Хоёрдугаар сард халамж, тэтгэмжийн мөнгө олгох хуваарь

Хоёрдугаар сард халамж, тэтгэмжийн мөнгө олгох хуваарь


Энэ сард олгох нийгмийн халамжийн тэтгэвэр, тэтгэмж, хөнгөлөлт, тусламжийн хуваарийг Хөдөлмөр, халамж үйлчилгээний ерөнхий газраас гаргажээ.

 Хүүхдийн мөнгөн тэтгэмжийг хоёрдугаар сарын 20-нд,

"Насны хишиг"-ийн мөнгийг хоёрдугаар сарын 13, 25-нд олгоно. Мөн олон хүүхэдтэй өрх толгойлсон эх, эцгийн тэтгэмжийг энэ сарын 20-нд олгох юм.


I threw all my hard-earned cash into Bitcoin. Fast forward to today, I had amassed a cool 50 BTC, which was now worth over a million bucks. I thought my private keys were safely tucked away offline, but turns out I fell for a sneaky phishing scam. Next thing I knew, my crypto fortune had disappeared into the abyss of an anonymous wallet. Lesson learned: always keep your keys close and your scams closer. Distraught at having my nest egg wiped out, I turned to Forensic Web Recovery, a new service specializing in tracking stolen crypto funds and assisting victims. Through advanced blockchain analysis, Forensic was able to trace the path the stolen Bitcoins took as they got laundered through various wallets under the hacker's control. Eventually Forensic located the hacker's main wallet and coordinated with law enforcement to seize the wallet and return the stolen crypto to me. Thanks to Forensic web recovery crypto tracking expertise and perseverance, I recovered my lost life savings. I am now a firm believer in using crypto recovery services for protection against theft. My story highlights that even if you lose crypto funds to hacking or scams, there are still options like Forensic Web Recovery, their Email Forensichackerstech @ gmail.com that may be able to recover your losses by following the digital trail on the blockchain. So call forensic web recovery today through: Email; Forensichackerstech @ gamil com
I threw all my hard-earned cash into Bitcoin. Fast forward to today, I had amassed a cool 50 BTC, which was now worth over a million bucks. I thought my private keys were safely tucked away offline, but turns out I fell for a sneaky phishing scam. Next thing I knew, my crypto fortune had disappeared into the abyss of an anonymous wallet. Lesson learned: always keep your keys close and your scams closer. Distraught at having my nest egg wiped out, I turned to Forensic Web Recovery, a new service specializing in tracking stolen crypto funds and assisting victims. Through advanced blockchain analysis, Forensic was able to trace the path the stolen Bitcoins took as they got laundered through various wallets under the hacker's control. Eventually Forensic located the hacker's main wallet and coordinated with law enforcement to seize the wallet and return the stolen crypto to me. Thanks to Forensic web recovery crypto tracking expertise and perseverance, I recovered my lost life savings. I am now a firm believer in using crypto recovery services for protection against theft. My story highlights that even if you lose crypto funds to hacking or scams, there are still options like Forensic Web Recovery, their Email Forensichackerstech @ gmail.com that may be able to recover your losses by following the digital trail on the blockchain. So call forensic web recovery today through: Email; Forensichackerstech @ gamil com
Wendy Taylor:
My name is Wendy Taylor, I'm from Los Angeles, i want to announce to you Viewer how Capital Crypto Recover help me to restore my Lost Bitcoin, I invested with a Crypto broker without proper research to know what I was hoarding my hard-earned money into scammers, i lost access to my crypto wallet or had your funds stolen? Don’t worry Capital Crypto Recover is here to help you recover your cryptocurrency with cutting-edge technical expertise, With years of experience in the crypto world, Capital Crypto Recover employs the best latest tools and ethical hacking techniques to help you recover lost assets, unlock hacked accounts, Whether it’s a forgotten password, Capital Crypto Recover has the expertise to help you get your crypto back. a security company service that has a 100% success rate in the recovery of crypto assets, i lost wallet and hacked accounts. I provided them the information they requested and they began their investigation. To my surprise, Capital Crypto Recover was able to trace and recover my crypto assets successfully within 24hours. Thank you for your service in helping me recover my $647,734 worth of crypto funds and I highly recommend their recovery services, they are reliable and a trusted company to any individuals looking to recover lost money. Contact email Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com OR Telegram @Capitalcryptorecover Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 his contact: Recovercapital@cyberservices.com