Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх БНӨСУ-д үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн энхийг сахиулагчдад одон, медаль гардууллаа
Үерийн бүсэд байгаа айлуудад мэдэгдэл хүргүүлэхэд УРААД ШИДЧИХДЭГ

Өнөөдрийн байдлаар Улаанбаатар хотод 3000 орчим айл үерийн эрсдэлтэй нөхцөлд амьдарч байгаа гэсэн судалгаа гарчээ.



Энэ талаар нийслэлийн Газар зохион байгуулалтын албаны Кадастрын хэлтсийн дарга Б.Загдсамбар "Нийслэлийн газар зохион байгуулалтын албанаас өнөөдөр үерт өртөж болзошгүй бүх газрын судалгааг гаргаад байна. Нийслэлийн ИТХ-аар батлуулсан гамшгийн үеэр түр суурьшуулах болон нүүлгэн шилжүүлэх 1000 орчим га газрын баталсан байдаг. Үүнээс 427 га газрыг эцсийн байдлаар зурагласан. Нийт 2397 айлыг нүүлгэн шилжүүлэх судалгаа гарсан байна. 


Үерт өртөж болзошгүй гуу жалгуудаар шороо асгаж буусан газруудын нарийвчилсан зураглалыг гаргаж байна. 20 жилийн өмнө байсан жалга байгаа эсэхийг нарийвлан зураглаж байна. Одоогийн байдлаар 2900 нэгж талбарыг нарийвчлан зурсан. 2900 нэгж талбарт 5900 удаагийн мэдэгдэл хүргэсэн. Энд 3900 мэдэгдлийг иргэдэд хүргээд байна. Алба хаагчид иргэдэд мэдээллийг тараахад шууд урдаас "Миний үхэх чамд хамаагүй. Эрхээ эдэлж байна" гээд ураад шиддэг. Хүндрэл бэрхшээл их бий" гэлээ. 

Сонин хачин
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Төр даатгалд нь даатгаад хаях хэрэгтэйшдээ үнэхээр үерийн далан дотор амьдрах гэж байгаа бол өөрсдөө ч гэсэн хариуцлагатай бх ёстой
uens ny bair ger ogood baidag yum xoxino ursval ursag
orkuud xotyn soeol deg juramd suraxad 50 jil xeregtei
orkuud zailaac
umxii orkuud zailaachee bid ta naraas bolj tugjee utaand baikh estoi yumyy? irsen gazar ruugaa yav orkuudaa
Том шанаатай авгай нар их бна машин барьж яваа нь үнэхээр инээдтэй хөгийн дүрэм журмаа ч мэдэхгүй Би Бт гэсэн ОРК ууд
Хөдөөний оркуудыг буцаагаач ээ хот нийслэл маань оркуудаар дүүрлээ ямар ч срёлгүй бүдүүлэг том ганаатай авгай хүүхнүүдээр дүүрсэн хөдаө болчлоо
huduunuus orj irehiig horigloh gazar uguhgyi bx-g horoonii darga ariin haalgaar gazar nutgarhaj ugdugiig boliulah heregtei.
ashley walters:
My name is ashley walters !!! i am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you all, The best thing that has ever happened in my life, is how I won the Powerball lottery. I do believe that someday i will win the Powerball lottery. Finally my dreams came through when i contacted Dr. OSE and tell him i needed the lottery winning special numbers cause i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never knew that winning was so easy with the help of Dr. OSE, until the day i meant the spell caster testimony online, which a lot of people has talked about that he is very powerful and has great powers in casting lottery spell, so i decided to give it a try. I emailed Dr. OSE and he did a spell and gave me the winning lottery special numbers 62, and co-incidentally I have be playing this same number for the past 23years without any winning, But believe me when I play the special number 62 this time and the draws were out i was the mega winner because the special 62 matched all five white-ball numbers as well as the Powerball, in the April 4 drawing to win the $70 million jackpot prize...… Dr. OSE, truly you are the best, with Dr. OSE you can will millions of money through lottery. i am a living testimony and so very happy i meant him, and i will forever be grateful to him...… you can Email him for your own winning special lottery numbers now oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com OR WHATSAPP him +2348136482342 www.facebook.com/Dr-odion-spell-temple-110513923938220
Байраар шагнаад байхаар хэн ч нүүхгүй шүү дээ.
Төр төмөр нүүрээ харуулах хэрэгтэй. Үер болохоор авраарай гээд л , ,, төр өчнөөн зардал чирэгдэл гаргаж авардаг шүү дээ.
Ер нь эрсдэл гарсан тохиолдолд өөрсдөө хариуцна гэсэн гарын үсэг зуруулж авбал таарна. Аминдаа хайргүй хүмүүсийг үерийн ус эсэн мэнд ирсэн газарт нь хүргээрэй гээд залбирч суухаас яахав дээ.
Одоо хөдөөнөөс хотод ирж суурьшихыг хориглох хэрэгтэй наад хот чинь ачааллаа дийлэхээ байлаа.
Анхааруулж байхад тоохгүй байвал тэнд орхи орхи. Амь нь үнэгүй хүмүүс юм байлгүй. Хүний төлөө амьдарч байгаа биш.