Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх БНӨСУ-д үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн энхийг сахиулагчдад одон, медаль гардууллаа
Өнөөдөр гурван дүүрэгт цахилгаан хязгаарлана

Өнөөдөр буюу 08 дугаар сарын 07-ны өдөр дараах байршлуудад цахилгаан хязгаарлаж, засвар үйлчилгээ хийнэ. 


Сонин хачин
Amelia Rose:
When I lost my money to online scammers through crypto investment, I never thought I could ever retrieve back my money again but I decided to give it a try after my Inlaw introduced me to this incredible honest hacker that she had worked with to retrieve back her bitcoin when she mistakenly sent it to a wrong wallet address when trying to make payment to someone, so when I brought up the issue of me loosing money to an online investment in a dinner at my place she was curious to hear how it happened and it turned out she still had the hackers contact which she provided me with later on, I reached out the next morning and provided the transaction hash, wallet address of the scammers and the website, I was surprised after receiving the first half of my money within just 24 hours and the rest is being traced back to the second wallet address I made payment to, IntelligenceCyberWizard and his team brought back my hope of living back to life because I never thought of what I could have done if I wasn’t able to recover this money back, this includes my retirement funds, I’m so grateful to the team for their effort and good service, if you're encountering same issue kindly reach out to them on the provided details bellow: Email: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com WhatsApp/text +1 219 424 7566 Instagram: Intelligence_cyber_wizard
Jessica Roselyn:
CRYPTOCURRENCY SCAM / FRAUD TRACING & RECOVERY I never imagined falling victim to such a scheme, losing everything I had on this platform that my friends had cautioned me to avoid. They managed to steal all my life savings, totaling ($ 108,000) in Bitcoin. I was left in disbelief that Bitcoin could ever be retrieved. However, thanks to a generous group of Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company, they provided exceptional services and claimed the skills to handle any hacking. For anyone in desperate need of a reliable and effective expert in cryptocurrency recovery, I recommend reaching out to Lisa Morgan Price Recovery Company through Email : lisamorgampriceecovercompany0@cyberservices.com Telegram : lisapricerecoverycompany Website : https://lisamorgampriceeco6.wixsite.com/recoveryhacker What'sApp : +44-7931-743720
Henry Noah:
Lost Your Bitcoin? Here Is How You Can Recover It What To Do When You Fall Victim To A Crypto Scam. Contact info: E-mail : A1wizardhackes@cyberservices.com whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760 website : a1wizardhackes.com Getting back stolen crypto can be an uphill battle, but there are Experts like A1 WIZARD HACKES that Can help you recover your lost Bitcoin. To ensure a positive outcome on recovery of lost Assets,A1 WIZARD HACKES starts the cryptocurrency scam recovery process by examining the narrative of events and the timeline of the scheme. Then, he later analyzes the available data & traces your virtual assets. Get in touch withA1 WIZARD HACKES to recover your lost Bitcoin. Top 5 ways to recover your stolen or lost crypto || Hire a hacker to recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency || What to do if you lost Bitcoin? || I Lost $17000 in Crypto. Here's How I got back my Crypto || Getting Back Lost, Hacked or Stolen Crypto || Can You Recover Lost Crypto ? || How to Reclaim Lost Cryptocurrency in 2024 ? || How to recover lost or stolen crypto assets || Can lost crypto be traced back to me? E-mail : A1wizardhackes@cyberservices.com whatsssApp : +1 678 439 9760 Telegram : @ A1wizardhackes website : a1wizardhackes.com
Hunter Kennedy:
Living in Geneva, I was fortunate to be part of a vibrant investment community. It was during a seminar, filled with discussions on market trends and emerging technologies, that I first encountered the world of cryptocurrency. A fellow investor, passionate about digital assets, introduced me to Ripple (XRP). Intrigued by its potential, I decided to invest 6,000 CHF. The cryptocurrency market can be volatile, but my investment quickly grew beyond my expectations. Within a few months, the value of my Ripple holdings soared to an impressive 150,000 CHF. I was elated, but my excitement was soon overshadowed by a conflict with the investor who had introduced me to this opportunity. Our discussions on market strategies turned into a heated debate, highlighting the diverging opinions we held. In a moment of frustration, he took an unexpected step—locking me out of my email account, which was my primary means of managing my investments and communications with various exchanges. This move left me feeling vulnerable and anxious. The possibility of losing access to my substantial profits was terrifying. With my passwords intact, I quickly began to seek help. I reached out to my network of fellow investors, hoping for guidance on how to regain access to my email and secure my investments. It was during this outreach that I heard about Lee Ultimate Hacker, a service known for its expertise in online account recovery. Their reputation for prompt and effective assistance gave me hope. After contacting LEE ULTIMATE HACKER @ AOL . COM telegram: LEEULTIMATE wh@tsapp +1 7 1 5 314 - 9 2 4 8, I was impressed by their quick response. The team understood the urgency of my situation and immediately began the recovery process. They walked me through the necessary steps, ensuring I felt supported throughout the entire ordeal. Their professionalism and expertise reassured me that my investments were in capable hands. Within a short time, I regained access to my email account.
Munt Zatarain:
I almost thought I was going to lose everything I invested with this online broker who scammed me through BTC investment but thank God for Recovery Nerds who help me recover everything, I would have been in a mess! but Recovery Nerds help return my invested 710,000 USD to my BTC wallet!!! Thank you Recovery Nerds Email: mailus @ recoverynerds . com, WhatsApp No: +1 (514) 312-2803 & Website: recoverynerds . com
Sharon Garner:
I fell victim to a fraudulent trading platform, losing $9500 in USDT to Beam Future Trading. After struggling to recover my funds, I sought help from Crypto Pandemic Hunter on my friend's recommendation. The team demonstrated excellent customer service, expertise in crypto, and cutting-edge technology. By analyzing the blockchain and collaborating with exchanges, they tracked down and successfully recovered most of my lost funds, providing me with immense relief. I highly recommend Crypto Pandemic Hunter for their swift and effective recovery services. Contact them at cryptopandemichunter@consultant.com
Cate Watts:
#1. LOST RECOVERY MASTERS Lost Recovery Masters is a renowned Bitcoin recovery expert with over a decade of experience in the field. They have a background in cybersecurity and have obtained licenses and certifications that have equipped them with the necessary skills to recover lost investments. Their expertise has been recognized by numerous individuals and organizations, with many success stories and testimonials to their name. For instance, they were able to recover $800,000 worth of Bitcoin for a client who had lost her investment to a fake investment scheme. Their success stories have made many individuals seek their help to recover their lost investments.The Team is able to track the movement of most cryptocurrencies and assets, If the cryptocurrency has been moved, they are able to follow it and recover it. Email: ( Support@lostrecoverymasters.com) Learn More: ( https://lostrecoverymasters.com)
Cate Watts:
#1. LOST RECOVERY MASTERS Lost Recovery Masters is a renowned Bitcoin recovery expert with over a decade of experience in the field. They have a background in cybersecurity and have obtained licenses and certifications that have equipped them with the necessary skills to recover lost investments. Their expertise has been recognized by numerous individuals and organizations, with many success stories and testimonials to their name. For instance, they were able to recover $800,000 worth of Bitcoin for a client who had lost her investment to a fake investment scheme. Their success stories have made many individuals seek their help to recover their lost investments.The Team is able to track the movement of most cryptocurrencies and assets, If the cryptocurrency has been moved, they are able to follow it and recover it. Email: ( Support@lostrecoverymasters.com) Learn More: ( https://lostrecoverymasters.com)
Intelligence Cyber Wizard Team:
Hire A Hacker❓Contact INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD✅ The really amazing deal about contacting INTELLIGENCECYBERWIZARD is that the Hack done by us can’t get traced to you, as every Hacking job we do is strongly protected by our Firewall. It’s like saying if anyone tries to trace the Hack, it will lead them to us and we block whatever actions they are doing. We have been Invisible to Authorities for almost a decade now and if you google INTELLIGENCECYBERWIZARD, not really about us comes out, you can only see posts and comments made by us or about us. Another Amazing thing to your benefits from Hiring our Hackers is that you get a Legit and the best Hacking service, As we provide you with Professional Hackers who have their Hacking Areas of specialization.We perform every Hack, using special Hacking tools we get from the dark web. Some list of Hacking Services we provide are-: Phone Hacking & Cloning Computer Hacking Emails & Social Media Account Hacking Recovering Deleted Files Tracking & Finding People Hunting Down Scammers Hack detecting Stealing/Copying Files & Documents From Restricted Networks and Servers Credit Score Manipulation Deleting Criminal Records Bitcoin Multiplication Binary Option Money Recovery Scam Money Recovery And lots more...... SPECIAL HACKING SERVICES-: we also specialize in Scam Bounty, as we chase down SCAMMERS and help individuals RECOVER Money stolen from the online SCAMMERS. Please be watchful about this SCAMMERS. They post ENTICING TESTIMONIES and its quite Convincing. Whatever Hacking service you require, just give us an Email to the Emails Address provided below. intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com reportbitcoinscams@mail.com Instagram: @intelligence_cyber_wizard
BitHelp Crypto Assets Recovery Service Team:
***Hire BitHelp Crypto Assets Recovery Service, e-mail Us, there are a few scenarios in which we can be able to assist you in recovery your stolen Bitcoin. WE INVESTIGATE CRYPTO SCAMS AND RECOVER STOLEN FUNDS. RECENT BIGGEST CRYPTO SCAMS AND RECOVERY$610 million was hacked from the Chinese platform in August 2021. Customers got their crypto back after identifying the scammers.$534 million was stolen from the Japanese exchange in 2018. Customers were eventually reimbursed.$450 million Bitcoin was hacked in 2014. Customers are not reimbursed as scammers are not identified yet.$210 million were stolen by North Korean hackers in 2020. Customers got their crypto back after identifying the scammer.If you lost your crypto, the only way to get your crypto back is to identify the scammers. We know exactly how to do it.WALLET TRANSACTION ANALYSIS: Trace your crypto and identify the exchange wallet address with digital forensic investigation. Once we know who is holding your crypto, we go after that criminal.RECOVER YOUR CRYPTO: We will hunt down the scammers and force them to retrieve your crypto. If anyone can recover your crypto, that is us, we are (USA) registered Business, Featured in Big Media: We have been featured in the world’s leading print and electronic media, including BBC, CNN, Business Insider, Fox News, CBS etc for our innovative ideas and excellence in the cybercrime and cybersecurity industries, We know how to recover stolen cryptocurrencies and successfully recovered millions of dollars. At BITHELP CRYPTO ASSETS RECOVERY SERVICE Consulting we do not initiate calls without request. We only call clients that reached out to us via email.Contact usEmail: bithelpcryptorecovery@gmail.comWhatsAp/text +1 (219)-424-7566Zangi Messenger 1036577840. If you don't have zangi, get it via google play store
BITCOIN RECOVERY IS VERY MUCH REAL, AM A LIVING TESTIMONY!!!! I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $753,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about intelligence cyber wizard , an agent who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted him regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 48 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earned money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later. Email Address: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com Or reportbitcoinscams@mail.com
Evelyn Amelia:
BITCOIN RECOVERY IS VERY MUCH REAL, AM A LIVING TESTIMONY!!!! I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $753,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about intelligence cyber wizard , an agent who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted him regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 48 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earned money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later. Email Address: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com Or reportbitcoinscams@mail.com
Evelyn Amelia:
BITCOIN RECOVERY IS VERY MUCH REAL, AM A LIVING TESTIMONY!!!! I was actually fooled and scammed over ( $753,000 ) by someone I trusted with my funds through a transaction we did and I feel so disappointed and hurt knowing that someone can steal from you without remorse after trusting them, so I started searching for help legally to recover my stolen funds and came across a lot of Testimonials about intelligence cyber wizard , an agent who helps in recovery lost funds, which I can tell has helped so many people who had contacted him regarding such issues and without a questionable doubt their funds was returned back to their wallet in a very short space of time, it took the expert 48 hours to help me recover my funds and the best part of it all was that the scammers was actually located and arrested by local authorities in his region which was very relieving. Hope this helps as many people who have lost their hard earned money to scammers out of trust, you can reach him through the link below for help to recover your scammed funds and thank me later. Email Address: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com Or reportbitcoinscams@mail.com
Arthur Roman:
Crypto Pandemic Hunter saved me after I lost 68,500 USDT in a Platinum Futures Trading scam. I was able to make some money at first, but now it requires more deposits to be withdrawn. After discovering Crypto Pandemic Hunter online, I reached out for help. They swiftly developed a plan to recover my stolen funds and kept me informed throughout the process. By dissecting complex transactions, they successfully restored my lost money, providing both financial and emotional relief. For anyone in need of help after a cybercrime, Crypto Pandemic Hunter proved to be reliable and effective. Contact them at cryptopandemichunter @ consultant . com.
Ben Taylor:
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro, or by email at redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com. They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Bancy Randy:
Haben Sie schon einmal von Redeemed Hacker Pro gehört? Sie sind die Besten aller Zeiten, wenn es um Dienste zur Wiederherstellung gestohlener binärer Optionen/Daten, Hacking und Fehlerbehebung geht. Sie sind bekannt als Redeemed Hacker Pro, eine Agentur für Hacking und die Wiederherstellung gestohlener digitaler Vermögenswerte/Kryptowährungen, die ein Team von Hackern aufbaut, die mit Leidenschaft getrieben sind, um sicherzustellen, dass sie alles geben, was Sie von ihnen verlangen, um Internetbetrüger zu jagen, die ihnen über ihre Hotline gemeldet werden, E-Mail: redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com oder Websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro. Sie bieten Ihnen den besten Hacking-Dienst?
