Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх БНӨСУ-д үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн энхийг сахиулагчдад одон, медаль гардууллаа Дорноговь аймагт ачааны автомашины хөдөлгүүрт хүн дарагджээ УИХ өнөөдөр Ерөнхийлөгчийн хоригийг хэлэлцэнэ
Амстердамд нисэх буудлын дэлгүүрт савласан ус зарахгүй

Амстердамын Схипхол нисэх буудалд байх Schiphol Airport Retail компанийн татваргүй барааны дэлгүүрүүдэд хуванцар савтай ус зарахгүй байх шийдвэр гаргажээ. Энэ нь нэг удаагийн хуванцар сав хэт их ашиглаж байгаад олны анхаарлыг татах зорилготой гэж компанийн удирдлагууд мэдэгдсэн байна. 


Энэ компани нислэгийн танхимд татваргүй барааны 12 дэлгүүр ажиллуулдаг бөгөөд шинэ журам нэвтрүүлснээр жилд 750 мянган хуванцар сав хог болон хаягдахаас сэргийлэх гэнэ. Гэхдээ нисэх буудлын бусад худалдааны цэгүүдэд хуванцар савтай ус урьдын адил борлуулагдах аж.


Schiphol Airport Retail компани байгальд ээлтэй байх шийдвэр гаргасан тул жуулчдыг өөрсдийн усны савтай явж, хүлээлгийн танхимд суурилуулсан ундны усны цоргоноос үнэ төлбөргүйгээр ус авахыг зөвлөсөн байна.



Сонин хачин
Jonathan Dani:
IS IT POSSIBLE TO ACTUALLY GET BACK FUNDS LOST TO CRYPTOCURRENCY SCAM? ABSOLUTELY YES! BUT, YOU MUST CONTACT THE RIGHT AGENCY TO ACHIEVE THIS. Recovery Precinct is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases concerning cryptocurrency, FAKE investment schemes and recovery scam. To recover your lost money, Submit Your Case To The Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Team. Mai. captainjackcryptorecovery@outlook.com WhatsApp at +4915782317112 Website...https://captainjackcryptor.wixsite.com/captain-jack-crypto Telegram @captainjackcrypto1
Jonathan Dani:
IS IT POSSIBLE TO ACTUALLY GET BACK FUNDS LOST TO CRYPTOCURRENCY SCAM? ABSOLUTELY YES! BUT, YOU MUST CONTACT THE RIGHT AGENCY TO ACHIEVE THIS. Recovery Precinct is a financial regulator, private investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases concerning cryptocurrency, FAKE investment schemes and recovery scam. To recover your lost money, Submit Your Case To The Captain Jack Crypto Recovery Team. Mai. captainjackcryptorecovery@outlook.com WhatsApp at +4915782317112 Website...https://captainjackcryptor.wixsite.com/captain-jack-crypto Telegram @captainjackcrypto1
Angela Smith:
It is extremely upsetting to lose Bitcoin (BTC) to a fraudulent online investment platform, move your cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet, or forget your wallet's password. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I was fortunate enough to read an article on Redeemed Hacker Pro. His reviews were really good and reliable. Redeemed Hacker Pro assists fraud victims in recovering their losses as a certified specialist in digital currencies. My wallet and all of my Bitcoins were magically retrieved by Redeemed Hacker Pro in less than 48 working hours. Redeemed Hacker Pro comes highly recommended and is a professional to anyone in need of his services. His contact information is available at: Email: redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com Website; www.redeemedhackerpro.com Website: https://redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro. Don't make the same mistake I did; stay blessed and stay informed
Angela Smith:
It is extremely upsetting to lose Bitcoin (BTC) to a fraudulent online investment platform, move your cryptocurrency to the wrong wallet, or forget your wallet's password. After falling victim to a cryptocurrency scam, I was fortunate enough to read an article on Redeemed Hacker Pro. His reviews were really good and reliable. Redeemed Hacker Pro assists fraud victims in recovering their losses as a certified specialist in digital currencies. My wallet and all of my Bitcoins were magically retrieved by Redeemed Hacker Pro in less than 48 working hours. Redeemed Hacker Pro comes highly recommended and is a professional to anyone in need of his services. His contact information is available at: Email: redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com Website; www.redeemedhackerpro.com Website: https://redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro. Don't make the same mistake I did; stay blessed and stay informed
Sharon Garner:
I fell victim to a fraudulent trading platform, losing $9500 in USDT to Beam Future Trading. After struggling to recover my funds, I sought help from Crypto Pandemic Hunter on my friend's recommendation. The team demonstrated excellent customer service, expertise in crypto, and cutting-edge technology. By analyzing the blockchain and collaborating with exchanges, they tracked down and successfully recovered most of my lost funds, providing me with immense relief. I highly recommend Crypto Pandemic Hunter for their swift and effective recovery services. Contact them at cryptopandemichunter@consultant.com
Ben Taylor:
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro, or by email at redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com. They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Ben Taylor:
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro, or by email at redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com. They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Ben Taylor:
