Энэ сарын 27-ноос эхлэн үргэлжилсэн бороо орно

УОК-оос цаг агаарын нөхцөл байдлын талаар мэдээлэл хийлээ.



ЦУОШГ-ын дарга Г.Оюунжаргал "Маргааш буюу 2024.06.26-ны өдөр Туул гол Лүн сум, Хэрлэн мөрөн Өндөрхаан, Сэлэнгэ мөрөн Сүхбаатар орчимд усны түвшин 10-50 см-ээр нэмэгдэж, үерийн эрсдэл улам нэмэгдэнэ. Энэ голуудын сав дагуу нутаглаж байгаа малчид, амарч зугаалж яваа иргэд усны аюулаас сэрэмжтэй байхыг онцгойлон анхааруулж байна. 


Ойрын өдрүүдээс маргааш хур тунадастай багатай байна. 27-ны өдрөөс эхлэн нутгийн хойд хэсгээс эхлэн Төв, зүүн аймгуудын нутгаар үргэлжилсэн бороо орно. 28, 29-ны өдөр Төв, зүүн аймгуудын нутгийг хамарсан үргэлжилсэн бороо орох учраас голуудын үерийн түвшин нэмэгдэж, үер болох эрсдэл маш өндөр байна. 


27-нд баруун аймгуудын нутгийн зарим газраар, төвийн аймгуудын ихэнх нутаг, зүүн болон говийн аймгуудын нутгийн баруун хойд хэсгээр 


28, 29-нд баруун болон говийн аймгуудын нутгийн зарим газар, төв, зүүн аймгуудын ихэнх нутгаар 


30-нд нутгийн зүүн хагаст бороо орно. 


28, 29-ны өдрийн бороо Сэлэнгэ, Төв аймгийн хойд хэсэг Хэнтий нуруу тал, зүүн аймгуудын нутгийн хойд талаар илүү их орно" гэдгийг мэдээллээ. 

Сонин хачин
Paul Becker:
If you're not familiar with cryptocurrency trading, I strongly advise you to either stay away from it completely or invest very cautiously. I was forced to invest a significant amount of my life savings on a forex platform to increase my profits, but I ultimately lost roughly 95,000 USD to this investment scam. I was not allowed to take my money out after I had invested and made a profit. I sent a letter to customer service, but it was ineffective, so I realized I had been duped. I was fortunate enough to come across a genuine deal retrieval WEB WIZARD after much looking for ways to acquire assistance. I decided to give it a shot and explained my condition to them. they gave me their word that they would help me get my money back. Honestly, they performed a fantastic job, and my money was recovered in my wallet in less than 24 hours without any upfront payment. I appreciate having encountered WEB WIZARD with such exceptional abilities, it's truly remarkable. TELEGRAM: @BestwebwizardRecovery WHATSAPP: +1(410) 202-1161 EMAIL: bestwebwizardrecovery@consultant.com OR: info@bestwebwizrecovery.com WEBSITE: https://bestwebwizrecovery.com/
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Nora Lily:
I LOST MY CRYPTO TO A SCAMMER, What Should I Do ? - Hire OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, there has been an increase in crypto-related frauds and fraudulent activity. Victims have suffered significant financial losses as a result of these cryptocurrency frauds. This is where crypto recovery specialists OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS come into action. OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS specializes in assisting individuals who have been scammed or have lost access to their cryptocurrency assets in regaining control of their funds. Hiring OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS can help you take control of your lost investments and secure your financial future. Get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS Via; Website...... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.... +44 7376 740569 Email................ support@optimistichackergaius.com Telegram............. https://t.me/optimistichackergaiuss
Henry Mason:
How Can i Recover My Lost Cryptocurrency - Book OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The best cryptocurrency recovery company, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, is known for offering comprehensive services for recovering lost or stolen bitcoin money. It tracks people and helps them get back into their digital assets with the use of forensic investigations and state-of-the-art blockchain analytics tools. Its team of experts in regulatory compliance and blockchain technology offers customized solutions for recovery issues, such as money lost to fraud, scams, or hacking. More Information through; Website... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Henry Mason:
How Can i Recover My Lost Cryptocurrency - Book OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The best cryptocurrency recovery company, OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, is known for offering comprehensive services for recovering lost or stolen bitcoin money. It tracks people and helps them get back into their digital assets with the use of forensic investigations and state-of-the-art blockchain analytics tools. Its team of experts in regulatory compliance and blockchain technology offers customized solutions for recovery issues, such as money lost to fraud, scams, or hacking. More Information through; Website... https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com
Joyce Meyer:
I Feigned A Scammer And Lost My Crypto Shall I Receive It Again? Indeed, speak with HACKER GAIUS. have discovered that if you don't have good abilities, recovering Bitcoin is challenging. I borrowed it when I lost mine, and I tried a lot of hacks, but none of them worked. I am quite grateful to them for their outstanding effort, but when I attempted OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS, they were successful. You can contact OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS at You can reach them as well. Website.. http://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com