Arthur Roman:
Crypto Pandemic Hunter saved me after I lost 68,500 USDT in a Platinum Futures Trading scam. I was able to make some money at first, but now it requires more deposits to be withdrawn. After discovering Crypto Pandemic Hunter online, I reached out for help. They swiftly developed a plan to recover my stolen funds and kept me informed throughout the process. By dissecting complex transactions, they successfully restored my lost money, providing both financial and emotional relief. For anyone in need of help after a cybercrime, Crypto Pandemic Hunter proved to be reliable and effective. Contact them at cryptopandemichunter @ consultant . com.
Bancy Randy:
Haben Sie schon einmal von Redeemed Hacker Pro gehört? Sie sind die Besten aller Zeiten, wenn es um Dienste zur Wiederherstellung gestohlener binärer Optionen/Daten, Hacking und Fehlerbehebung geht. Sie sind bekannt als Redeemed Hacker Pro, eine Agentur für Hacking und die Wiederherstellung gestohlener digitaler Vermögenswerte/Kryptowährungen, die ein Team von Hackern aufbaut, die mit Leidenschaft getrieben sind, um sicherzustellen, dass sie alles geben, was Sie von ihnen verlangen, um Internetbetrüger zu jagen, die ihnen über ihre Hotline gemeldet werden, E-Mail: redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com oder Websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro. Sie bieten Ihnen den besten Hacking-Dienst?
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Zheng Jingyuan:
I'm excited to join this community and share my recent experience with cryptocurrency. About two months ago, I invested a total of $90,000 in a platform called Crypto FX under their premium plan, which promised a 30% return. However, when it was time to withdraw my profits, the company started demanding unexpected commissions that were never part of the initial agreement. I managed to raise $19,800 (22% of the total investment) of what they asked for, but they continued to demand more. Eventually, they blocked my account and stopped responding to my calls and emails. Feeling lost, I reached out to a friend, who consulted her husband, and they provided me with the contact of a blockchain recovery expert. This expert not only helped me recover all my lost funds but also ensured I received my potential profit. If anyone here is dealing with a similar situation, whether it's a scam or a compromised wallet, I highly recommend their services. I’ll be leaving their contact information below. 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙨𝙖𝙥𝙥: +15043023464 Emeil: Assetrecovernet@gmail.com
Arvid Eriksson:
I am most grateful to Spyhost Cyber Security Company and I am writing a review for you with a grateful heart. I was a novice with crypto-currency but I heard it was so profitable and I was willing to give it a try. I was taken advantage of during my investment into cryptocurrency as I fell into the wrong hands and 580,000 USD was stolen from me. I almost gave up as I was told it was not traceable neither is it possible to recover scammed funds. Through my readings, I saw an article about a recovery company know as SPYHOST and they didn’t disappoint . I contacted them on their email, Spyhost@cyberdude .com. It was a struggle but they didn’t give up on my case. Thankfully, helped me recover about 80% of my lost funds within a week and I was so happy. So, catch them up for your lost funds through their email or through their WhatsApp No: +1 (228) 313-3152
Beng Johnsen:
RECOVER STOLEN CRYPTO HIRE A HACK Us Locators Asset Recovery I want to extend my thanks to 🇺🇸US LOCATORS ASSET RECOVERY for their exceptional services. Lost cryptocurrency recovery, Losing access to cryptocurrency assets can be a distressing experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. Professional Us Locators Asset Recovery Hack cryptocurrency recovery services are here to assist you in recovery of your stolen bitcoin. I'm Beng Johnsen, I work and live here at Austin, Texas, am a trader, have a family of 5 in number, four kids and myself and my wife, living together at our residential place, a big woe fell on us 2020 during the pandemic, we tried our best but we end up closing all our business and we entered into a great lose, due to this lose we decided to invest the little left on a crypto platform since it's a remote work and we ended up investing our funds with a broker scam who made away with our funds until a friend of mine a victim of a fraudulent scheme introduced me to 🇺🇸US LOCATORS ASSET RECOVERY. If you're a victim of a cryptocurrency scheme or other fraudulent scheme, please file a report to US LOCATORS ASSET RECOVERY. Email: reportbitcoinscams@mail.com Zangi: Messenger 1017286241
Edwin Hiking:
NEED A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN HIRE IS GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone. My name is Edwin. I want to publicly thank GEO COORDINATES HACKER for retrieving my stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud. I am lucky today to have recovered my bitcoins, I had put in $784,000 worth of bitcoins. I found myself in a state of despair after falling victim. A friend of mine told me about GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Their expert team specializes in recovering lost assets from scammers, and within just 72 hours, they were able to successfully retrieve my funds. My trust in GEO COORDINATES HACKER and humanity has been restored by their professionalism, knowledge, and capacity to retrieve my money. They are unquestionably a reliable option for getting misplaced bitcoin back. I am pleased because of how fast they acted in recovering my stolen bitcoins. They are really so professional and reliable, when it comes to bitcoins recovery, quick contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Contact them on their Email Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me ) Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )
Edwin Hiking:
NEED A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN HIRE IS GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone. My name is Edwin. I want to publicly thank GEO COORDINATES HACKER for retrieving my stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud. I am lucky today to have recovered my bitcoins, I had put in $784,000 worth of bitcoins. I found myself in a state of despair after falling victim. A friend of mine told me about GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Their expert team specializes in recovering lost assets from scammers, and within just 72 hours, they were able to successfully retrieve my funds. My trust in GEO COORDINATES HACKER and humanity has been restored by their professionalism, knowledge, and capacity to retrieve my money. They are unquestionably a reliable option for getting misplaced bitcoin back. I am pleased because of how fast they acted in recovering my stolen bitcoins. They are really so professional and reliable, when it comes to bitcoins recovery, quick contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Contact them on their Email Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me ) Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )
Edwin Hiking:
NEED A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN HIRE IS GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone. My name is Edwin. I want to publicly thank GEO COORDINATES HACKER for retrieving my stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud. I am lucky today to have recovered my bitcoins, I had put in $784,000 worth of bitcoins. I found myself in a state of despair after falling victim. A friend of mine told me about GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Their expert team specializes in recovering lost assets from scammers, and within just 72 hours, they were able to successfully retrieve my funds. My trust in GEO COORDINATES HACKER and humanity has been restored by their professionalism, knowledge, and capacity to retrieve my money. They are unquestionably a reliable option for getting misplaced bitcoin back. I am pleased because of how fast they acted in recovering my stolen bitcoins. They are really so professional and reliable, when it comes to bitcoins recovery, quick contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Contact them on their Email Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me ) Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )
Edwin Hiking:
