Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын дарга Д.Амарбаясгалан Бүгд Найрамдах Улсыг тунхаглаж анхдугаар Үндсэн хууль баталсны 100 жилийн ойн мэнд дэвшүүллээ Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл Дарьгангын тал нутаг, Хангай, Хэнтийн уулархаг нутгаар цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна Ж.Золжаргал: “Чайна Энержи”-д худалдах нүүрсээ хугацаа, хүчин чадлаа бодож байгаад ямар харьцаатайгаар өгөх вэ гэдгээ тодорхой шийдэх ёстой ӨНӨӨДӨР: Б.Шарав “Сэрсэн тал”, “Аав ээж хоёр минь” дууны бүтээлийн 40 жил хүндэтгэлийн тоглолт Соёлын Төв Өргөөнд болно Т.Даваадалай: Автомашины импортыг хязгаарлаагүй бөгөөд улсын дугаар авах шалгуур үзүүлэлтээ л биелүүлэх ёстой Улаанбаатарт 13 градус хүйтэн байна Дарь-Эх, Ганц худгийн ам орчимд 150 метр урттай үерийн хамгаалалтын сувгийг бүрэн засварлаж дууслаа “Хүүхэд хөгжлийн орчин үеийн асуудлууд III” олон улсын эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал боллоо
70 байршилд төлбөртэй зогсоол байгуулна

Нийслэлийн удирдах ажилтнуудын шуурхай зөвлөгөөн боллоо. Улаанбаатар хотод нийтийн эзэмшлийн зам талбайд төлбөртэй зогсоол ажиллуулах боломжтой зам, талбайн байршлыг судалж, танилцуулах ажлын талаар Нийслэлийн Газар зохион байгуулалтын албаны Кадастрын хэлтсийн дарга Б.Загдсамбар танилцууллаа.



Тэрбээр "Ажлын хэсэг байгуулагдан, 50 байршлыг төлбөртэй зогсоол болгохоор сонгон шалгаруулалт зарласан. Маргааш буюу зургаадугаар сарын 14-н материал ирүүлэх сүүлийн хугацаа. Мөн Ажлын хэсэг төвийн зургаан дүүргийн автомат хаалттай зогсоолын судалгааг гаргасан. Нийт 482 автомат хаалттай зогсоол байгаагаас газар эзэмших зөвшөөрөлтэй 186, зөвшөөрөлгүй 296 байна. Үүнээс дийлэнх  нь орон сууцны хороолол дунд авто замын зорчих хэсэгт автомат хаалт байршуулсан байна.


Ажлын хэсэг зургаан дүүргийн нийтийн эзэмшлийн 20 байршлын 2.9 га газарт төлбөртэй зогсоол ажиллуулах судалгааг нэмэлтээр хийсэн. Тодруулбал, Баянгол дүүрэгт таван байршилд 1744 ам метр, Баянзүрхэд гурван байршилд 5509 ам метр, Сонгинохайрхан дүүрэгт нэг байршилд 360 ам метр, Сүхбаатарт зургаан байршилд 4785 ам метр, Хан-Уулд гурван байршилд 15,914 ам метр, Чингэлтэйд хоёр байршилд 700 ам метр зогсоол байгуулахаар  төлөвлөн ажиллаж  байна.


Хотыг дарга ажлаа шахаж, чанартай гүйцэтгэхийг үүрэг болгов" гэлээ.
Сонин хачин
🚨🚨 INTERNET SCAM INSURGENCY ⚠️⚠️⚠️ The the fight against internet scam by reporting any form of scam you have been a victim of or suspecting. This is to bring knowledge and awareness of scam to the general public. If you have been a victim of scam or know anyone who has been a victim please report this incident to PYTHONAX ✅✅ cause there might still be hopes to getting your money bank from the scammer(s). PYTHONAX ✅✅ are group of professionals and talented individuals who uses thier skills in hacking ro track down scammers, track down transactions info using Transaction Identification numbers/details, strategy expert to help individuals who have been victims of scam to recover their money from the scammer(s). ⚠️ Do not be quick to give up on getting your money back or accepting fate of loosing your money, most scammers hold money they have scammed for a long period of time and spend it slowly in order not to draw authorities to there way of making money. Your money could still be in thir possession, most or some of it and it could be return back to you by PYTHONAX ✅✅. It doesn't matter how or what kinda scam you lost your money too, PYTHONAX ✅✅ guarantees the return of that money if it is still available, your details or identity isn't required, you can be anonymous when you choose to contact PYTHONAX ✅✅ and all that would be required of you would be details that can help them track down the scammer. Some common scams like-: Cryptocurrency investment scams.❗ Forex and Binary Option scams.❗ Buying and Selling scams.❗ Dating & Romance scams.❗ Identity Theft scams.❗ Shipping Scams.❗ e.t.c....... Use the details for contact-: Note-: You need to provide necessary details that can be helpful to tracking down the scammers.
