Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар 2025 оныг Залуусыг дэмжих жил болгон зарлалаа Халтиргаа гулгаанаас үүдэлтэйгээр толгойн гэмтэл, мөчдийн хугарал зонхилон тохиолдож байна “Олон төвт хот- Иргэдийн оролцоо” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал зарлалаа Засгийн газар өвлийн аялал жуулчлалыг хөгжүүлэх стратегийн талаар хэлэлцэж байна Улаанбаатарт өдөртөө үүлэрхэг, -8 хэмийн хүйтэн байна ҮЙЛ ЯВДАЛ: “Хааны хаш” тусгай үзэсгэлэн гарч байна Уран нугараач Б.Норовсамбууд Хөдөлмөрийн баатар цол хүртээлээ Монгол Улсын Их Хурлын дарга Д.Амарбаясгалан Бүгд Найрамдах Улсыг тунхаглаж анхдугаар Үндсэн хууль баталсны 100 жилийн ойн мэнд дэвшүүллээ Бүгд Найрамдах Улсаа тунхагласны баярыг тохиолдуулан төрийн дээд цол, одон, медаль хүртээв Б.Мөнхсоёл: Олон ургалч үзлийг мэтгэлцээний шинжтэй өрнүүлэлгүй далд гүтгэлэг тарааж буй нь бүдүүлэг үйлдэл
WSJ: Дроныг нэг доллараар санал болгосон ч хүргэхэд 10 сая доллар шаардлагатай

Америкийн зэвсэг үйлдвэрлэгч General Atomics компани Оросын давшилтаас өмнө Украинд туслах зорилгоор Reaper MQ-9 хоёр дроныг нэг доллараар нийлүүлэх санал тавьжээ. 


Хэдийгээр үнэгүй шахам дрон нийлүүлэх санал тавьсан ч дроныг бэлтгэх, хүргэхэд Украин 10 сая доллар төлөх шаардлагатай болохын дээр техник үйлчилгээнд гэхэд л жилд найман сая доллар зарцуулагдана гэж  Wall Street Journal сонин мэдээлсэн байна. 


Дрон нийлүүлэх хэлэлцээг зөвшөөрөх ёстой Цагаан ордон болон Украины эрх баригчид Америкийн зэвсэг үйлдвэрлэгч компаниас тавьсан дээрх саналын талаар тайлар өгөхөөс татгалзсан гэж эх сурвалж мэдээлжээ.


Reaper дроны нийт далавчны урт 20 метр орчим, энэ дрон 24 цаг тасралтгүй нисэх, мөн зэвсэг тээвэрлэх чадвартай аж. Ийм нэг дрон хэдэн сая долларын үнэтэй байдаг гэнэ. 


Сонин хачин
Grady Harris:
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Grady Harris:
Cryptocurrency Tracing For Crypto Scam Recovery / Go to Captain WebGenesis. Victims of fraud have found it hard to come across legitimate crypto recovery companies to help them secure their lost investments from bogus investment websites. It's hard to take the pain of losing your hard earned money to fraudsters which can leave you in much debt and stress. If you're a victim of a Crypto scam or theft, I recommend Captain WebGenesis recovery team to provide help and get back your funds. Send a complaint to their email ( Captainwebgenesis@ hackermail. com ) and provide all the evidence required and the team will get into deep work and get back your lost crypto. SMS/WhatsApp; +1(501)436-9362.
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Frieda Wagner:
I would strongly love to recommend the services of the best team of Jeanson James Ancheta wizard. They are professional and very discreet in carrying out their jobs, they have the best customer service agents and satisfaction at heart. If you have any services, kindly contact him via email:( or WhatsApp number: +49 (1521) 9265132, and he also help track and monitor your cheating partner's phone without being noticed, clear or erase criminal records, all social media hacks, funds recovery and many others.
Sarah Laipply:
SCAMMED MONEYRECOVERY WITH EXNER PRO HACKER (EPH)At times, it admittedly gets tricky choosing financialadvisors, most especially investment advisors. As much as there are legaladvisors around, it is quite hard not wondering why they have not applied thatfinancial prowess for their own good if its quite the key to success. Tapping knowledgeoutside then seems to be the ultimate idea. I had managed to tap into my “Pandorabox”. This guy was doing well as his social media account showed. Giving $950,000out for investment must have taken a load of convincing as expected. And so, I didand the guy simply disappeared. Not even his social media account was anywhereto be found. It got frantic. I immediately knew it was a bad investment. Immediatelystarted seeking help. Well with quite some challenges of finding scamminguntrue hackers. But I finally landed on Exner Pro Hacker (EPH). I’ll simply sayhe deserved a lot of credit by the time he was done. It took 2 days to retrieve$920,000 as the rest had been withdrawn. Thank you once more (EPH). Hit them for their help.
Faith Clifford:
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency scams are becoming rampant as the day goes by. One should be careful when dealing with people online especially when it has to do with your funds. Getting back your stolen bitcoins is very easy but there are also alots of fraudulent recovery firms out there so you need to be careful not to end up being defrauded again. Jamesmckaywizard is the most trusted and reliable recovery firm online. They are the best recovery firm out there now. They are very fast and efficient in the recovery of your funds. To contact them EMAIL: or What's App:+1 (507) 414-7049, You can simply send an email and you will be helped to recover 100% of you lost funds- I was able to recover all of my stolen bitcoins. They provide excellent service.
Lynne wilson:
Greetings everyone, I met a lady more than 7yrs ago and fell in love with her. We started a relationship and after a while she had a baby girl for me. We began to have Issues between us because the woman was dragging his feet in performing the marriage rites. A few months later, the relationship broke up and we went our separate ways. Last year,a friend of mine, directed me to Dr Edetanlen the spell caster for marriage break ups and relationship issues After the spell, the great spirit of Dr Edetanlen shrine my seriously reconnected me with the Mother of my daughter Our love was grew big and better and i proposed marriage to her again and she accepted and we are planning to get married on the March 20 this year, after years of separation. I never thought I was gonna see this marriage thing coming to existence between me and my lover, but thanks to Dr Edetanlen, who with the power of his great spell made this possible. If you find yourself into same or related problem, You can also call or Whatsapp him via +2348155699347 or email please beware of scams and if anyone else use this same testimony please no the person is a scam only Dr Edetanlen can help you Good luck.
With so much in my heart I am here to express myself on how Priest Salami saved my marriage from divorce. Myself and my husband were having some misunderstanding and it was tearing our marriage apart to the extent my husband was seeking a divorce. So I have no option other than to go to the internet to seek a solution to my problem. It was there I came across Priest Salami details and about how he has helped a lot of people by restoring their relationship. I contacted Priest Salami and in less than 48 hours my husband cancelled the divorce papers. Now myself and my husband live together in peace and harmony all thanks to Priest Salami for saving my marriage from breaking up. Priest Salami contact information are via email: Whatsapp number: +2348143757229