NEED A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN HIRE IS GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone. My name is Edwin. I want to publicly thank GEO COORDINATES HACKER for retrieving my stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud. I am lucky today to have recovered my bitcoins, I had put in $784,000 worth of bitcoins. I found myself in a state of despair after falling victim. A friend of mine told me about GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Their expert team specializes in recovering lost assets from scammers, and within just 72 hours, they were able to successfully retrieve my funds. My trust in GEO COORDINATES HACKER and humanity has been restored by their professionalism, knowledge, and capacity to retrieve my money. They are unquestionably a reliable option for getting misplaced bitcoin back. I am pleased because of how fast they acted in recovering my stolen bitcoins. They are really so professional and reliable, when it comes to bitcoins recovery, quick contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Contact them on their Email Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me ) Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )
Edwin Hiking:
NEED A HACKER TO RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN HIRE IS GEO COORDINATES RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT IN LOST CRYPTO RECOVERY Hello everyone. My name is Edwin. I want to publicly thank GEO COORDINATES HACKER for retrieving my stolen bitcoins. I never believed in bitcoin recovery because I was made to understand that it is not possible. I fell victim to an internet investment fraud. I am lucky today to have recovered my bitcoins, I had put in $784,000 worth of bitcoins. I found myself in a state of despair after falling victim. A friend of mine told me about GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Their expert team specializes in recovering lost assets from scammers, and within just 72 hours, they were able to successfully retrieve my funds. My trust in GEO COORDINATES HACKER and humanity has been restored by their professionalism, knowledge, and capacity to retrieve my money. They are unquestionably a reliable option for getting misplaced bitcoin back. I am pleased because of how fast they acted in recovering my stolen bitcoins. They are really so professional and reliable, when it comes to bitcoins recovery, quick contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Contact them on their Email Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me ) Email: ( geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com ) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack WhatsApp ( +1 (512) 550 1646 )
Sarah Kante:
***Hire Expert Certified Intelligence Cyber Wizard for any job? I was persuaded to buy cryptocurrency by someone I met online. They have access to a group of analysts who provide reliable predictions for the rise and fall of BTC. I initially attempted with a modest amount just to be sure, and I was successful in withdrawing money twice. This demonstrated a growth in the signals I was receiving. I decided to include corporate funds as well. When I tried to contact the individual at that point, he had banned all of his connections, which is when everything started to go wrong. I tried everything until a friend of mine introduced me to a hacker INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD, a company that helps individuals and businesses recover their stolen BTC assets. They truly helped me to recover everything at an affordable fee and I was exultantly proud and joyful; in high spirits. If you are in the same mess, To learn more about them kindly reach out to them with the details below: E-mail: intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com WhatsApp: + 2 (1653) 126 882 Zangi Messenger: 1036-577-840
meredith wechter:
**PLEASE READ!! THIS IS MY STORY ABOUT HOW I GOT SCAMMED BY A FAKE CRYPTOCURRENCY INVESTMENT PLATFORM THAT STOLE $200K OF MY RETIREMENT SAVINGS you really have to be careful who you let into your financial life. When I met this “dream guy”, I thought my life was finally coming around. He was a Jamaican guy, 7 years younger than me. We had a whole plan mapped out. Investments were our first goal. Soon, I was completely lost in him. And we started our investment journey with a shared account. Of course, I had a bigger share since I already had a successful business. Everything was fine until I started getting calls from my financial manager. Large amounts of money were being withdrawn and then he got worried. Of course, “my guy” dismissed it, saying the funds were used in new investments. $430K was the final blow. This also happened at a time when we were going through a rough patch in our relationship. This was the last blow I could take and so I tried to contact him. I could not get through to him. In two months, no word yet. I contacted the authorities but they dismissed me based on my spouse's disagreements. I sort of help relentlessly. Until a friend introduced me to intelligencecyberwizardgmail.com. I can't thank them enough. Thank you for refunding my money back. Consider giving them a try if you are in such a mess, contact them via email WhatsApp/tex or visit their Instagram page. Instagram:@intelligence_cyber_wizard Email:intelligencecyberwizard@gmail.com WhatsApp/text: + 2 (1653) 126 882
Hello everyone, I wish to share my testimonies with the general public about Dr OZ for helping me to win the LOTTO MAX, i have been playing all types of lottery for the past 9years now. the only big money i have ever win was $3000 ever since things became worse to enduring because i couldn’t been able to win again, i was not happy i need help to win the lottery, until the day i was reading a newspaper online which so many people has talked good things about best lottery cast Dr OZ who can change your life into riches. So I contacted him and he cast the spell and gave me the hot figures. I played the LOTTO MAX DRAW Behold when I went to check and to my greatest surprise my name came out as one of the winners. I won $60 Millions Dr OZ, your spell made it wonderful to win the lottery. I can’t believe it. Thank you so much sir for dedicating your time to cast the Lottery spell for me. I am eternally grateful for the lottery spell winning Dr OZ did for me. I’m now out of debts and experiencing the most amazing good life of the lottery after I won a huge amount of money. I am more excited now than I ever have been in my life. In case you also need him to help you win, you can contact: Email: (doctoroz2020@gmail.com) or droziengbespellhome01@gmail.com Web Site https://droziengbespellhom.wixsite.com/dr-oziengbe-spell-ho
BEYOND AVERAGE CRYPTO RECOVERY;THE SYNACK HACKERS EXPERIENCE Not a while back, I found myself in a major pickle when I realized I had lost all my precious (12 BTC) and $190K worth of Ethereum. I was devastated and had no clue what to do. I had worked my body off to achieve all that because I wanted to build up schools in Africa and do some water projects there to help people have a better life. But then, I stumbled upon Synack Hackers and let me tell you, they were a game-changer. Their team of experts not only understood the complexity of my situation but also showed genuine care and dedication in helping me out. They were like superheroes in the crypto world! From the get-go, the Synack Hackers team was extremely responsive and attentive. They patiently listened to my concerns and assured me that they would do everything in their power to recover my lost BTC. And boy, did they deliver! Their technical expertise and cutting-edge tools were truly impressive. They left no stone unturned in their quest to track down and restore my lost funds. Throughout the entire process, they kept me in the loop, providing regular updates and answering all my questions. Thanks to Synack Hackers tireless efforts, I am thrilled to say that I successfully recovered my lost BTC and Ethereum. It’s like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I can’t thank them enough for their professionalism, expertise, and genuine care. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I highly recommend reaching out to Synack Hackers.. They are the real deal when it comes to recovering lost cryptocurrency. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. Yes! Projects commencing soon in Africa. Get in touch with them via information listed: Email; Synackhackers@proton.me
HOW TO GET YOUR BITCOIN OR CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORED WITH THE HELP OF OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, I am incredibly grateful to OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS for his assistance in getting my bitcoin back. I had lost all of my life savings money after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. Upon searching the internet, THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was discovered. They have a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered bitcoin back. I'm happy that I gave them a try. The staff at THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was incredibly informed and supportive. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation process and kept me informed at every stage of their journey. with the help of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS I was able to get my entire bitcoin back. to anyone who has also lost their bitcoin, you can also reach out to them through Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