Losing crypto online has become alarmingly common, and the sophistication of scammers is ever-increasing. Many individuals find themselves victims of scams, leaving them feeling hopeless and defeated. The emotional toll of losing hard-earned funds can be overwhelming, often leading to a sense of resignation. However, recovery is not just a distant dream; it is a tangible possibility when you reach out to the right sources. I speak from experience. Like many others, I fell prey to a scam that stripped me of my investments. Initially, I felt a wave of disbelief and shame. How could I have been so careless? The regret was suffocating, and for a while, I considered giving up on my crypto journey altogether. Yet, deep down, I knew that quitting was not an option. I realized that I needed to take action rather than wallow in despair. While searching for potential recovery options, I encountered numerous offers that seemed too good to be true. Unfortunately, many so-called “experts” were merely another layer of deception, ready to exploit my vulnerability further. It was frustrating to navigate through the myriad of scams that preyed on victims like me. But then, I stumbled upon a helpful article discussing legitimate recovery avenues. This article rekindled my hope and guided me toward finding real solutions. DETAILS TO CONTACT FOR ASSISTANCE. WhatsApp:+1 (740)705-0711. Email: FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER (.) COM Website: WWW.FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY.COM Thanks, Anne Sashikata .
Jason Woodland:
I had a troubling experience when my cryptocurrency wallet was wiped out, and I wasn't entirely sure if it was due to a malicious link I clicked. The situation was distressing, particularly because the value of my lost assets was around $310,000. In an effort to recover my funds, I reached out to ( Folkwin expert recovery ) after reading numerous positive reviews about their success in handling such cases. From the moment I contacted ( Folkwin expert recovery ), I was impressed by their professionalism and clarity. They immediately understood the severity of my situation and began with a detailed investigation into how the breach had occurred. Their approach was methodical and tailored to my specific case, which was crucial given the complexity of cryptocurrency recovery. ( Folkwin expert recovery's) team maintained excellent communication throughout the process. They kept me updated on each step, explaining what was happening and what would come next. This transparency was incredibly reassuring during a time when I felt uncertain and anxious about the outcome. The recovery process itself was thorough and well-executed. ( Folkwin expert recovery ) utilized advanced forensic tools and techniques to track the stolen assets. Their expertise in blockchain forensics allowed them to trace the movement of my funds and identify potential recovery avenues. They collaborated with blockchain experts to maximize the chances of retrieving my lost assets.Email : FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER.COM
What initially seemed like a catastrophic loss for my investment ended up being a surprisingly instructive and insightful experience. I had fallen victim to a sophisticated scam, losing 67,000 CAD in Bitcoin to cyber thieves who were masquerading as my business associate. This experience was not only financially devastating but also emotionally draining, leaving me with a profound sense of loss and helplessness. Faced with the daunting task of recovering my stolen funds, I felt compelled to seek out a reliable firm that could offer a viable solution. Having read about various recovery services online, I came across (F o l k w i n (E x p e r t) R e c o v e r y).Their positive reviews and the reassuring details about their services caught my attention. Desperate for a resolution and hoping for a glimmer of hope, I decided to reach out to them. My initial contact with (F o l k w i n (E x p e r t) R e c o v e r y) was met with a level of professionalism and empathy that was both reassuring and encouraging. I explained the situation, detailing how I had been deceived and the nature of the scam. The process of engaging with them was straightforward and surprisingly efficient. Contact them now Via: WhatsApp: +1 (740)705-0711 (OR) Email: Folkwinexpertrecovery @ tech-center(.)com Their service will exceed your expectations and provide the resolution you need. Warm greetings, Vanessa Amorosi.