Known as Redeemed Hacker Pro, they are a hacking and stolen digital assets/crypto recovery agency that assembles a group of hackers passionate about doing whatever it takes to find online scammers. Report issues to them via their hotline, email: websites: redeemedhackerpro.com, redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro, or by email at redeemed.h.p@hackermail.com. They provide the best hacking assistance. Or perhaps you've already had a conversation with a hacker and are curious whether you can trust them. Redeemed Hacker Pro is not bragging, but over the years, they have assisted numerous individual firms with various hacking and asset/data recovery tasks. They have also completed over 98.9% of the operations on the following issues. CLEAR CRIMINAL RECORDS DETECTABLE & UNDETECTABLE HACK(PC,iPhone,Android or Organization Computers) WEBSITES/SOCIAL MEDIA HACK, (FB,Email,Skype,Tinder,Twitter,WhatsApp,Snapchat,Instagram,Telegram e.t.c) FLIP CASH AND COIN DOUBLING CREDIT REPAIR BINARY OPTIONS SCAM RETRIEVALS BLANK ATM CARD BITCOINS (BTC) HACK INSTITUTIONS RESULT UPGRADED DATABASE HACK LOAN WITHOUT COLLATERALS etc.
Madison Zoe:
RECOVER LOST OR SCAMMED CRYPTO/BTC/USDT – CONTACT ROOTKIT HACKER In the wake of a devastating cyber attack that targeted my Bitcoin account, resulting in the loss of $805,000 worth of digital currency, I was engulfed in a profound sense of betrayal and despair. The breach left me feeling utterly exposed and violated, grappling with the enormity of the situation. However, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of a recommendation from a friend: Rootkit Hacker, a renowned team specializing in combating cybercrime. With nothing to lose, I entrusted them with every detail of the incident, clinging to the prospect of justice amid the chaos. To my astonishment, Rootkit Hacker swiftly embarked on a relentless pursuit to track down the hackers and retrieve my stolen bitcoins, utilizing their advanced technology and expertise. As days turned into agonizing weeks, uncertainty loomed large, but finally, after what felt like an eternity, the news I had fervently prayed for arrived—Rootkit Hacker had successfully traced the hackers and restored my stolen bitcoins. The flood of relief and gratitude was overwhelming, knowing that justice had prevailed. Yet, their assistance extended beyond recovery; they provided invaluable support in fortifying my digital security, equipping me with guidance to fend off future cyber threats. Their unwavering dedication to their clients’ safety and well-being is commendable, and I am forever grateful for their steadfast support during such a tumultuous time. Though the scars of this ordeal may linger, I now harbor a newfound sense of resilience and determination, bolstered by the unwavering backing of organizations like Rootkit Hacker. For those grappling with similar challenges, I urge you not to hesitate in seeking assistance. Reach out to Rootkit Hacker via email at rootkithacker1@outlook.com
Alexander Leon:
Since I lost a little over $170,000 in a crypto scam last month, I was honestly still very skeptical about the possibility of getting a stolen Bitcoin back into the victim's wallet. I then had to contact a hacking and recovery agency, and after finding Redeemed Hacker Pro, Hacking & Digital Assets Recovery Agent through a google search with a ton of positive testimonials, I was persuaded to seek out their assistance. Now that my doubts have been allayed, they professionally recovered my money and secured my wallet. Here are their direct contacts: website: redeemedhackerpro.com or redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Cecilia Starfold:
I'm Cecilia from the USA, and a few weeks ago, I fell for a scam involving a phony cryptocurrency investment scheme. I was scammed by a woman who had gained access to a close friend's Facebook account. I lost almost $16,500,000 in money. I initially felt it was a great investment since I made a lot of Profit out of it at first but then I was scammed into becoming a VIP member, and I started investing a lot of money without receiving my money back or having my interest taken out. It took me a very long time to find Redeemed Hacker Pro, Hacking and Digital Assets Recovery Agency, which I engaged in. With their help, I was able to withdraw all of my profits and investment from the scam investment platform. I will always be grateful to Redeemed Hacker Pro for helping me to withdraw my money and regaining my piece of mind. contact them via their hotline now: website: www.redeemedhackerpro.com or redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Santos Clem:
One of the primary reasons I detest the internet is because of online scammers. My mom fell victim to a fraud where the con artist obtained access to some of her personal information by hacking into all of her details. In order to help us recover control of her accounts and digital assets, we had to engage Redeemed Hacker Pro's private investigators Support. Fortunately for us, this hacking agency (email: redeemed.h.p@consultant.com; website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro) helped us retrieve everything we had lost.
