Улаанбаатарт +9 хэм дулаан байна

Малчид, иргэд, тариаланчид, тээвэрчдийн анхааралд :


15-ны өдөр Хангайн уулархаг нутгаар нойтон цас, цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурах тул зам, даваа, гүвээнд халтиргаа үүсэхийг анхааруулж байна.


2024 оны 10-р сарын 15-ны 08 цагаас 20 цаг хүртэлх цаг агаарын урьдчилсан мэдээ:


Ихэнх нутгаар үүлшинэ. Баруун аймгуудын ихэнх нутаг, төвийн аймгуудын нутгийн баруун хэсгээр нойтон цас, цас орж, цасан шуурга шуурна. Салхи баруун аймгуудын нутгаар баруун хойноос, нутгийн зүүн хагаст баруун өмнөөс, бусад нутгаар баруун өмнөөс баруун хойш эргэж эргэж секундэд 6-11 метр, Алтайн уулархаг нутгаар секундэд 14-16 метр хүрч ширүүснэ. Алтай, Хангай, Хөвсгөлийн уулархаг нутаг, Завхан голын эх, Хүрэнбэлчир орчим, Идэр, Тэс, Халх голын хөндийгөөр 0…+5 градус, говийн бүс нутгийн баруун өмнөд хэсгээр +14…+19 градус, Их нууруудын хотгор болон говийн бүс нутгийн хойд болон зүүн хэсгээр +10…+15 градус, бусад нутгаар +6...+11 градус дулаан байна.


УЛААНБААТАР ХОТ ОРЧМООР: Үүлшинэ. Хур тунадас орохгүй. Салхи баруун өмнөөс секундэд 5-10 метр. +8...+10 градус дулаан байна.


БАГАНУУР ОРЧМООР: Үүлшинэ. Хур тунадас орохгүй. Салхи баруун өмнөөс секундэд 5-10 метр. +8...+10 градус дулаан байна.


ТЭРЭЛЖ ОРЧМООР: Үүлшинэ. Хур тунадас орохгүй. Салхи баруун өмнөөс секундэд 5-10 метр. +7...+9 градус дулаан байна.


05 цагт Улаанбаатарт: 9 градус хүйтэн, харьцангуй чийг 60 хувь, агаарын даралт 875 гектопаскаль байлаа. Даралт өдөртөө тогтвортой байна.


Сонин хачин
Edwin Dicine:
Hello everyone, my name is Edwin Dicine. Am from Los Angeles California. I want to introduce a good testimonies of Dr Kachi the great lottery spell caster who helped me to win a lottery..my story on how I win million After reading about a article who Dr Kachi helped, I got in contact with Dr.Kachi and he told me that he going to help me cast a spell that will profit me when I play the Powerball game, and i do believed him and took action. After he casted the winning number spell, I played the Powerball Ticket, and i won greatly which I did today I’m here shearing a testimony about this same man Dr Kachi help me to win $45 million dollars, I am so happy for meeting this great spell caster that has changed my life, You can also contact Dr Kachi the legend spell caster to help you cast a lottery spell and win too, he might be of help to anyone who is interested. contact: drkachispellcast@gmail.com his Text Number and Call: +1 (209) 893-8075 his Website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
Carlos Smiths:
SYNACK ARE THE MOST LEGIT ASSET RECOVERY MASTERS Personally, I think it's a little sad that some people give up on finding their lost money, passwords, or cryptocurrency when there is so much support available. when a wide range of professionals are willing to assist you in obtaining what is rightfully yours. I've spoken with friends who are going through comparable circumstances but are too proud or shy to ask for assistance. I've always believed that you should receive assistance if everyone is receiving it. Although I prefer to remain anonymous, I feel compelled to relay this crucial information: hackers are there for a purpose. to assist you when officials or the police are unable to. So far, I have tried Synack Hackers, and I have to say, they have not let me down. This hacker saved me the $240,000 USDT that I would have otherwise lost. I was sadly let down by the police department, which is why I decided to look for hackers. So, beloved, get assistance. If you're interested in working with my hackers, here is their email: (synackhack{@}tech{-}center{.}com)
Carlos Smiths:
SYNACK ARE THE MOST LEGIT ASSET RECOVERY MASTERS Personally, I think it's a little sad that some people give up on finding their lost money, passwords, or cryptocurrency when there is so much support available. when a wide range of professionals are willing to assist you in obtaining what is rightfully yours. I've spoken with friends who are going through comparable circumstances but are too proud or shy to ask for assistance. I've always believed that you should receive assistance if everyone is receiving it. Although I prefer to remain anonymous, I feel compelled to relay this crucial information: hackers are there for a purpose. to assist you when officials or the police are unable to. So far, I have tried Synack Hackers, and I have to say, they have not let me down. This hacker saved me the $240,000 USDT that I would have otherwise lost. I was sadly let down by the police department, which is why I decided to look for hackers. So, beloved, get assistance. If you're interested in working with my hackers, here is their email: (synackhack{@}tech{-}center{.}com)
Mavis Wanczyk:
My name is Mavis Wanczyk, from Chicopee, Massachusetts. I’m excited to share my fantastic experience with Dr. Kachi, who is outstanding at lottery spell casting online. No matter where you are or how challenging your situation might be, Dr. Kachi can help you win in lotteries and other gambling games. If you’ve been searching for winning numbers without success, Dr. Kachi’s spells are known for providing the right numbers and lucky letters. Many have become millionaires after just one game using his powerful spells. I contacted Dr. Kachi shared the necessary details, and he provided me with six Powerball numbers: 6, 7, 16, 23 26, plus the Powerball number 4. I played them and won $758.7 Million! My life has changed dramatically, and I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Kachi. If you’re interested, you can reach Dr. Kachi by text or call at +1 (209) 893-8075, email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com, or visit his website here https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site. Thank you so much, Dr. Kachi.
Mavis Wanczyk:
My name is Mavis Wanczyk, from Chicopee, Massachusetts. I’m excited to share my fantastic experience with Dr. Kachi, who is outstanding at lottery spell casting online. No matter where you are or how challenging your situation might be, Dr. Kachi can help you win in lotteries and other gambling games. If you’ve been searching for winning numbers without success, Dr. Kachi’s spells are known for providing the right numbers and lucky letters. Many have become millionaires after just one game using his powerful spells. I contacted Dr. Kachi shared the necessary details, and he provided me with six Powerball numbers: 6, 7, 16, 23 26, plus the Powerball number 4. I played them and won $758.7 Million! My life has changed dramatically, and I am incredibly thankful to Dr. Kachi. If you’re interested, you can reach Dr. Kachi by text or call at +1 (209) 893-8075, email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com, or visit his website here https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site. Thank you so much, Dr. Kachi.