Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх БНӨСУ-д үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн энхийг сахиулагчдад одон, медаль гардууллаа
Сөүл хотоос Улаанбаатарчуудад ус соруулах 100 машин өгнө

БНСУ-ын Сөүл хотын Улаанбаатарчуудад  ус соруулах помптой, гал унтраах 100 ширхэг машин өгөхөөр болжээ. 



Энэ талаар нийслэлийн Засаг дарга Д.Сумъяабазар "Өнөөдөр Сөүл хотын ИТХ-ын дарга Ким Хён Ги тэргүүтэй төлөөлөгчидтэй уулзлаа. Өнгөрсөн 5-р сард Сөүл хотод айлчилсан ажлын үр дүн гарч эхэллээ.  Тодруулбал, Сөүл хотын зүгээс бидэнд ус соруулах помптой, гал унтраах 100 ширхэг машин өгөхөөр боллоо.

Түүнчлэн нийслэлийн хүний нөөцийг чадавхижуулах чиглэлд хамтарч ажиллахаар болж, Сөүл хотод нарийн мэргэжлийн албан хаагчдыг үе шаттай богино хугацааны сургалтад хамруулах боломж нээгдэж байна" гэжээ.


Сонин хачин
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
This is a very happy day of my life with the help PRIEST WISDOM has rendered to me by helping me to get my divorce husband back with his magic power and love spell. I was married for 8 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me, and was seeking a divorce but when I came across the PRIEST WISDOM page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ on the internet on how he helps so many people to get their ex back and help fixing relationships and make people happy in their relationships. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before and He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. I am really happy with my marriage, what a great celebration. Thank you to PRIEST WISDOM who helped me a lot, if you need his help you can contact him through email Supernaturalspell0@gmail.com Website https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11 call or WhatsApp +2348124644470
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Үнэхээр ирвэл хотын дарга л сэтгэл амар унтах байх ер нь авилгалаар хот төлөвлөлт, барилга байшингийн зөвшөөрөл, газрын наймаа явж ирсний хар гай шүү дээ...
Одоо гадныхан сэтгэл гаргаж гараа сунгаж байна. Манайхан яадаг билээ. Нэг бол мөнгө нэхэж мангартана эс бол өгсөн юмыг нь цааш нь наймаалцана бүр болохгүй бол хулгайлж сураггүй болгоно. Хаана байгаагаа дохиолдог л юм өгөөсөй билээ.
ирээд яахавдээ өнөө хэд хувааж аваад гол усны аюул болоход мэдэхгүй энэ хаачисан юм бол гээд байж байх биз
Ичиж үхмээр хүүрнүүд шүү.
Нийслэлийн төсөв яасан юм бэ?:
Нийслэлийн төсөв хаашаа алга болчихсон юм бэ? Аудитын Газар нь шалгалт оруулж дүгнэлтээ гарган илт хууль бус байж болзошгүй сэжигтэй нөхцөл байдал илрэх юм бол зохих хуулийн байгууллагад нь дүгнэлтээ хүргүүлж ажиллахыг нийтээрээ шаардмаар юм
1921 оноос хойш сурсан ганц юм,амьтнаас гуйлга гуйж сурсан.
Sumtai pisdaa unshaarai.:
Sumyabazar hulgaich hanaj tsadahgui golog mini injeneriin shiidel heregtei baina chi zailaach ur huuhed chin chamaas ichij uhedgui yum bhdaa.mal mahan biy bolson bohontsor yer ni yamar luivraar hotiin darga bolchihvoo chi uheesei uhehdee buur uhliin muugaar tarchilj zovj uheesei.
Ter odor l hurdan boloosoi. Alah ch bagadna ur udam undseer ni alchihmaar bn.