Santos Clem:
One of the primary reasons I detest the internet is because of online scammers. My mom fell victim to a fraud where the con artist obtained access to some of her personal information by hacking into all of her details. In order to help us recover control of her accounts and digital assets, we had to engage Redeemed Hacker Pro's private investigators Support. Fortunately for us, this hacking agency (email: redeemed.h.p@consultant.com; website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro) helped us retrieve everything we had lost.
Evelyn Martinez:
GET RICH WITH BLANK ATM CARD, Whatsapp: +18033921735 I want to testify about Dark Web blank atm cards which can withdraw money from any atm machines around the world. I was very poor before and have no job. I saw so many testimony about how Dark Web Online Hackers send them the atm blank card and use it to collect money in any atm machine and become rich {DARKWEBONLINEHACKERS@GMAIL.COM} I email them also and they sent me the blank atm card. I have use it to get 500,000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of 5,000 USD daily. Dark Web is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any atm machine vault with the use of atm programmed card which runs in automatic mode. You can also contact them for the service below * Western Union/MoneyGram Transfer * Bank Transfer * PayPal / Skrill Transfer * Crypto Mining * CashApp Transfer * Bitcoin Loans * Recover Stolen/Missing Crypto/Funds/Assets Email: darkwebonlinehackers@gmail.com Telegram or WhatsApp: +18033921735 Website: https://darkwebonlinehackers.com
Recovery Intel:
ARE YOU A VICTIM OF INVESTMENT OR NFT SCAM? DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A CHEATING SPOUSE? DO YOU DESIRE CREDIT REPAIR (ALL BUREAUS)? SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH AN ETHICAL HACKER ASAP TO GET STARTED. Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….! EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. emeraldhacks(.)org@gmail(.)com Stay Safe out there !
Maxwell Larvy:
I'm glad I found Redeemed Hacker Pro, an honest fund/crypto recovery company. Their team of professionals was able to retrieve my crypto that had been stolen from a forex trader who had deceived me by saying I would receive a 35% return on my investment. I was able to receive all of my cryptocurrency back after writing to this team about my situation in less than 24 hours. I was overjoyed because I had thought all hope had been lost after being duped. I highly recommend them with full confidence. File a complaint to this company to get your stolen cryptocurrency and other digital assets back. In addition, he can help you get back on more profitable trading platforms, recover forgotten or lost cryptocurrency wallet passwords, and protect you from extortionists. Speak with the actual deal at Email: redeemed.h.p. @consultant.com Website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Sandra Gomez:
I met and fell in love with a handsome man on an online dating site, but I was duped. I chose to look into him since he persisted in demanding money and other things, even though I couldn't see him. I was able to access his phone and all of his personal information from my home country because I contacted Redeemed Hacker-Pro, a hacking and digital asset recovery agency, to do a phone/system hack on his phone. Thanks to Redeemed Hacker Pro, I discovered after the hack that the handsome man I had met online was not who he claimed to be. You can also contact this agency through their hotline in any situation involving hacking and the recovery of lost money or cryptocurrency. Email: redeemed.h.p. @consultant.com Website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Andrian Wealth:
The services Redeemed Hacker-Pro, are highly recommended by me. They work with professionalism and discretion; using the card, I was able to withdraw $85,000 to get things started. In just three weeks, my life has completely changed; they have the best hackers & recovery agents, and above all, they have the best customer service representatives who genuinely care about your happiness. Please email them at redeemed.h.p@consultant.com or Website: redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro.
