Малаа хариулж явсан иргэн аянганд цохиулж нас баржээ

Дундговь аймаг, Дэрэн сумын“Саруул” гэдэг газар /сумын төвөөс баруун хойд зүгт 18 км-т/ 2020.08.06-ны өдрийн 08:10 цагт мотоциклоор мал хариулж явсан иргэн Э /41 настай, эрэгтэй/ аянганд цохиулж нас барж, иргэн Б /38 настай, эмэгтэй/ биеийн байдал нь хүнд сумын хүн эмнэлэгт хэвтэн эмчлүүлж байна. 


Мөн Завхан аймаг, Дөрвөлжин сумын Таван толгой багийн “Сар хайрхан” гэдэг газар /сумын төвөөс баруун хойд зүгт 165 км-т/ 08.05-ны өдрийн 16:00 цагт малчин Г-гийн 22 хонь, Д-гийн 46 ямаа аянганд цохиулж хорогджээ. 

Сонин хачин
Micheline Peric:
URGENT AND EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP YOU GET BACK YOUR EX LOVER VERY FAST WHATSAPP +2348124644470 My Name is Micheline Peric from Ireland, I want to say thank you to PRIEST WISDOM for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can't hide happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things PRIEST WISDOM has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 24hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful, PRIEST WISDOM you can always email him here: Supernaturalspell0@gmail.com or WHATSAPP / cell phone +2348124644470 or view his blog his web page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ or go to his page https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11
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