HOW TO GET YOUR BITCOIN OR CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORED WITH THE HELP OF OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, I am incredibly grateful to OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS for his assistance in getting my bitcoin back. I had lost all of my life savings money after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. Upon searching the internet, THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was discovered. They have a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered bitcoin back. I'm happy that I gave them a try. The staff at THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was incredibly informed and supportive. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation process and kept me informed at every stage of their journey. with the help of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS I was able to get my entire bitcoin back. to anyone who has also lost their bitcoin, you can also reach out to them through Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
HOW TO GET YOUR BITCOIN OR CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORED WITH THE HELP OF OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, I am incredibly grateful to OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS for his assistance in getting my bitcoin back. I had lost all of my life savings money after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. Upon searching the internet, THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was discovered. They have a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered bitcoin back. I'm happy that I gave them a try. The staff at THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was incredibly informed and supportive. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation process and kept me informed at every stage of their journey. with the help of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS I was able to get my entire bitcoin back. to anyone who has also lost their bitcoin, you can also reach out to them through Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
HOW TO GET YOUR BITCOIN OR CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORED WITH THE HELP OF OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, I am incredibly grateful to OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS for his assistance in getting my bitcoin back. I had lost all of my life savings money after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. Upon searching the internet, THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was discovered. They have a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered bitcoin back. I'm happy that I gave them a try. The staff at THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was incredibly informed and supportive. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation process and kept me informed at every stage of their journey. with the help of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS I was able to get my entire bitcoin back. to anyone who has also lost their bitcoin, you can also reach out to them through Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
HOW TO GET YOUR BITCOIN OR CRYPTOCURRENCY RESTORED WITH THE HELP OF OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, I am incredibly grateful to OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS for his assistance in getting my bitcoin back. I had lost all of my life savings money after falling victim to a fraudulent investment business. I was inconsolable and unsure of what to do. Upon searching the internet, THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was discovered. They have a stellar reputation and have assisted numerous clients in getting their pilfered bitcoin back. I'm happy that I gave them a try. The staff at THE OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS was incredibly informed and supportive. They gave me a thorough explanation of the recuperation process and kept me informed at every stage of their journey. with the help of OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS I was able to get my entire bitcoin back. to anyone who has also lost their bitcoin, you can also reach out to them through Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE PERMANENTLY LOST? DO YOU KNOW? OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is the only company that can help you get your money back from online scams like Bitcoin and Crypto Scam. You must get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS if you have lost any cryptocurrency. Who can assist you in recovering your bitcoin wallet or helping you locate missing bitcoins if you are a victim? Listen to my story; I have suffered greatly as a result of cryptocurrency frauds. It brings back painful memories of losing $478K in a fictitious online cryptocurrency investment scheme after making a sizable investment. I found a recovery specialist online and called OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. Who aided me in getting my money back,and I felt happy. I'll suggest that you get in touch with GAIUS as a victim. If you need help, you may reach him at Telegram..... http://t.me/optimistichackergaius WhatsApp at +44..7..7..3..5..2..8..0..4..7..3 email… optimistichackergaius @ seznam.cz
Derek Thomas:
CONSULT A LICENSE PATECH RECOVERY HACKER FOR CRYPTO RECOVERY I would like to express my gratitude to PATECH RECOVERY HACKER for helping me through a difficult period. I was duped into making an online investment in which I was promised a 25% weekly profit, but it turned out to be a scam. I was frustrated and unhappy , before coming across of an article about patech recovery about how they have helped other in recovery lost bitocin/funds. But thanks to patech recovery coming to my aid and helped me recovery my lost bitcoin. If you are victim of such contact patech recovery on… Whatsapp: +19137300531 Telegram:patechrecovery333 Email: patechrecovery@proton.me Website: https://dev-patechrecovery.pantheonsite.io/
HOW DO I RECOVER MONEY LOST ON CRYPTO - CONTACT iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY TODAY iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY has unmatched specialist experience when it comes to recovering Lost or Stolen BTC/USDT. This Hacker is skilled at negotiating the complexity of blockchain technology since they have developed their abilities in tracking down and retrieving cryptocurrency funds. iFORCE HACKER RECOVERY can find and collect lost valuables with greater accuracy and efficiency than standard recovery methods because it uses sophisticated tools and processes. For those wishing to retrieve their Lost BTC/USDT, this guarantees a safe and dependable procedure free from the possibility of additional losses or difficulties. Contact them immediately Website; iforcehackersrecovery.c o m WhatApp; 1, 240 ( 803, 37 06. Contact Mail: contact@iforcehackersrecovery . c om
Leon Hader:
I Have At Last Located A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost Bitcoin Troubles contact Lost Recovery Masters I wanted to take a moment to express my utmost gratitude for the incredible service LOST RECOVERY MASTERS provided in helping me recover my lost cryptocurrency. When I first found myself in this unfortunate situation, I was feeling helpless and unsure of what to do. That's when my friend recommended Lost Recovery Masters to me, and I couldn't be more thankful for their suggestion. From the moment I reached out to Lost Recovery Masters, their team displayed professionalism, expertise, and genuine dedication to helping me. They patiently walked me through the entire recovery process, ensuring that I understood each step along the way. Their knowledge and guidance gave me the confidence that my lost cryptocurrency could be retrieved. I was truly amazed by the level of skill and precision Lost Recovery Masters exhibited throughout the process. Thank you once again for your exceptional service. Email: (Recoverymasters@email.cz) Learn More: ( https://lostrecoverymasters.wixsite.com/recoverbitcoin2024 )
Leon Hader:
I Have At Last Located A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost Bitcoin Troubles contact Lost Recovery Masters I wanted to take a moment to express my utmost gratitude for the incredible service LOST RECOVERY MASTERS provided in helping me recover my lost cryptocurrency. When I first found myself in this unfortunate situation, I was feeling helpless and unsure of what to do. That's when my friend recommended Lost Recovery Masters to me, and I couldn't be more thankful for their suggestion. From the moment I reached out to Lost Recovery Masters, their team displayed professionalism, expertise, and genuine dedication to helping me. They patiently walked me through the entire recovery process, ensuring that I understood each step along the way. Their knowledge and guidance gave me the confidence that my lost cryptocurrency could be retrieved. I was truly amazed by the level of skill and precision Lost Recovery Masters exhibited throughout the process. Thank you once again for your exceptional service. Email: (Recoverymasters@email.cz) Learn More: ( https://lostrecoverymasters.wixsite.com/recoverbitcoin2024 )