Martin k Russell:
Imagine the sheer panic of believing your $105,000 Bitcoin investment was lost forever. That nightmare became my reality until I found FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY, experts in cryptocurrency security. Don't let fear control your finances - trust the experts to protect your investments. Security is paramount in the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency investing, where fortunes can be made and lost in the blink of an eye. That's where FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY comes in. Their mastery in cryptocurrency security is unparalleled, and their dedication to safeguarding their clients' investments is unmatched. When I found myself facing the devastating prospect of losing my $105,000 Bitcoin investment, I turned to FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY for help. Their dedicated team of experts sprung into action, leaving no stone unturned in their quest to locate and restore my lost Bitcoins. Thanks to their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment to their clients, I was spared from what could have been a catastrophic loss. FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY'S personalized approach to client care is of another level. From the moment I reached out to them for assistance. For assistance CONTACT INFO: Email: Folkwinexpertrecovery@tech-center(.)com WhatsApp +1 (740)705-0711 Warm greetings, Martin k Russell.
Bernhard Dieter:
HIRE A FAST & QUALIFIED CRYPTOCURRENCY RECOVERY SPECIALIST\\FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY. Nowadays fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, I found myself in a nightmare of my own making. With $90,000 worth of various Cryptocurrencies held hostage on my Coinbase account, I was thrust into a battle against an unseen adversary—a cunning hacker who sought to strip me of my hard-earned assets. Despite possessing mountains of evidence and a wealth of information detailing the nefarious intrusion into my account, Coinbase proved to be an impenetrable fortress, impervious to my pleas for assistance. Faced with the grim reality that all hope was lost, I turned to unconventional avenues in search of salvation. It was through a chance encounter with a concerned officer from our local police department in Georgetown, Texas, that a glimmer of hope emerged amidst the darkness. Drawing from his own experiences with victims of similar cybercrimes, the officer shared with me a tale of triumph against the odds—a tale of a victim who had enlisted the services of a renowned hacker known as (( FOLKWIN Expert Recovery )). Intrigued by the prospect of turning the tables on my assailant, I reached out to (( FOLKWIN Expert Recovery )) with a mix of apprehension and desperation. To get in touch with them, Website:: ,WhatsApp +1 (740)705-0711, Email: Folkwinexpertrecovery (@) . In a world where darkness looms large, they are guiding the path towards a brighter, more secure future.Thanks, Mr Bernhard Dieter.
Virginia Mae Handy:
My decision to leave a stable job at Atlanta's airport and venture into day trading four years ago seemed like a leap toward financial independence. Guided by a friend's successful mentorship in Bitcoin trading, I initially invested $17,000, witnessing my capital grow impressively to over $53,000 in just four months. Encouraged by this initial success, I reinvested substantially, totaling $190,000 over the next two years. However, the allure of better rates led me to switch brokers—a decision that would unravel my financial security. The new broker, promising even more lucrative returns, turned out to be a sophisticated scam. When I attempted to withdraw my profits, communication dwindled, excuses piled up, and eventually, the trading platform vanished altogether. I was left stranded, watching helplessly as my hard-earned investments disappeared into thin air. In a state of disbelief and desperation, I turned to fellow traders for advice. It was through this network that I discovered [Folkwin Expert Recovery], a firm specializing in recovering funds lost to online scams. Despite my skepticism, I reached out to them, driven by a dwindling hope for a resolution to my financial nightmare.To get in touch with them, contact them with the details here... /Website: WWW.FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY.COM /Email: FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER (.) COM /Whatsapp: +1 (740)705-0711 Best Regards, Virginia Mae Handy.
