongol xvvxdvvded sorog noloo vzvvlj buig xolbogdox gazaruud ni anxaaraldaa abna uu? Mongol bagsh nariinxaa tatbariig xeden saraar ni toldoggui. Tatbariin bolon xodolmoriin xyyli zorchidog asuudaltai surguuli!!!!
Энэ шулга авгай ёстой төрөл арилжаад даам гарчэа.
Zailsan teneg avgai, uls turuus burmusun arilaasai..songogchid n xaranxui orkuud bx yum daa
Хөөрхий минь балай ч гэсэн боловсролын эргүү сайдын үнэнийг олоод хэлчихсэн байна ш дээ. Хүмүүс гишүүн болоод балайрчихдаг юм уу, балар юмнууд гишүүн болчихдог юм уу?
Энэ балай авгайг төрөөс зайлуулах ёстой. Цэргийнхэн тэтгэвэрт гараад ажил хийж байна гэж эргүүтсэн. 45 настай гарсан хүмүүс ажиллаж л таарна. Энэ эргүү тавь гарсан кондуктор эгчийгээ ЧД т хэлтсийн дарга болгосон. Тэнэг авгайг зайлуулах ёстой.
Тийм шүү.
Энхамгалан гэж нэг гай байнаа
Жинхэнэ авилгач авгай. Гэр хорооллын жорлон шинэчлэх төслөөс хэдэн тэрбумаар нь шааж байгаа шүү. Бохир мөнгө мөрөө сайн үлдээдэг жамтай. Шунаг авгайн мууүйл илрэх байлгүйдээ
Энх-Амгалан сайд харин ч их ажил хийж байгаа хүн шүү. Оюунчимэг та юу гийгүүлсэн юм мэдэхгүй юм байна. Та Энх-Амгалангийн хаана чхүрэхгүй таны багтаамж тийм
Тийм шүү.
Хэрүүл хийх гээд шаасан
Оюунаа эгээ одоо болтол. Танд ямар ч мэдлэг ойлголт алга.
Bradley Nicholas:
As a Retired combat Marine, I never believed I could easily fall prey to internet fraudsters after many years serving in the National Guard. I want to tell the world the wonders of what the [LORD-HACKER ULTIMATE]Hacking/Recovery agency is doing, it's as important as what US troops are doing on the battlefield. You are waging warfare against these criminals and terrorists on the internet. I thought after investing with a fake Bitcoin investment website, I would lose all my money, but you saved the day by ensuring my funds were recouped from that fake crypto investment platform. Thank you for defending and protecting the most vulnerable of our society against these online predators. Keep up the good work, His contact Below. Mail: L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, YouTube Channel: lordhacker.ultimate & Website: lordhackerultimate.wixsite.com/lordhackerultimate.
Зөв л ярьж байнашдээ оркудаа
Боов ккк
Зөв л ярьж байнашдээ оркудаа
Maggie Hudson:
Hello everyone here, this is the story of my life. I always knew my husband was up to something but I had no proof of this. He receives strange calls, he protects his phone jealously and would never drop it for any reason whatsoever, to the point of him taking it to the shower. This made me go online in search of ways I could remotely monitor his conversations, I tried a number of phone monitoring apps but each one of them failed to access his phone. I could not even physically access his phone, which made matters worse. I had already given up and resigned to fate when my younger sister introduced me to a hacker named REFUND POLICY they both went to the same college to help me read my husband’s messages and social medias just in case something was off, in less than a day REFUND POLICY helped me gain access to my husband’s phone remotely, I found out my husband has another wife with 2 children in another state. Last year has been the roughest of my life but now I feel relieved and working on me and my kids while the divorce papers are still in court. I just wanted to share this just incase anyone is in a situation where they don’t trust their partners anymore. There is no harm in wanting to know what your second half is into, it saves you from wasting more years of your life with people who do not deserve you. I will leave the hacker’s contacts below just incase anyone needs his services and assistance. Email: refundpolicy82 @ gmail dot com Whats app: +1 626 770 5974.
Энэ авгай өөрөө хол хоцрогджээ!!
тэнэг авгаи
Lago Elena:
It is highly disconcerting to lose your Bitcoin (BTC) to a phony online investment platform, transfer your cryptocurrency to the incorrect wallet, or forget the password to your wallet. Thankfully, I read an article on ULTIMATE HACKER JERRY after becoming a victim of crypto theft. His evaluations were incredibly positive and trustworthy. Ultimate Hacker Jerry is a certified expert in digital currencies that help victims of fraud to recoup their losses. In under 24 working hours, Ultimate Hacker Jerry miraculously recovered my wallet and all of my Bitcoins. To everyone who needs his service, Ultimate Hacker Jerry is a professional and highly recommended. Contacting him is possible at: Email (Ultimatehackerjerry@seznam.cz) Website (ultimatehackerjerry.com) whatsapp (+152-0282-7151) Remain Blessed and be updated, don’t make the same mistake as I did.
Энэ Оюунчимэг гэж тэнэг хүүхэн болиод өгөөрэй, 24 оны сонгууль дөхөхөөр гэнэт олон юм яриад эхлэх чинь юу вэ?! Өөрөө үндэсний телевизэд ажиллаж байсан сэтгүүлч байж заримдаа үе2 огцом солиорох юмаа