Ус сорруулах бол шийдэл биш. Харин үёрийн шуудуугаа бодлоготойгоор зөв хийх бас зам барихдаа УС зайлуулах шийдлээ хийх буюу энэ мөнгиыг Хувьдаа завшдагаа болих ХЭРЭГТЭЙ!!!
Ичээд байна аа..ккк. Соруулаад яахав дээ. Инженерийн байгууламжаа хийгээч! Ядаж машин гуйх биш мөнгө гуйгаад энийгээ хийчээч. Асуудлыг нэг мөр шийдэхгүй бол гал унтрааж, нүд хуураад яах юм??
Ичээч бидэнд боломж дүүрэн байсан гаднаас юм гуйхаа болиоч
hariutsalga tootsono:
pizdakuudiig neg udur alaj ehelnee bugdiin alnaa
Sumtai pisdaa unshaarai.:
Sumyabazar hulgaich hanaj tsadahgui golog mini injeneriin shiidel heregtei baina chi zailaach ur huuhed chin chamaas ichij uhedgui yum bhdaa.mal mahan biy bolson bohontsor yer ni yamar luivraar hotiin darga bolchihvoo chi uheesei uhehdee buur uhliin muugaar tarchilj zovj uheesei.
Ter odor l hurdan boloosoi. Alah ch bagadna ur udam undseer ni alchihmaar bn.
Uhej bsan guilagchinguud
Uruvdultei umaa pizdaa
Micheline Peric:
URGENT AND EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP YOU GET BACK YOUR EX LOVER VERY FAST WHATSAPP +2348124644470 My Name is Micheline Peric from Ireland, I want to say thank you to PRIEST WISDOM for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can't hide happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things PRIEST WISDOM has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 24hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful, PRIEST WISDOM you can always email him here: Supernaturalspell0@gmail.com or WHATSAPP / cell phone +2348124644470 or view his blog his web page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ or go to his page https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11
Хэзээ болтол гуйлгачин улс болж явах вэ? Айлчлал нэрээр очоод гуйлга гуйхаасаа ичээч. Гадаадын нэг улсад миний ажилладаг монголтой холбоотой байгууллагад манай нэг сайд лекц уншихаар ирэв ээ. Нуль брэндээр гангарсан эрхэм сайд маань лекцээ уншаад гуйлгаа гуйгаад буцахад хүмүүс жиг жуг гээд л үлдэж билээ. Үүн шиг цүнх баригчдаа дагуулчихсан, том том юм ярьсан, иргэдээ та нар минь гээд эвийлсэн хэдэн нөхдүүд ирж хүний улсын татвар төлөгчдийн мөнгөөр тансаглаж аваад л буцдаг. Адаглаад айлчлалын зардлаа 100 хувь өөрсдөө гаргаж бай л даа. Тэгээд заавал зовлон тоочиж гуйлга гуйхыг нь яана. Ичээд байх юм аа.
МАН-н хэдэн мэргэжлийн цавьчаач хулгайч нарт аманд нь шар тос хийж өгөх нь байншт, тэгээд ч Улаанбаатарт ус соруулдаг машин биш хог шороо сорж цэвэрлэдэг машинууд хэдэн мянга дахин илүү хэрэгтэй байна
за манай Монголд тусламж хэрэггүй шүү. Хэдэн хулгайч дарга нар маань зараад идчихдэг юм.
Зам шүүрддэг машин чинь яасан бэ? Замаар дүүрэн шороо, машин явахаар тоос босоод байх. Нөгөө үнэтэй авсан, ус цацаад, шороог нь шүүрдээд, угаадаг машин чинь хаана байна вэ? Сүүлд авсан жижгүүд чинь хаанаа байна, явж үзэгдэх л юм алга. Ус сордог биш, зам шүүрдэж, тоос шороо сордог машин хэрэгтэй байна.
Ard tumnii ter tatvariin munge.gadnaas irsen handiv bugd bhgui.Gadnii uls oron handivlaad l bdg.heeriin emneleg shig alga bolood bh bii.Arai denduu idej hanadgui turiin tusheed uomaa
Nomingiin shagdarsureniin naiz Nymdavaagiinhan er emgui hogiin hulgaich guuramch shorongiin horigdol psda