GET YOUR LOST OR STOLEN BITCOIN BACK WITH OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS ASSISTANCE MY NAME IS EVELYN FROM THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA For recovery services, anyone who has been duped by any recent fraudulent cryptocurrency investment schemes should get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. One of them actually affected me, and I was ashamed of how I lost €214,000 to a phony Facebook investor who was bragging about his enormous gains from the investment program he was trying to lure me into. I have to admit that OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, a cryptocurrency recovery specialist with a valid license, was a blessing. The uniquely qualified expert recovered all of my money. I heartily suggest the Expert to any victim who has misplaced funds and needs them recovered because of their prompt and honest responses. CONTACT DETAILS: WhatsApp.: +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7 email… optimistichackergaius @ website:
GET YOUR LOST OR STOLEN BITCOIN BACK WITH OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS ASSISTANCE MY NAME IS EVELYN FROM THE UNITED STATE OF AMERICA For recovery services, anyone who has been duped by any recent fraudulent cryptocurrency investment schemes should get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. One of them actually affected me, and I was ashamed of how I lost €214,000 to a phony Facebook investor who was bragging about his enormous gains from the investment program he was trying to lure me into. I have to admit that OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, a cryptocurrency recovery specialist with a valid license, was a blessing. The uniquely qualified expert recovered all of my money. I heartily suggest the Expert to any victim who has misplaced funds and needs them recovered because of their prompt and honest responses. CONTACT DETAILS: WhatsApp.: +1..6..0..1..4..6..0..9..4..7..7 email… optimistichackergaius @ website:
Ford Hazard:
The sting of betrayal is a cruel mistress. It can leave you reeling, questioning your judgment, and feeling utterly vulnerable. This is precisely how I felt when I fell victim to a binary trading scam. The promise of lucrative returns, and a comfortable retirement, all those dreams I had meticulously built for decades crumbled under the weight of deceit. I had entrusted my hard-earned savings to a company that promised the moon, only to find myself in a desolate wasteland of broken promises and financial ruin. The company, a viper disguised in a suit of legitimacy, vanished into thin air, leaving me with nothing but shattered dreams and a hefty debt. The betrayal cut deep, a wound that festered with anger and despair. I sought solace in the digital world, hoping to find a path to recovery. I immersed myself in forums and online communities, searching for a solution, a glimmer of hope in the abyss of my despair. My research led me to countless tales of woe, stories that echoed my pain. But amidst the despair, a beacon of hope emerged – Folkwin Expert Recovery. For help, contact them via Email//: ( Folkwinexpertrecovery AT tech-center DOT com ) , ( Website//: ) , Whatsapp//: ( +1 (740)705-0711 ) ... Best wishes, Ford Hazard.
Logan Noah:
** FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY emerges as a guiding light, illuminating the path to redemption for victims ensnared in the web of online fraud. My journey with them began tentatively, shrouded in skepticism and apprehension, a result of past encounters with false promises and shattered trust. Yet, amidst the darkness, their unwavering dedication and unparalleled expertise soon shattered my doubts, paving the way for a remarkable transformation. From the outset, ** FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY'S commitment to its mission was palpable. Their team of skilled professionals, akin to artisans sculpting from the chaos, meticulously pieced together the fragments of my shattered trust. With each interaction, their transparency and integrity shone brightly, dispelling the shadows of uncertainty that had clouded my judgment. It was evident that they were not merely a service provider but guardians of integrity in the realm of cybersecurity. What truly sets ** FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY apart is its unwavering commitment to client satisfaction. Unlike others who may offer empty promises, they deliver tangible results that surpass mere restitution. With each update and guidance provided, they instilled a sense of hope and reassurance, forging an enduring bond of trust.In the realm of cybersecurity, ** FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY is more than just a service provider; they are champions of justice, advocates for truth, and guardians of trust. For help, Contact them with this info below: Website: ( WWW.FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY.COM Whatsapp: ( +1 (740)705-0711 Email: ( FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY @ TECH-CENTER . COM Regards, Mr Logan Noah.
