Цэцэрлэгийн цахим бүртгэл эхэллээ

Нийслэлийн цэцэрлэгт хамрагдах хүсэлтийг энэ сарын 01-20-ны өдрийг дуустал "E-MONGOLIA" системээр дамжуулан хүлээн авна.



2023-2024 оны хичээлийн жилд Улаанбаатар хотод цэцэрлэгийн насны 142,798 хүүхэд оршин сууж байна. Үүнээс 2 настай 33,142 хүүхэд байна.

  • Та хүүхдээ цэцэрлэгт хамруулах үйлчилгээг авахдаа дараах зүйлсийг анхаарна уу.

  • Өөрийн болон хүүхдийнхээ хаягийн бүртгэл, мэдээллийг нягталж, баталгаажуулсан байх

  • Таны хүүхэд өнгөрсөн жил цэцэрлэгт хамрагдсан бол тухайн цэцэрлэгтээ “Үргэлжлүүлж явах” эсэх сонголтыг хийх

  • Хэрвээ та шилжилт хөдөлгөөнийг энэ хугацаанд хийх бол хүсэлт хүлээн авах хугацаанд баталгаажуулсан байх

Жич: Хэрвээ та E-Mongolia-р дамжуулан цэцэрлэгийн бүртгэлийн хүсэлт явуулах боломжгүй бол харьяа дүүргийн цэцэрлэг дээр ажиллаж буй ажлын хэсэгт 2023 оны 08 дугаар сарын 07-ны өдрөөс эхлэн хандаж зөвлөгөө, дэмжлэг аваарай.

Сонин хачин
Reuben Sowell:
RECOVERING LOST, HACKED, OR STOLEN CRYPTO - BY CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS Steps To Recover Your Stolen Crypto. I thought it was impossible to recover money and bitcoins that had been stolen from people through fraudulent cryptocurrency investment schemes until I found Captain WebGenesis. I told them I had been the victim of my fair share of cryptocurrency investment scams, having been duped out of $140,000 in less than a month. I gave them all the information they asked for, and to my surprise, Captain WebGenesis was able to recover $104,000 in just 48 hours. I sincerely thank them for their efforts, and I heartily suggest Captain WebGenesis to reclaim all of your money from these scammers. Contact information: Email(Captainwebgenesis@hackermail.com) Whatsapp;+1 701(314)-2729.
Allen Barnes:
GETTING BACK LOST HACKED OR STOLEN CRYPTOCURRENCY // CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc. What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters? You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice. As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives. As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at Email add (Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist. I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back. WhatsApp; +1 701 314 2729. Learn More; www.captainwebgenesis.com
Allen Barnes:
GETTING BACK LOST HACKED OR STOLEN CRYPTOCURRENCY // CAPTAIN WEBGENESIS. Recovery of Lost Crypto; Binary options scam, Investment scams, Loans scam Etc. What happens after losing Bitcoin to Fraudsters? You can choose to accept the loss and give the con artists your hard-earned money, or you can choose the second choice. As a result of your failure to stop the scammers, additional people will become victims, many of whom will most likely be your friends or relatives. As an alternative, you can contact bitcoin recovery professionals like Captain WebGenesis at Email add (Captainwebgenesis @ hackermail. com) who will assist you in tracing and recovering your bitcoin. Captain WebGenesis collaborates with law enforcement to help catch these con artists. You can proceed as long as you know the wallet address of the con artist. I wish you success in getting your bitcoin back. WhatsApp; +1 701 314 2729. Learn More; www.captainwebgenesis.com
Jollen Ryan:
Ladies and gentlemen. I highly recommend the service of GEO COORDINATES HACKER. I have been in a financial mess for the past few months, I’m a single mother with kids to look after. I invested the sum of $357,800 in Bitcoin with a cryptocurrency company I met online. After a couple of weeks, my initial investment had increased from $203,800 to $579,850. This felt so good as the investment grew rapidly in just a few weeks. When it was time to withdraw, my withdrawal request was denied, all effort to make withdrawal declined, then I realized I had been ripped off. I came across Bobby Zion’s post on a blog where he talked about a hacker who helped him out called GEO COORDINATES HACKER. Thanks to GEO COORDINATES HACKER. For helping me out of my financial situation, I never believed because I have spent so much money on different hackers who did nothing other than running away with my money. I gave it a tryer, all I did was to follow the processing and be cooperative and today I am proud sharing the testimony of God-sent GEO COORDINATES HACKER. You can as well reach him through Email: geocoordinateshacker@proton.me. Or geovcoordinateshacker@gmail.com I keep saying thank you Geo Coordinates Hacker.. And God bless you for everything.
Helena Mason:
SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH RECOVERY MASTERS: To anyone who has been a scam victim and you been looking for Means and ways to recover your lost Assets or lost Btc/Crypto Wallets I must recommend Recovery Masters a reputable Crypto recovery company Helping Victims recover their lost Crypto and providing safe ways to protect your wallets from online fraudsters.I must say before my 2.5Btc in my Mycelium wallet was recovered by these expertise I was drowning in depression and had lost all hope in life too.To anyone in shame of losing your Crypto share your issue with the group and have your funds recovered. Reach out Recovery Masters through Email lostrecovemast@mail.com WhatsApp +1(204)819-5505 website https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
Helena Mason:
SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH RECOVERY MASTERS: To anyone who has been a scam victim and you been looking for Means and ways to recover your lost Assets or lost Btc/Crypto Wallets I must recommend Recovery Masters a reputable Crypto recovery company Helping Victims recover their lost Crypto and providing safe ways to protect your wallets from online fraudsters.I must say before my 2.5Btc in my Mycelium wallet was recovered by these expertise I was drowning in depression and had lost all hope in life too.To anyone in shame of losing your Crypto share your issue with the group and have your funds recovered. Reach out Recovery Masters through Email lostrecovemast@mail.com WhatsApp +1(204)819-5505 website https://lostrecoverymasters.com/
Helena Mason:
SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH RECOVERY MASTERS: To anyone who has been a scam victim and you been looking for Means and ways to recover your lost Assets or lost Btc/Crypto Wallets I must recommend Recovery Masters a reputable Crypto recovery company Helping Victims recover their lost Crypto and providing safe ways to protect your wallets from online fraudsters.I must say before my 2.5Btc in my Mycelium wallet was recovered by these expertise I was drowning in depression and had lost all hope in life too.To anyone in shame of losing your Crypto share your issue with the group and have your funds recovered. Reach out Recovery Masters through Email lostrecovemast@mail.com WhatsApp +1(204)819-5505 website https://lostrecoverymasters.com/