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Говь-Алтай аймгийн Цагдаагийн Газарт “2023 оны 07 дугаар сарын 28-ны өдрөөс хойш миний 28 тооны адуу хайгаад олдохгүй байна“ гэх дуудлага мэдээлэл бүртгэгдэж, уг хэргийг Говь-Алтай аймгийн харьяат Д, Баян-Өлгий аймгийн харьяат Н нар нь бүлэглэн үйлдсэн болохыг илрүүлэн шалгаж байна.


Дээрх этгээдүүд нь 2022 онд мөн бусдын олон тооны буюу 22 тооны адуу хулгайлсан болох нь илэрчээ.


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Сонин хачин
My name is CLARA JAMES .I want to give thanks to PRIEST WISDOM for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source (a very close co-worker) that Trust is a very dedicated, gifted, and talented person,It was one of the best things I have ever done. My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn't face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again . I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather they got in contact with PRIEST WISDOM.He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. PRIEST WISDOM makes him realize how much we love and need each other .This man is for REAL and for good . He can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counselling, and we’re doing very, very well , in our love life . contact email supernaturalspell0@gmail.com or text or add him up on WhatsApp/Telegram at: +2348124644470 his web page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ or go to his page https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11
Lucy Faith:
LOVE SPELL CASTER (Dr. Tebe) THAT HELPED ME BRING BACK MY DIVORCED HUSBAND CONTACT HIM NOW FOR ANY KIND OF HELP AT +1(661) 525 4146 With so much in my heart, I am here to express myself about how Dr. Tebe saved my marriage from divorce. My husband and I were having some misunderstandings and it was tearing our marriage apart to the extent my husband was seeking a divorce. So I have no option other than to go to the internet to seek a solution to my problem. It was there I came across Dr. Tebe's details and about how he has helped a lot of people by restoring their relationships. I contacted Dr Tebe and in less than 48 hours my husband canceled the divorce papers. Now I and my husband live together in peace and harmony all thanks to Dr Tebe for saving my marriage from breaking up. Dr. Tebe's contact information or call his phone number or WhatsApp: +1(661) 525 4146 Email. Drtebespelltemple@gmail.com his website is http://drtebespelltemplee.website2.me/
Lucy Faith:
LOVE SPELL CASTER (Dr. Tebe) THAT HELPED ME BRING BACK MY DIVORCED HUSBAND CONTACT HIM NOW FOR ANY KIND OF HELP AT +1(661) 525 4146 With so much in my heart, I am here to express myself about how Dr. Tebe saved my marriage from divorce. My husband and I were having some misunderstandings and it was tearing our marriage apart to the extent my husband was seeking a divorce. So I have no option other than to go to the internet to seek a solution to my problem. It was there I came across Dr. Tebe's details and about how he has helped a lot of people by restoring their relationships. I contacted Dr Tebe and in less than 48 hours my husband canceled the divorce papers. Now I and my husband live together in peace and harmony all thanks to Dr Tebe for saving my marriage from breaking up. Dr. Tebe's contact information or call his phone number or WhatsApp: +1(661) 525 4146 Email. Drtebespelltemple@gmail.com his website is http://drtebespelltemplee.website2.me/
Everyone deserves a happy marriage/relationship, I was hurt and heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr.Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, you can contact him now. I will advice anyone that have relationship problem or marriage problem, financial Difficulty, court case problem contact Dr Excellent now, he's the solution to all you problems. Here his contact. WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com ,Read about him here:https://drexcellentspellcaster.godaddysites.com
Everyone deserves a happy marriage/relationship, I was hurt and heart broken when my husband left me and moved to California to be with another woman. I felt my life was over and my kids thought they would never see their father again. I tried to be strong just for the kids but I could not control the pains that tormented my heart, my heart was filled with sorrows and pains because I was really in love with my husband. I have tried many options but he did not come back, until i met a friend that directed me to Dr.Excellent a spell caster, who helped me to bring back my husband after 11hours. Me and my husband are living happily together again, This man is powerful, you can contact him now. I will advice anyone that have relationship problem or marriage problem, financial Difficulty, court case problem contact Dr Excellent now, he's the solution to all you problems. Here his contact. WhatsApp him at: +2348084273514 "Or email him at: Excellentspellcaster@gmail.com ,Read about him here:https://drexcellentspellcaster.godaddysites.com
Micheline Peric:
URGENT AND EFFECTIVE LOVE SPELL CASTER TO HELP YOU GET BACK YOUR EX LOVER VERY FAST WHATSAPP +2348124644470 My Name is Micheline Peric from Ireland, I want to say thank you to PRIEST WISDOM for the good thing he has done for me,Though am not sure if this is the best forum to show my joy and happiness for what he has done for me but i can't hide happiness and my Joy so i have to share it with people, my marriage got crashed about two years ago and i tried all i could within my power but to no avail. I saw a post and testimonial about the good things PRIEST WISDOM has been doing so I decided to give it a try. though he is always a busy man but when he responded back to my email, he gave me 24hours for my marriage to be restored really just like he said my marriage was restored since then I am happy and i am living happily i am so grateful, PRIEST WISDOM you can always email him here: Supernaturalspell0@gmail.com or WHATSAPP / cell phone +2348124644470 or view his blog his web page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ or go to his page https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11