Philip Morgan:
I want to publicly thank Recovery Nerd, a professional private investigator and a certified expert in Bitcoin Recovery Services, for their assistance in helping me recover the money I lost to fraud. An online manipulation artist who represented themselves as knowledgeable and experienced in the field of Crypto investments conned my wife and myself. My $356,000 worth of funds were put into cryptocurrency. I was left helpless after the fraud tricked us and had to spend hours looking for a Crypto recovery service to get my money back. The specialist I found was Recovery Nerd. I just had to be patient after describing my situation to the expert, and all of my money was returned to my wallet in less than 72 hours. Thank you Recovery Nerd for your excellent assistance in getting my money back. Recovery Nerd can be reached through various channels like: Email: mailus (@) recoverynerds(.)com Website: https://recoverynerds. com/ Whatsapp: +1 514 312 2803 Telegram: @Rnerds060
Robert D Kimberly:
I was devastated when I realized that the 42 ETH I had purchased years ago, now worth around $42,000, had somehow disappeared from my cryptocurrency wallet. I frantically searched through my transaction records but could find no trace of where the valuable ETH had gone. As the reality sunk in that a small fortune had potentially vanished into the abyss of the blockchain, I felt crushed thinking about all that hard-earned money evaporating in an instant. In desperation, I started scouring cryptocurrency forums for help, looking for anyone who might be able to work some kind of magic in recovering lost funds. After days of dead ends, I finally came across whispers of an underground service called Folkwin Expert Recovery that claimed to be able to retrieve inaccessible cryptocurrency under certain conditions. With nothing to lose, I decided to give them a try. The Folkwin Expert Recovery specialists got to work analyzing the intricate details of my transaction records and blockchain activity. Using advanced forensic techniques, they miraculously managed to identify where the missing ETH had ended up and formulated a process to reclaim the lost coins. After several painstaking attempts, the Folkwins finally succeeded in restoring my 42 ETH, now worth $42,000. I was euphoric when I saw the six-figure sum reappear in my wallet, snatched from the jaws of catastrophic loss. I couldn't believe the Folkwin had actually pulled off this amazing feat. I learned that cryptocurrency mistakes aren't always irreversible - with the right experts, lost funds can sometimes be rescued from the abyss by modern magic. Thanks to Folkwin Expert Recovery. Contact them Via: **** Website: OR Email: **** Folkwinexpertrecovery { AT } tech-center { . } com for further assistance. Thanks, Robert D Kimberly.
Talk with a representative through: Info:=> WEBSITE: WWW.FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY.COM Info:=> TELEGRAM: @FOLKWIN_EXPERT_RECOVERY Info:=> FOLKWINEXPERTRECOVERY ( @ ) TECH-CENTER . COM Renowned bitcoin recovery specialist => FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY explores the complex and enigmatic world of retrieving lost or stolen digital assets. => FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY is an expert in the dark arts of bitcoin retrieval. It uses state-of-the-art methods, knowledge, and steadfast determination to help people and businesses get their money back. => FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY is a front-runner in the field of bitcoin retrieval, with a focus on helping customers all over the world retrieve lost or stolen digital assets. Their team of professionals offers unparalleled services by fusing technological know-how with a profound comprehension of the dark arts of the digital realm. => FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY was established by a collection of proficient with technology people with a strong foundation in cyber knowledge and a passion for deciphering the mysteries of the internet. Their goal is to assist persons who have been affected by cryptocurrency disasters. Their goal is to restore lost money to its rightful owners and use their abilities for good. => FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY offers a range of services aimed at recovering lost or inaccessible cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more.The most brilliant Crypto Expert Recovery Ever. Regards, Mr Owen Aiden.
My encounter with ( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ) was an eye-opener, revealing the scarcity of legitimate trading platforms. It all began during a family gathering at my parent's home, where my brother initiated a discussion about the profitability of stocks, capturing my interest. Intrigued by his success, he introduced me to the trading website he utilized. Without hesitation, I embarked on this venture, starting with the most basic plan and gradually witnessing my account grow over time. As the profits started rolling in steadily, my Husband and I deliberated on expanding our investment for even greater returns. With his encouragement, we decided to upgrade to the platinum plan, committing 117,000.07 Euros in anticipation of sizable profits within the customary two-week period. However, our optimism was short-lived when our attempts to withdraw profits were thwarted by unexpected obstacles. To our dismay, the trading company demanded an exorbitant "legal fee" of 8,000 Euros before releasing our funds, despite our initial investments and prior charges. Feeling trapped and desperate to salvage our finances, I realized that seeking external assistance was imperative. Turning to looking for help, I stumbled upon ( FOLKWIN EXPERT RECOVERY ) a resourceful person who offered guidance and support.Contact details below: > Website: > Folkwinexpertrecovery @ tech-center{ . }com Thanks God bless, Elijah Madelyn .
