Ханжоу-2022: Монголын баг 4х400 метрийн буухиа гүйлтэд өрсөлдлөө

Ханжоу-2022 Азийн наадмын хөнгөн атлетикийн тэмцээн үргэлжилж байна. Өнөөдөр 4х400 метрийн буухиа гүйлтийн өрсөлдөөн эхэллээ.


Монгол Улсаас Э. Төртогтох, О.Зулхүү, Н.Мөнхбаяр, Н. Жандос нарын тамирчид энэ төрөлд өрсөлдөж 3.26.94  амжилтаар энэ удаагийн Азийн наадмыг өндөрлүүлж байна.

Сонин хачин
It is very possible to retrieve your stolen funds from these scamming trading platforms. I never believed in any fund recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I lost about $200,000 to a fake MT5 trading platform a few months back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning 5% profit daily trading on the platform. This period was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and get my feeding routine done. I tried every means to recover my funds from them all to no avail, until a friend who passed through the same ordeal recommended [coinsrecoveryworldwide] , a recovery agent. I contacted him through his email at(coinsrecoveryworldwide@gmail.com] and he was able to completely recover my stolen fund with ease using his tech prowess. I strongly recommend him to anyone going through a similaR case