ҮЙЛ ЯВДАЛ: Шинжлэх ухааны шилдэг бүтээлийн шагнал гардуулна

ҮЙЛ ЯВДАЛ: Шинжлэх ухааны шилдэг бүтээлийн шагнал гардуулна

 Арванхоёрдугаар сарын 10-ны мяягмар гарагт болох зарим үйл явдлын тойм:

09:00 цагт: “Чингис хаан”-ын музейд:“Шинжлэх ухаан-Оролцоо-2024” форум болж, шинжлэх ухааны шилдэг бүтээлийн шагнал гардуулах ёслол болно. 

11:00 цагт: Төрийн ордонд:Эрчим хүчний реформын Үндэсний хороо хэвлэлийн хурал зарлажээ: Утас: 9101-0520.

11:00 цагт: Хөдөлмөр, халамжийн үйлчилгээний ерөнхий газарт: Олон улсын жишигт нийцсэн Хөдөлмөрийн бирж, хөдөлмөр, нийгмийн үйлчилгээний үндэсний платформыг нэвтрүүлж, төр, хувийн хэвшлийн түншлэлээр дамжуулан хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтийн үйлчилгээг хүртээмжтэй болгох JOB CENTER төвийн нээлт болно. Утас: 8805-7167.

 “ЗМ”-ний мэдээллийн төвд (Утас: 9979-0206, 8019-0070)-д:

11:00 цагт: Үндсэн хууль тогтоогчдын холбооноос иргэнээ баяжуулах саналыг Засгийн газарт хүргүүлнэ.

11:30 цагт: Сэтгүүлч Бодко, Италта Алтансүх нар агаарын бохирдлын шийдлийн талаар мэдээлнэ.

12:00 цагт: “Ард Санхүүгийн Нэгдэл”-ийн ТУЗ-ийн дарга Ч.Ганхуяг олон нийтийн сүлжээнд тархаад буй мэдээллийн хүрээнд нэр төрөө сэргээх талаар мэдээлнэ.

-Гадаадын хөрөнгө оруулалт болон төрийн худалдан авалтын талаар зарим эдийн засагч эдийн засгийн сэтгүүлчидтэй өглөөний уулзалт хийнэ.


Patricia Lovick:
How To Recover Your Bitcoin Without Falling Victim To Scams: A Testimony Experience With Capital Crypto Recover Services, Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover Dear Everyone, I would like to take a moment to share my positive experience with Capital Crypto Recover Services. Initially, I was unsure if it would be possible to recover my stolen bitcoins. However, with their expertise and professionalism, I was able to fully recover my funds. Unfortunately, many individuals fall victim to scams in the cryptocurrency space, especially those involving fraudulent investment platforms. However, I advise caution, as not all recovery services are legitimate. I personally lost $273,000 worth of Bitcoin from my Binance account due to a deceptive platform. If you have suffered a similar loss, you may be considering crypto recovery, The Capital Crypto Recover is the most knowledgeable and effective Capital Crypto Recovery Services assisted me in recovering my stolen funds within 24 hours, after getting access to my wallet. Their service was not only prompt but also highly professional and effective, and many recovery services may not be trustworthy. Therefore, I highly recommend Capital Crypto Recover to you. i do always research and see reviews about their service, For assistance finding your misplaced cryptocurrency, get in touch with them, They do their jobs quickly and excellently, Stay safe and vigilant in the crypto world. You can reach them via email at Capitalcryptorecover@zohomail.com
Afraid Anthony:
HIRE A FASTEST CYBER RECOVERY EXPERT TO RECOVER YOUR LOST OR STOLEN BITCOIN/ETH/USDT/ THE HACKANGELS I simply want to share my story about THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. To all of you out there. One has to be careful. A lot of scammers are out there taking money from innocent traders. I was a victim of these crypto scammers. They made me lose my hard earned funds. The best thing that happened to me this year was seeing an article about THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. A professional hacker and private investigator. I invested $954,300 in a cryptocurrency platform and it turned out to be a scam and I had no idea how to get my money back until I reached out to a recovery company called THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I explained my situation to them. I was shocked to hear that they had recovered all of my stolen cryptocurrency in just 48 hours. I said that I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. To anyone who may find themselves in a similar unfortunate situation. I highly recommend THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Quickly reach out to them on their hotline: WhatsApp: (+1(520)200-2320 ) Email: (support@thehackangels.com) Web: (www.thehackangels.com) If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
Afraid Anthony:
HIRE A FASTEST CYBER RECOVERY EXPERT TO RECOVER YOUR LOST OR STOLEN BITCOIN/ETH/USDT/ THE HACKANGELS I simply want to share my story about THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. To all of you out there. One has to be careful. A lot of scammers are out there taking money from innocent traders. I was a victim of these crypto scammers. They made me lose my hard earned funds. The best thing that happened to me this year was seeing an article about THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. A professional hacker and private investigator. I invested $954,300 in a cryptocurrency platform and it turned out to be a scam and I had no idea how to get my money back until I reached out to a recovery company called THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. I explained my situation to them. I was shocked to hear that they had recovered all of my stolen cryptocurrency in just 48 hours. I said that I will not hold this to myself but share it to the public so that all scammed victims can get their funds back. To anyone who may find themselves in a similar unfortunate situation. I highly recommend THE HACKANGELS RECOVERY EXPERT. Quickly reach out to them on their hotline: WhatsApp: (+1(520)200-2320 ) Email: (support@thehackangels.com) Web: (www.thehackangels.com) If you're in London, you can even visit them in person at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help.
emily faye:
I have been suffering from Herpes for the past 1 years and 8 months, and ever since then I have been taking series of treatment but there was no improvement until I came across testimonies of Dr. Silver on how he has been curing different people from different diseases all over the world, then I contacted him as well. After our conversation he sent me the medicine which I took according to his instructions. When I was done taking the herbal medicine I went for a medical checkup and to my greatest surprise I was cured from Herpes. My heart is so filled with joy. If you are suffering from Herpes or any other disease you can contact Dr. Silver today on this Email address: drsilverhealingtemple@gmail.com