Jessica Aniston:
CAN I GET MY LOST OR SCAMMED BITCOIN BACK? YES, LOST RECOVERY MASTERS WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEM. I had 6.02 BTC in one of my Bitcoin wallets that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about Lost Recovery Masters on “Google search ”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. Lost Recovery Masters were very responsive, and they recovered my wallet in just a few hours. Lost Recovery Masters acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using Lost Recovery Masters services. They recover any lost Cryptocurrency no matter how you lost it . Scammed or lost password they will recover it. Contact them on: Whatsapp: (+44(7537)-105921) Email: ( Website:
Jessica Aniston:
CAN I GET MY LOST OR SCAMMED BITCOIN BACK? YES, LOST RECOVERY MASTERS WILL SOLVE ALL YOUR PROBLEM. I had 6.02 BTC in one of my Bitcoin wallets that I thought was lost for good. I’d sent my laptop to a variety of top data recovery firms, but with no luck. After seeing a positive comment about Lost Recovery Masters on “Google search ”, I decided to try to recover my wallet one last time. Lost Recovery Masters were very responsive, and they recovered my wallet in just a few hours. Lost Recovery Masters acted honorably and in accordance with our agreement. I would highly recommend using Lost Recovery Masters services. They recover any lost Cryptocurrency no matter how you lost it . Scammed or lost password they will recover it. Contact them on: Whatsapp: (+44(7537)-105921) Email: ( Website:
Daniel Ringan:
My Name is Daniel Ringan. How I recover my 4.7Btc Back from a scammer? There is always a chance that things will turn around. If you have fallen victim to such fraudulent transactions, there are many success stories from people who were referred to asset recovery specialists who provided the necessary services to help them successfully recover their stolen or hacked cryptocurrencies. I was also a victim of a crypto scam of 4.7Btc about 2months ago, untill I was been suggest to a professional recovery expert know as dhackerspot. At first my heart feel with doubt, having scaring mind towards the whole thing not to be scammed again. I was so please with the i was handled, they put me through the recovery process and how it will be possible for a positive recovery of my stolen Fund. It feels like a Miracle having more than what i lost back into my wallet. Infact it is a Miracle, this guys are awesome with there service. so I hope i can help you with this legit expert, it will cost you, but trust me it worth it by having your worries solved. Reach out to them and recover your funds back. Mail: You will thank me for this.
Daniel Ringan:
My Name is Daniel Ringan. How I recover my 4.7Btc Back from a scammer? There is always a chance that things will turn around. If you have fallen victim to such fraudulent transactions, there are many success stories from people who were referred to asset recovery specialists who provided the necessary services to help them successfully recover their stolen or hacked cryptocurrencies. I was also a victim of a crypto scam of 4.7Btc about 2months ago, untill I was been suggest to a professional recovery expert know as dhackerspot. At first my heart feel with doubt, having scaring mind towards the whole thing not to be scammed again. I was so please with the i was handled, they put me through the recovery process and how it will be possible for a positive recovery of my stolen Fund. It feels like a Miracle having more than what i lost back into my wallet. Infact it is a Miracle, this guys are awesome with there service. so I hope i can help you with this legit expert, it will cost you, but trust me it worth it by having your worries solved. Reach out to them and recover your funds back. Mail: You will thank me for this.
Daniel Ringan:
My Name is Daniel Ringan. How I recover my 4.7Btc Back from a scammer? There is always a chance that things will turn around. If you have fallen victim to such fraudulent transactions, there are many success stories from people who were referred to asset recovery specialists who provided the necessary services to help them successfully recover their stolen or hacked cryptocurrencies. I was also a victim of a crypto scam of 4.7Btc about 2months ago, untill I was been suggest to a professional recovery expert know as dhackerspot. At first my heart feel with doubt, having scaring mind towards the whole thing not to be scammed again. I was so please with the i was handled, they put me through the recovery process and how it will be possible for a positive recovery of my stolen Fund. It feels like a Miracle having more than what i lost back into my wallet. Infact it is a Miracle, this guys are awesome with there service. so I hope i can help you with this legit expert, it will cost you, but trust me it worth it by having your worries solved. Reach out to them and recover your funds back. Mail: You will thank me for this.