Leon Hader:
I Have At Last Located A Trustworthy Cyber Expert Who Deals With Lost Bitcoin Troubles contact Lost Recovery Masters I wanted to take a moment to express my utmost gratitude for the incredible service LOST RECOVERY MASTERS provided in helping me recover my lost cryptocurrency. When I first found myself in this unfortunate situation, I was feeling helpless and unsure of what to do. That's when my friend recommended Lost Recovery Masters to me, and I couldn't be more thankful for their suggestion. From the moment I reached out to Lost Recovery Masters, their team displayed professionalism, expertise, and genuine dedication to helping me. They patiently walked me through the entire recovery process, ensuring that I understood each step along the way. Their knowledge and guidance gave me the confidence that my lost cryptocurrency could be retrieved. I was truly amazed by the level of skill and precision Lost Recovery Masters exhibited throughout the process. Thank you once again for your exceptional service. Email: (Recoverymasters@email.cz) Learn More: ( https://lostrecoverymasters.wixsite.com/recoverbitcoin2024 )
Paul Van Blom:
WHAT TO DO AFTER GETTING SCAMMED ONLINE GO TO LOST RECOVERY MASTERS I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into, only to find out it was a hoax and sham. I invested over $375,000 USD estimated to be 5.6 BTC. I was unable to make any withdrawals out of my initial deposits let alone the gains they claimed I had earned even after meeting the bogus fees and charges they were always requested. Fortunately, I got to know about the Lost Recovery Masters, a recovery cryptocurrency expert that is well known and has the best tech skills in Bitcoin recovery programmers through research and positive reviews l saw on Google. After a couple of hours I consulted with them through their website https://lostrecoverymasters.com Within the next 24hours all my funds were recovered including my profits. Thank you Lost Recovery Masters. For assistance Consult them via: Email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com Whatsapp (+44(7537)-105921)
Gregg Mendz:
HOW I RECOVERED MY LOST CRYPTOS FROM FAKE BROKER ONLINE. I had lost over $152,000 by someone I met online on a fake investment project. After the loss, I had a long research on how to recover the lost funds. I came across a lot of Testimonies about, GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I contacted them providing the necessary information and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen money. To anyone looking for a Recovery firm to Recover your lost Crypto. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I hope this helps as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. By using Email: (geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me) Email; (geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Gregg Mendz:
HOW I RECOVERED MY LOST CRYPTOS FROM FAKE BROKER ONLINE. I had lost over $152,000 by someone I met online on a fake investment project. After the loss, I had a long research on how to recover the lost funds. I came across a lot of Testimonies about, GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I contacted them providing the necessary information and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen money. To anyone looking for a Recovery firm to Recover your lost Crypto. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I hope this helps as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. By using Email: (geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me) Email; (geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Gregg Mendz:
HOW I RECOVERED MY LOST CRYPTOS FROM FAKE BROKER ONLINE. I had lost over $152,000 by someone I met online on a fake investment project. After the loss, I had a long research on how to recover the lost funds. I came across a lot of Testimonies about, GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I contacted them providing the necessary information and it took the experts about 27hours to locate and help recover my stolen money. To anyone looking for a Recovery firm to Recover your lost Crypto. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I hope this helps as many out there who are victims and have lost to these fake online investment scammers. You can contact GEO COORDINATES HACKER. By using Email: (geovcoordinateshacker@proton.me) Email; (geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com) Website; https://geovcoordinateshac.wixsite.com/geo-coordinates-hack
Lorenzo Paes:
How To Recover Your Lost Bitcoin With Captain WebGenesis. Have you by any means invested your hard earned funds or Bitcoin with an Investment Scheme and later you find out you have been duped, and you would wish to track down and recover your funds. Captain WebGenesis is a Cyber skilled Expert with special skills to help Scam victims recover their lost Bitcoin. The Expert contains all computer programs required to complete Recoveries from the start till you recover all your funds. Captain WebGenesis also specializes with Credit repair, have all the issues dealing with your poor credit score dealt with. Get in touch with Captain WebGenesis through the Email below; Add; Captainwebgenesis@ hackermail. com Website Link; Www.captainwebgenesis.com
Lorenzo Paes:
How To Recover Your Lost Bitcoin With Captain WebGenesis. Have you by any means invested your hard earned funds or Bitcoin with an Investment Scheme and later you find out you have been duped, and you would wish to track down and recover your funds. Captain WebGenesis is a Cyber skilled Expert with special skills to help Scam victims recover their lost Bitcoin. The Expert contains all computer programs required to complete Recoveries from the start till you recover all your funds. Captain WebGenesis also specializes with Credit repair, have all the issues dealing with your poor credit score dealt with. Get in touch with Captain WebGenesis through the Email below; Add; Captainwebgenesis@ hackermail. com Website Link; Www.captainwebgenesis.com
Yusuf Omer:
Contact Captain WebGenesis to Recover Lost, Scammed or Stolen Bitcoin with Ease. CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS helped me in reclaiming my Btc and usdt worth $67,000, that I had lost to an authorized cryptocurrency trading scam website plan. After several trials with several hackers with no success, I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, who worked tirelessly on my case and retrieved all of my funds within days.. I shall be eternally grateful to CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I urge anyone who has fallen victim to these online fraudsters to get in touch with the expert through his email (captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com). Visit: Captainwebgenesis.com
Yusuf Omer:
Contact Captain WebGenesis to Recover Lost, Scammed or Stolen Bitcoin with Ease. CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS helped me in reclaiming my Btc and usdt worth $67,000, that I had lost to an authorized cryptocurrency trading scam website plan. After several trials with several hackers with no success, I came across CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS, who worked tirelessly on my case and retrieved all of my funds within days.. I shall be eternally grateful to CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. I urge anyone who has fallen victim to these online fraudsters to get in touch with the expert through his email (captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com). Visit: Captainwebgenesis.com
Charlotte Wilson:
If you've fallen victim to a cryptocurrency scam, you might think that once your funds are transferred from your wallet to a decentralized exchange or private wallet, they're lost forever. However, there are companies and professional services that specialize in helping individuals recover their stolen crypto. If you've been scammed by a fraudulent investment company, contact Wizard Asset Recovery. Their experienced team of cyber experts will carefully review the details of your case and analyze the circumstances surrounding the scam. This enables them to take swift action on your recovery case, ultimately providing a positive result and helping you get your funds back. If you've been scammed by Bitcoin, it's essential to take action. Hire the best funds recovery experts to recover your lost funds and get your money back from binary options and forex scams. Wizard Asset Recovery is here to assist you. Contact them via email at Wizardassetrecovery@gmx.us or via WhatsApp at +13157561228.