Brenda Sabasty:
It can be quite bad to lose money. It can, to put it mildly, always lead to hopelessness and suffering, which is exactly what happened to me. Everything appeared genuine until I discovered, after putting $1,894,000 in cryptocurrencies in an online investment scam, that I had been conned. I had been depressed for days until I saw an article about Redeemed Hacker-Pro, a hacking and digital asset recovery agency, and how they help victims of fraud regain their lost money. After some hesitation, I chose to give them a shot. Working with Redeemed Hacker-Pro, I was able to recover my stolen money back after a few procedures in a matter of hours. Redeemed Hacker-Pro is also available to assist any further victims of scams. reach out to them now through their urgent line at' Email:- redeemed.h.p@consultant.com or Website:- https://redeemedhackerpro.wixsite.com/redeem-hacker-pro
Christian Walter:
I have a strong interest in this subject due to my prior experiences, which have increased my understanding of it. Had I had this information earlier, I would not have fallen victim to scams to the extent that I did. In my quest to earn enough money to retire early, I lost a lot of money to several investing platforms. I was clueless about how to restart after losing everything. Fortunately, I was directed to LORD HACKER ULTIMATE DIGITAL ASSETS RECOVERY AGENCY by a friend. I was able to contact them at L.H.ULTIMATE@FASTSERVICE.COM, and they helped me recover my lost 11.6 BTC and introduced me to reliable investment platforms that are currently helping me realize my ambition of retiring early. Given how crucial this is, I hope it will assist someone who is in need, you can also reach out to them on WhatsApp: +16266210821, Telegram: @Lordhackerultimate & Signal: +16266210821
Marilyn Edward:
As the world of cryptocurrencies evolves, Wizard Web Recovery stays at the forefront of technological advancements in bitcoin recovery. They continuously update their tools and techniques to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of cybercrime. By embracing innovative technologies such as blockchain analysis and forensic investigation methods, Wizard Web Recovery remains ahead of the curve when it comes to recovering lost bitcoins. Their commitment to staying up to date with the latest trends ensures their clients receive the best possible services, if you are a victim of crypto scam reach out to Wizard Web Recovery through email: wizardwebrecovery(@)programmer.net
Хуванцар савыг шинээр олноор нь үйлдвэрлэж байгаа нь хуванцар савны хаягдлыг улам ихэсгэж байна. Хуванцар савыг хураан авч дахин ашигладаг болчихвол хуванцар савны хаягдал эрс буурна
Barb York Bogar:
It is possible to recover what you lost to scam brokers but most people don’t know this because they are either not informed or they have been conned by a recovery expert. Truth is there are only a few people who can pull this off and I was lucky to meet with one of them. If you need help with this I suggest you send a mail to “RECOVERYCOINGROUP @ GMAIL DOT COM”. Yes I’m doing this for the first time ever, after they helped recover over £458,000 I invested into what I later found out to be a scam. I did promise to let the world know about the good works of this great group. Do well to let Russel know that Barb York referred you.
Karen Karen:
For the past 3 months now I have been looking for good and genuine spell to bring back my ex lover back and also help me to win lottery. and it has been a hard time for me finding the right place until I get in contact with Dr Padman who gave me powerful prayer and assured me that it will take two days before the spell will be effective, truly 2 days later, my Ex Lover called me, i answered the call, he started apologizing, we are together Now. Thank you for making her know that we are meeting to be together and also making my dreams come true. And he did a spell that made me win the lottery. Please if anyone needs a LOTTERY SPELL. Contact him now for your own help, All thanks goes to DR. Padman for the excessive work that he has done for me. Below is his contact info. Contact: Name: DR PADMAN Email: padmanlovespell@yahoo.com Whatsapp: +1(201)-(834)-(6111)