Ryan Ashley:
HOW DO I RECOVER MY STOLEN CRYPTOCURRENCY WITHOUT BEING SCAMMED DURING THE RECOVERY PROCESS AGAIN? My Name is Ryan Ashley I have been receiving several email concerning this heading, please i was once a victim like you, also get scammed in process of trying to recover it back. The first thing you have to do is to be self ready for the recovery, you fall a victim do not mean you will continue falling. That do not make you a total failure. You can still get your stolen fund back with the right channel. 2nd. to get your lost digital currency recover back, is to consult a reliable recovery expert who will guide you through the recovery process. At this level, before giving out your scam details, make sure you are ready before providing the available information or proof of payment made to the scammer. I can only assist you with a genuine recovery expert that helped me to recover my without being Scammed. Have it in mind that NO RECOVERY THAT IS FREE FEE anywhere. To me this guys are the last solution center for funds recovery. They offer services without any upfront charges untill they work up to a certain point of been sure your fund is recoverable, before they place there charges on you. Kindly contact the email below for a quick check on your recovery. You will thank me for this.
Cecil Nathaniel:
Нэг өглөө сэрэхдээ биткойн түрийвчээ хоосон байгааг олж мэдэхийг хүсч байна гэж төсөөлөөд үз дээ. Таны үнэ цэнэтэй биткойныг таны хамгаалалтын журмыг давж гарсан хүн авсан байна. Уур хилэн, урвалт мэдрэмжийг төрүүл. Гэхдээ санаа зовох хэрэггүй— Technokrat Recovery [technocratrecovery(@)] таныг аврахаар ирлээ! Бидний хоёр дахь жишээн дээр Technocrat Recovery нь хулгайлагдсан биткойныг сэргээхэд ямар үүрэг гүйцэтгэсэн болохыг судалжээ. Wizard онлайн сэргээх програмыг хэрэгжүүлэхийн тулд бүртгэл хөтлөлт, баримтжуулалтыг сайтар хийх шаардлагатай. Түрийвчний хаяг, гүйлгээний түүх, холбогдох захидал харилцаа зэрэг биткойны гүйлгээтэй холбоотой бүх чухал өгөгдлийн бүртгэлийг хөтөл. Үүний үр дүнд эдгэрэх үйл явц илүү жигд, үр дүнтэй явагдах болно. Technocrat Recovery нь хүчирхэг хэдий ч сэргээх бүх хувилбарууд нь энгийн эсвэл амархан шийдэгдэх боломжгүй гэдгийг хүлээн зөвшөөрөх нь чухал юм. Хэргийн нарийн төвөгтэй байдал, гүйлгээний нас, Технократ Сэргээшийн хяналтаас гадуурх гадны хүчин зүйлс зэрэг зарим хүчин зүйлс бэрхшээл учруулж болзошгүй. Эдгээр тохиолдолд Технократ Сэргээх багтай тэвчээртэй, нээлттэй харилцах нь маш чухал юм. Шидтэн хүртэл саад бэрхшээлд бүдэрдэг ч шийдэмгий, хамтран ажиллавал шийдэлд хүрэх боломжтой байдгийг санаарай. Криптовалютын ертөнц үргэлжлэн хөгжиж байна.
Clear Hinton:
HOW DO I RECOVER MY LOST BTC/NFT S From SCAMMER? From The Front Desk of Binary Options Service Known as DHACKERS, first we wish you all Complement of the season ???. My Name is Clear Hinton. The optimal solution involves establishing direct collaboration with a highly skilled professional in the field of digital expertise, specifically in hacking, who is internationally recognized. This collaborative effort aims to uncover unknown vulnerabilities and enhance your security measures. These professionals are deeply committed to upholding justice and are dedicated to assisting individuals and organizations in recovering lost funds and cryptocurrency from deceptive individuals. Moreover, they actively cooperate with law enforcement agencies to ensure the identification and capture of these scammers, as well as the retrieval of stolen assets. Personally, I have availed myself of their services, and I wholeheartedly endorse them. If you find yourself faced with a similar situation, consider it a fortunate circumstance orchestrated by a higher power, as it signifies an opportunity to reclaim your funds from immoral scammers who exhibit no regard for consequences and deserve appropriate penalties. For further information, kindly reach out to them via the email below Do contact us on. ▶️Binary Recovery ▶️NFTS Recovery ▶️University Result Upgraded ▶️Clear your Internet Blunder ➡️Increase Credit Score ➡️Whipping of Criminal Records ➡️Social Media Hack ➡️Blank ATM Card ➡️Load and wipe ➡️Phone Hacking ➡️Private Key Reset. For quick response hit Border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills.