Zoey Lys:
Recover Lost or Stolen Crypto 2024 / Through Captain WebGenesis. Visite;Www.captainwebgenesis.com Hello everyone, I wish to share this information with the public . It’s advisable not to trade with an individual or a bitcoin investment platform if you are not sure about their reputation. A few months back, I was seeking an investment opportunity but I ended up being scammed of $187,000 in Bitcoins. I was depressed and disappointed in myself until an article popped up about Captain WebGenesis, a cryptocurrency recovery company that helps scam victims get back their lost or stolen Crypto, and to my surprise, they were able to recover almost all the funds I had lost. I’m sharing this out of excitement as I know there are many people out there who must have had an encounter with these swindlers. You can reach them on (Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com)
Rachel Wilmott:
I am Rachel Wilmott from Bakersfield, CA, United States. I need to share this here so you won’t lose your money cheaply to scam brokers. I invested about $509,278.10 on a binary option platform, then I decided to withdraw after several weeks. The withdrawal wasn’t successful, so I tried to contact the platform via email and phone number. I didn't get a response from them when everything started looking weird. Some weeks later I got a letter from them insisting I should invest more money if I want to withdraw my money which I rejected and I never heard from them again. That was when I knew I had been scammed. I was really devastated at that moment and felt so bad that my hard earned money was gone. After some months I came across a lot of testimonies on the web how Rustik Cyber Hack Service WhatsApp:+ had helped many people recover their stolen scammed funds or duped money on bitcoin or any other form of digital currency. I contacted them and they promised to help me get my money back and asked me for some info about the scammer which I provided. The result was amazing. I recovered all my stolen money in 73hours. I was so happy as I never believed I could get my money back. Thanks Rustik Cyber Hack Service E mail: RUSTIKCYBERHACKSERVICE@GMAIL.COM and you restore my happiness as I could see my funds in my wallet. They are capable of recovering any crypto coins Bitcoin, Usdt ,Eth, Dogecoin, bank transfer scammed funds with their guidelines and skills. Telegram: http://t.me/rustikcyberhackservice
emily faye:
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according .to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com or Whatsapp +2348120513902
Save Your Marriage & Get Your Ex Lover Back Permanently With Powerful Love Spell caster”contact Dr uwabor he is certainly the best Love spell caster online and his result is 100% guaranteed. I’m Emily Sarah am from Tx,USA. I was searching for help on the internet to get my ex husband back after he divorced me 5 months ago, i came across so many testimonies from different people and they are all talking about this wonderful man called Dr uwabor on how he help them to save their marriage and relationships and i also contact him and explain my problem to him and he did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within 11hours.. I never believe that such things like this can be possible but now i Save Your Marriage & Get Your Ex Lover Back Permanently With Powerful Love Spell caster”contact Dr uwabor he is certainly the best Love spell caster online and his result is 100% guaranteed. I’m Emily Sarah am from Tx,USA. I was searching for help on the internet to get my ex husband back after he divorced me 5 months ago, i came across so many testimonies from different people and they are all talking about this wonderful man called Dr uwabor on how he help them to save their marriage and relationships and i also contact him and explain my problem to him and he did a nice job by helping me to get my divorced husband back within am a living testimony to it because Dr uwabor actually brought my lover back, If you are having any relationship problems why not contact Dr uwabor for help . Then i promise you that after 12 hours you will have reasons to celebrate like me..Here his contact, WhatsApp him: +2348133214726 {or} Email him at: druwabor59@gmail.
eartha ivey:
I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I'm so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I'm Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don't fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I've ever seen, Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr Lucas, he's the best THANK YOU
eartha ivey:
I can never forget May 6, 2019. The year almighty God used Dr.Lucas to change my life for good. I'm so happy sharing this to the world because i have never seen this kind of miracle Dr.Lucas did in my life, I'm Eartha Ivey who won $7,000,000 million dollars on Virginia lottery, i was a nurse in suffolk, on that blessed day i was on a website and i saw a comment from Earl Lape on how Dr.Lucas helped him won the lottery, although i was so scared i took the risk and gave it a try and i took Dr.Lucas Email and messaged him, i told him what i want and he assured me that i was going to win the lottery game, he casted a spell and gave me some numbers after 48hrs with some instructions which i followed correctly and to my greatest surprise i won with the numbers. When i realized i had won a prize. I was all nervous and shaky, so I called my daughter and said to her, I think I won $4 million. I never knew I won $7,000,000. I became $7 million richer overnight with the help of Dr Lucas, please this is real and genuine contact Dr Lucas if you really want to win the lottery there are lots of scams online don't fall for their traps, Dr Lucas is the only real spell caster I've ever seen, Email: Drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp +234 904 794 3567. You will never regret contacting Dr Lucas, he's the best THANK YOU.
Felix Bikel:
Lost Recovery Masters Best Legitimate Hacker Company Hello, Do you need hacking services or are you faced with delays and unnecessary excuses from fake hackers on your job? Worry no more, Lost Recovery Masters will give you the best result without stress. They are professional hackers, what hacking services do you need? They will render it with swift response and no delays, your job is 100% guaranteed.Contact them at: Website https://lostrecoverymasters.com/ Support team Mail Support@lostrecoverymasters.com WhatsApp: +1(204)819-5505. for more information. Their services also includes: *School grade hack, *hack into email accounts, *all social media accounts, *school database to clear or change grades, *Retrieval of lost documents *Erase criminal records *Company records and systems, *Bank accounts, *Iphone Hack * Credit card hacking, *Website crashed hack * Credit score hack, * Monitor your partner's phone, etc.. Recommendation by Felix Bikel
Rachel Frye:
Hello, my name is Rachel Frye and I want to give this testimony in respect of Dr. Odunga who made me win $2 Million Dollars in Lottery by matching the 5 numbers for me. I am happy to be out of finacial debt and be able to help my family in these seasonal period of fun and cheer. I contacted Dr. Odunga through Whats-App (+2348167159012) when I told him to help me win the Mega Millions and He told me that it would be spiritually checked if I will win the Lottery. When he informed me that I will not be able to win the Jackpot but I will win huge amount in the lottery I was not completely sad but had great faith in him. I live in Freeland, Saginaw County, Michigan and I would say it was pretty hard to send him the money for the spell before he gave me the winning numbers to play. He sent me the numbers and I played. The next morning after the drawing, I matched the five white balls in the Aug. 4 drawing to win $1 million: 11-30-45-52-56. Thanks to the Megaplier X2, my prize was multiplied to $2 million. Thank You Dr Odunga for this wonderful experience with you. You too can contact Dr. Odunga at his Whats-App +2348167159012 or Email: odungaspelltemple@gmail.com
earl lape:
Sometimes things might look impossible when you do not try, but when you try you will see it is even more than possible. A lot of people knows how I won the lottery because I didn't kept it to my self alone, I'm Earl Lape, A retired mechanic from Dubuque, I won the $40.03 million ($40, 030,000) Iowa lottery. This happened after a friend of mine ( Richard Wahl ) introduced Dr Lucas to me on how he helped him won the lottery $533 million jackpot, i never doubted because he is my very good friend there's no way he would lie to me, so i gave it a try and contacted Dr Lucas on Email drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com, he responded and i explained to him what i want, he told me what to do and gave me 24hours before giving me the numbers to play, I played and I won. At first i laughed and thought it was April Fools, untill i claimed my price at Iowa Lottery headquarters in Clive. I'm sharing this because i want you seeing this to also win and live a better life, if you really want to win the lottery Dr Lucas is the only way, I promise you he is genuine, try and thank me later.Email:: drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com WhatsApp:: +234 904 794 3567.
earl lape:
Sometimes things might look impossible when you do not try, but when you try you will see it is even more than possible. A lot of people knows how I won the lottery because I didn't kept it to my self alone, I'm Earl Lape, A retired mechanic from Dubuque, I won the $40.03 million ($40, 030,000) Iowa lottery. This happened after a friend of mine ( Richard Wahl ) introduced Dr Lucas to me on how he helped him won the lottery $533 million jackpot, i never doubted because he is my very good friend there's no way he would lie to me, so i gave it a try and contacted Dr Lucas on Email drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com, he responded and i explained to him what i want, he told me what to do and gave me 24hours before giving me the numbers to play, I played and I won. At first i laughed and thought it was April Fools, untill i claimed my price at Iowa Lottery headquarters in Clive. I'm sharing this because i want you seeing this to also win and live a better life, if you really want to win the lottery Dr Lucas is the only way, I promise you he is genuine, try and thank me later.Email:: drlucasspelltemple@gmail.com WhatsApp:: +234 904 794 3567
Baba Kagolo:
+27672740459 Effective Court Case Ritual Spell to Stay Out of Jail In AFRICA, THE USA, ASIA, AND EUROPE. Are you struggling with legal issues? Court cases or legal magic spells have become commonly searched spells due to the wide range of solutions they bring to many people’s lives. There are a huge number of people who are being accused of cases they did not commit this is a kind of situation where you can fail to prove your innocence and pay a heavy price for that. Court cases magic spells are designed to rescue you from search legal accusations in a very convincing way. Court justice spells Powerful court justice spells for those seeking justice through the justice system. My court justice spells will ensure that you get the justice you deserve and win your case. My court justice spells will pre-determine outcomes in court battles and ensure justice for you. Sometimes the justice system left on its own does not serve justice to the victims of crime or unfair practices. PROF OMAR justice spells have been used to get justice in the justice system in cases ranging from domestic violence cases, divorce cases, child custody cases, unfair dismissal court cases, maintenance cases, defamation cases, wrongful arrest & prosecution cases, and rape. My court justice spells help the powerless to get justice against the powerful who manipulate the justice system. If you are a causality of injustice of any form get in touch with.
Baba Kagolo:
Trusted Lost Love Spells Caster in South Africa, Canada, And The Usa +27672740459. If you want a spell that is solely about getting your lover back in your arms, this spell has significant energy just to do that for your love life. This spell has the ability to influence your lover to come home no matter what forces are keeping them away. Using my magical native lost love spells, I can bring back your ex-husband or ex-wife to you if you still love them and want them back. Even if they have remarried my lost love spells will bring them back and they will love you once again. By requesting this spell; the lost love of your life could be back on its way to you now. This spell does not force love between partners. It works when there is genuine love between the two but for some unforeseen circumstance, you are now apart. I cast these advanced spells to bring back lost love where I use supernatural power and forces to reconnect you with one specific person you want back in your existence. Bring back your ex-boyfriend & and make them commit to a relationship with you again using bring back lost love spells that will help ex-lost lovers forgive each other. Losing your loved one sometimes can be inevitable but the process of getting your ex’s love back to you can be extremely very hard. However, that doesn’t mean that you cannot win your ex back any faster. Getting people to understand each other and create an unbreakable bond is the true work of love spells. Love spells are magically cast with the divine power to make the faded love re-germinate with the intensive love power to overcome all the challenges +27672740459, babakagolo@gmail.com.
Baba Kagolo:
VOODOO, DEATH {BLACK MAGIC} SPELLS FROM AFRICA TO THE WORLD +27672740459. +27672740459 DEATH {BLACK} MAGIC SPELLS trusted spell caster ONLINE No.1 REVENGE Spell Caster In USA, Canada, UK, Australia. It is a quick death spell that’s used to cause a heart attack on enemies overnight and they will pass away instantly. Voodoo revenge death spell that works fast to kill any witchcraft enemies – Revenge Curses Spells are used to cause pain to enemies- black magic curse removals, this spell is to remove a curse from your marriage, career, or business and your family. Death Spells That Work Overnight – Death Spell Chant. Death sleep spells to revenge wicked enemies. Voodoo. Death Spells Black Magic Revenge Spells Black magic revenge spell- spells can be cast on your behalf to curse hurt those you want to cause suffering Curses spells, voodoo revenge spells, hexes spells, powerful revenge spells, voodoo revenge & witchcraft revenge spells. Discipline someone with voodoo revenge spells +27672740459. Get rid of enemies & and regain confidence using voodoo revenge spells by contacting my Voodoo Revenge Spells- Cast a voodoo revenge spell on someone who is abusive or has wronged you. Regain the respect of the community & the people whose opinion matters to you with voodoo revenge spells Financial Disaster Revenge Spells Voodoo financial disaster revenge spells to hurt someone financially causing them to lose money, get fired from their job, or experience financial disaster. Revenge Curses Spells. Cause someone to suffer in one way or another using a revenge curse spell Let misery & suffering befall your enemies using revenge spells To Break a Curse use these powerful voodoo spells. Reverse the curse, remove the curse, or, cancel a jinx using powerful black magic voodoo spells. Call Or What’s App At +27672740459, OR E-Mail us at babakagolo@gmail.com.
Baba Kagolo:
REPAIR A TROUBLED RELATIONSHIP SPELL FROM AFRICA TO THE WORLD +27672740459. It’s not too late to Renew love, Commitment, and Faithfulness If you despair over the deteriorating situation in your relationship with a loved one, there is something you can do. The Repair a Troubled Relationship spell is specifically designed for a person in the following situation: +27672740459, babakagolo@gmail.com. Does this sound familiar? • The love of your life seems to be holding back and not demonstrating their love and affection for you. • Somehow, they seem to have lost respect for you and are not treating you with the kindness and love you surely deserve • However, you are certain your partner still loves you. • But you feel something has to be done...perhaps to make them realize the callousness of their words and actions. • And once they begin to act rationally and reasonably, they’ll return to the caring, loving person they once were. If the above words ring true and you are at a point in your relationship that demands immediate action, this very potent spell could provide a positive turning point in your relationship.
Baba Kagolo:
ashley walters:
My name is ashley walters !!! i am very grateful sharing this great testimonies with you all, The best thing that has ever happened in my life, is how i won the Powerball lottery. I do believe that someday i will win the Powerball lottery. Finally my dreams came through when i contacted Dr. OSE and tell him i needed the lottery winning special numbers cause i have come a long way spending money on ticket just to make sure i win. But i never knew that winning was so easy with the help of Dr. OSE, until the day i meant the spell caster testimony online, which a lot of people has talked about that he is very powerful and has great powers in casting lottery spell, so i decided to give it a try. I emailed Dr. OSE and he did a spell and gave me the winning lottery special numbers 62, and co-incidentally I have be playing this same number for the past 23years without any winning, But believe me when I play the special number 62 this time and the draws were out i was the mega winner because the special 62 matched all five white-ball numbers as well as the Powerball, in the April 4 drawing to win the $70 million jackpot prize...… Dr. OSE, truly you are the best, with Dr. OSE you can will millions of money through lottery. i am a living testimony and so very happy i meant him, and i will forever be grateful to him...… you can Email him for your own winning special lottery numbers now oseremenspelltemple@gmail.com OR WHATSAPP him +2348136482342 www.facebook.com/Dr-odion-spell-temple-110513923938220
I basically make about $14,000 to $18,000 a month online. It’s enough to comfortably replace my old jobs income, especially considering I only work about 10-13 hours a week from home. I was amazed how easy it was after I tried it copy below web. . . Detail Are Here—————————————————>>> https://rb.gy/fvvgx