Монгол Улсын Тэргүүн Шадар сайд бөгөөд Эдийн засаг, хөгжлийн сайд Л.Гантөмөр тэргүүтэй төлөөлөгчид БНХАУ-ын Хайнан мужийн Боао хотноо зохион байгуулагдаж буй Азийн төлөөх Боаогийн чуулга уулзалтад оролцож байна. Дэлхийн эдийн засгийн тоглоомын дүрэм ойлгомжгүй болж байгаа өнөө үед Монголчууд бид тодорхой саналтай, шийдэлтэй байх хэрэгтэй тухай Монгол Улсын тэргүүн шадар сайд өмнө нь хэвлэлийнхэнд хэлж байсан билээ.

Тэгвэл БНХАУ-ын Төрийн зөвлөлийн Шадар сайд Дин Шюэшянтай хийсэн албан ёсны уулзалтын үеэр хоёр улсын харилцаа ойлгомжтой, тодорхой байх, харилцан бие биенээ дэмжиж ажиллахыг илэрхийлж, дараах 3 чиглэлээр хамтран ажиллах тодорхой саналуудыг дэвшүүлжээ.

1. Хил холболтыг эрчимжүүлэх, экспортын тогтвортой байдлыг хангах, гурван улсын эдийн засгийн коридорын төслүүдийг эрчимжүүлэх;

2. Эрчим хүч болон бусад аж үйлдвэрийн салбарыг хөгжүүлэх;

3. Шинжлэх ухаан, хиймэл оюун ухаан, шинжлэх ухааны паркыг хамтран хөгжүүлэх.

БНХАУ-ын Төрийн зөвлөлийн Шадар сайд Дин Шюэшян эдгээр саналыг бүрэн дэмжиж, хоёр улсын ард иргэдэд ашиг тустай байх бүхий л санал санаачлагуудад ажил хэрэгч хамтын ажиллагааг эрчимжүүлэх, хөрш орны хувьд эдийн засгийн давуу талыг ашиглан ногоон хөгжлийн төлөө хамтран ажиллахаа илэрхийллээ.


Хятадын бараа бүтээгдэхүүнийг улам ихээр оруулж ирж үндэсний үйлдвэрлэлийг нухчин дарья гэж харагдаж байна даааааа................
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
HIRE A RELIABLE RECOVERY EXPERT THE HACK ANGELS Here are my recommendations. THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT is the best choice to recover your lost funds back. I fell victim to a fake online crypto broker with my investment of $958,000. The broker promised me significant profits and I was initially successful in trading, which built trust with the broker. I have never been so inconsolable in my life, having given them my utmost trust only to be fooled in this manner. While looking for help after losing my investment funds. I came across numerous endorsements and testimonials about THE HACK ANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I reached out to him without hesitating and the outcome was wonderful. After retrieving the whole money he also worked for my colleague and is in the final stage of retrieving the last investment she made. Their expertise in crypto recovery is impressive, utilizing advanced techniques to track and recover my lost investment funds. Thanks to the experts for the heroic work you do for the helpless and hopeless. If your crypto has been stolen in any way, contact the Expert as soon as possible. You can contact them through their hotline at +1(520)200-2320 (available on Phone/WhatsApp), or shoot them an email at support@thehackangels.com. They also have a great website at www.thehackangels.com if you prefer that route.
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