Clear Hinton:
HOW DO I RECOVER MY LOST BTC/NFT S From SCAMMER? From The Front Desk of Binary Options Service Known as DHACKERS, first we wish you all Complement of the season ???. My Name is Clear Hinton. The optimal solution involves establishing direct collaboration with a highly skilled professional in the field of digital expertise, specifically in hacking, who is internationally recognized. This collaborative effort aims to uncover unknown vulnerabilities and enhance your security measures. These professionals are deeply committed to upholding justice and are dedicated to assisting individuals and organizations in recovering lost funds and cryptocurrency from deceptive individuals. Moreover, they actively cooperate with law enforcement agencies to ensure the identification and capture of these scammers, as well as the retrieval of stolen assets. Personally, I have availed myself of their services, and I wholeheartedly endorse them. If you find yourself faced with a similar situation, consider it a fortunate circumstance orchestrated by a higher power, as it signifies an opportunity to reclaim your funds from immoral scammers who exhibit no regard for consequences and deserve appropriate penalties. For further information, kindly reach out to them via the email below Do contact us on. ▶️Binary Recovery ▶️NFTS Recovery ▶️University Result Upgraded ▶️Clear your Internet Blunder ➡️Increase Credit Score ➡️Whipping of Criminal Records ➡️Social Media Hack ➡️Blank ATM Card ➡️Load and wipe ➡️Phone Hacking ➡️Private Key Reset. For quick response hit Border us with your jobs & allow us give you positive result with our hacking skills.
Amelia Aaron:
Hello, my name is Amelia Aaron from Australia am here to give a testimony on how I meet one of the best Hacker so far on my incredible moment of pain I lost a huge amount of $487,000 to a fake investor, I invested 487,000 USD to this investment company with my belief that I will have a huge return when it was time for me to get my return they company no longer pick my calls or reply to my email I was so devasted that my sister saw my pain and sad sorrow she have no choice than to introduce me to this great hacker called Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. I tell him everything about my situation and he asked for the company email address and the mobile number he promises to help me retrieval my funds if I will be able to cooperate and give him the vital information needed less than 24 hours he was able to give me the necessary details about the company and how he will get my funds back without the company approval. Contact him:( or WhatsApp number: +4571398534 or Telegram number: +4571398534.
It's also one of the best decisions i've made in my life. I had bad credit for more than 4 years, then i was encouraged by an article to go reach out to MR. MERCADO made something that once seemed so incomprehensible to me, seem so easy. I love that they did an amazing and professional job in cleaning my credit files and no trease was left. I am the happiest woman alive.
It's also one of the best decisions i've made in my life. I had bad credit for more than 4 years, then i was encouraged by an article to go reach out to MR. MERCADO made something that once seemed so incomprehensible to me, seem so easy. I love that they did an amazing and professional job in cleaning my credit files and no trease was left. I am the happiest woman alive.
бүгдээрээ сайн уу!!! Би энд байгаа бүх хүмүүст зөвлөгөө өгөхийг хүсч байна, санд хөрөнгө оруулах брокер сонгохдоо болгоомжтой байгаарай, би FX луйврын хохирогч болсон. Тэд мөнгө буцааж авахаас өмнө, хоёр удаа төлсний дараа нэмэлт төлбөр авах хүсэлт гаргасаар байсан. Хэрэглэгчийн тусламжтай холбогдох бүх хүчин чармайлтыг үгүйсгэж, би хэдэн сарын турш зүрхээ шархлуулсан. Бурхан минь үнэхээр эелдэг байсан тул би онлайн сэтгэгдлүүдийг үзэж байгаад алдагдсан хөрөнгөө хэрхэн буцааж авахыг олж мэдсэн тул би ноён Уильямтай цаг алдалгүй холбогдож техникийн хэдэн асуулт асуусан бөгөөд түүний хариулт надад таалагдаж байна, би оролдоод үзлээ. 36 цагийн дотор надаас түрийвчний үлдэгдлээ шалгахыг хүссэн ба үлдэгдэл нэмэгдсэнийг хараад би хагарсан. Би банкны данс руугаа хурдан шилжүүллээ, та түүнтэй шуудангаар холбогдож болно: