Онлайнаар ПОС-оо захиалаад аялаарай


ХААН Банк картаар үйлчлүүлэгч байгууллагууддаа зориулан “Онлайнаар ПОС-оо захиалаад аялаарай” урамшуулалт аяныг эхлүүллээ. Бизнес эрхлэгч та ХААН Банкны ПОС төхөөрөмжийг цахимаар үнэ төлбөргүй захиалснаар энэхүү урамшуулалт аянд оролцох боломжтой.


Тодруулбал, 2024 оны 10-р сарын 16-наас 12-р сарын 15-ны өдрийг хүртэл үргэлжлэх тус аяны хугацаанд та Khan Merchant аппликэйшн болон вэбсайтаар дараах үйлчилгээнүүдийг авснаар урамшуулалт аянд оролцох боломжтой.


 Энгийн ПОС төхөөрөмж захиалах;

 Хэвлэмэл QR код захиалах;

 Digi POS аппликэйшнд бүртгүүлэх (Гар утасны ПОС аппликэйшн)


Аяны хүрээнд нийт зургаан харилцагчийг аяллын эрхээр урамшуулах ба урамшууллын эздийг 2024 оны 12-р сарын 19-нд ХААН Банкны албан ёсны Facebook хуудсаар шууд дамжуулан тодруулна.


Khan Merchant аппликэйшн болон вэбсайтаар авах боломжтой үйлчилгээнүүд:


1. Шинэ харилцагч болох хүсэлт өгөх (Бүх төрлийн бизнес эрхлэгч),

2. Gsign, OTP ашиглан гэрээгээ баталгаажуулах,

3. ПОС төхөөрөмжийн гүйлгээний түүхийг бодит цагийн горимоор харах,

4. Digi POS, хэвлэмэл QR болон энгийн ПОС төхөөрөмжийг үнэгүй захиалах,

5. Cashback, И-баримт, Alipay+ гэх мэт нэмэлт үйлчилгээний хүсэлт өгөх,

6. Засвар үйлчилгээний дуудлага өгөх,

7. Нэгтгэл дүнгээ хянах,

8. Салбарууд дээрээ дэд эрх авах,

9. Гүйлгээний түүх харах,

10. ХААН Банкны бүтээгдэхүүн үйлчилгээний талаар мэдээлэл авах,

11. Зөвлөмж, гарын авлага татаж авах.


Хүсэлт илгээх заавар:

Нэмэлт ПОС авах заавар:

Тохиролын эрх шалгах заавар:



Хамтын өсөлт төгөлдөр – ХААН Банк
Сонин хачин
Vivian Marcus:
Hello my name is Vivian Marcus from the United State, i'm so exciting writing this article to let people seek for help in any Break up Marriage and Relationship, Dr Kachi brought my Ex Boyfriend back to me, Thank you Sir Kachi for helped so many Relationship situation like mine to be restored, i was in pain until the day my aunt introduce me to Dr Kachi that she got her husband back with powerful love spell with help of Dr Kachi So i sent him an email telling him about my problem how my Boyfriend left me and cheating on me because of her boss lady at work i cry all day and night, but Dr Kachi told me my Boyfriend shall return back to me within 24hrs and to me everything he asked me to do the next day it was all like a dream when he text me and said please forgive me and accept me back exactly what i wanted, i am so happy now as we are back together again. because I never thought my Ex Boyfriend would be back to me so quickly with your spell. You are the best and the world greatest Dr Kachi. if you're having broke up Ex Lover or your husband left you and moved to another woman, You do want to get Pregnant do not feel sad anymore contact: his Text Number Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 You can reach him Website:
Michael Schwarz:
I lost about $585,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery jetwebhackers i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers... Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
Michael Schwarz:
I lost about $585,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery jetwebhackers i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers... Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
Michael Schwarz:
I lost about $585,000.00 USD to a fake cryptocurrency trading platform a few weeks back after I got lured into the trading platform with the intent of earning a 15% profit daily trading on the platform. It was a hell of a time for me as I could hardly pay my bills and got me ruined financially. I had to confide in a close friend of mine who then introduced me to this crypto recovery team with the best recovery jetwebhackers i contacted them and they were able to completely recover my stolen digital assets with ease. Their service was superb, and my problems were solved in swift action, It only took them 48 hours to investigate and track down those scammers and my funds were returned to me. I strongly recommend this team to anyone going through a similar situation with their investment or fund theft to look up this team for the best appropriate solution to avoid losing huge funds to these scammers... Quickly reach out to JETWEBHACKERS, on their TELEGRAM: @jetwebhackers WHATSAPP: +1 (704) 252-2290
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БҮГДЭЭРЭЭ САЙН УУ!!!!! Бид олон нийтэд мэдээлэхийг хүсч байна; Та бөөрийг худалдахыг хүсч байна уу? Та санхүүгийн хямралын улмаас бөөрийг зарж борлуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж байна уу, юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй байна уу? Дараа нь бидэнтэй холбоо бариад DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар бид танд бөөрнийх нь хэмжээгээр санал болгох болно. Яагаад гэвэл манай эмнэлэгт бөөрний дутагдалд орж, 91424323800802. имэйл: DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM Yнэ: $780, 000 (Долоон зуун, Наян мянган доллар) APPLY TO SELL YOUR KIDNEY FOR MONEY NOW $ 780,000.00
БҮГДЭЭРЭЭ САЙН УУ!!!!! Бид олон нийтэд мэдээлэхийг хүсч байна; Та бөөрийг худалдахыг хүсч байна уу? Та санхүүгийн хямралын улмаас бөөрийг зарж борлуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж байна уу, юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй байна уу? Дараа нь бидэнтэй холбоо бариад DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар бид танд бөөрнийх нь хэмжээгээр санал болгох болно. Яагаад гэвэл манай эмнэлэгт бөөрний дутагдалд орж, 91424323800802. имэйл: DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST.LT.COL@GMAIL.COM Yнэ: $780, 000 (Долоон зуун, Наян мянган доллар) APPLY TO SELL YOUR KIDNEY FOR MONEY NOW $ 780,000.00
Susan Bickford:
It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: or website: