ШИНЭ ГАВЬЯАТУУДДАА ХҮНДЭТГЭЛ ҮЗҮҮЛЛЭЭ “Эрдэнэс Оюу Толгой” ХХК Ажлын байрны нээлттэй сонгон шалгаруулалт зарлалаа “Менежментийн зөвлөх үйлчилгээний тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр”-т 10 байгууллага амжилттай хамрагдлаа Монгол өв уламжлал, ёс заншлын өргөө 100 ортой цэцэрлэг ашиглалтад орлоо Зудын үнэлгээгээр Архангай, Баян-Өлгий, Говь-Алтай, Завхан, Сүхбаатар, Төв аймгийн хэмжээнд эрсдэлийн түвшин “МАШ ИХ” байна Монгол Улсын Засгийн газар 2025 оныг Залуусыг дэмжих жил болгон зарлалаа Халтиргаа гулгаанаас үүдэлтэйгээр толгойн гэмтэл, мөчдийн хугарал зонхилон тохиолдож байна “Олон төвт хот- Иргэдийн оролцоо” сэдэвт эрдэм шинжилгээний хурал зарлалаа Засгийн газар өвлийн аялал жуулчлалыг хөгжүүлэх стратегийн талаар хэлэлцэж байна Улаанбаатарт өдөртөө үүлэрхэг, -8 хэмийн хүйтэн байна
Үерийн эрсдэлтэй бүсэд 2000 гаруй айл суурьшиж байна


Үерийн аманд буусан айлуудыг үерт автах эрсдэлээс сэргийлэх арга хэмжээ авч байгаа ч тухайн айлууд нүүдэггүй, үерийн далан, суваг барих газрыг чөлөөлөхгүй байх бэрхшээл гарч байна. Улаанбаатар хотын хэмжээнд 2000 гаруй айл үерийн эрсдэлтэй бүсэд суурьшжээ. Энэ тухайд ГУББГ-ын ерөнхий инженер С.Батсайхан “Улаанбаатар хотын 2040 он хүртэлх хөгжлийн ерөнхий төлөвлөгөөний хүрээнд газар чөлөөлтийг үе шаттайгаар хийхээр төлөвлөсөн. Үерийн далан, сувгийн гадна ирмэгээс 10 метр зайд хамгаалалтын зурвас байдаг. Тухайн зурвас, эрсдэлтэй бүсэд буусан айлуудыг нүүлгэж, газар чөлөөлж байж үерийн далан, сувгийг шинэчлэх, барих ажлыг бүрэн гүйцэтгэж, үерийн эрсдэлээс сэргийлж чадна. Айлуудад албан шаардлага, мэдэгдэл хүргүүлж, нүүж байрлах газрыг нь ч зааж өгдөг. Гэвч олон жил энэ газарт амьдарсан, хүүхдүүд нь ойролцоох сургууль, цэцэрлэгт явдаг гэсэн шалтгаанаар нүүдэггүй” хэмээн ярьсан юм.


Иргэдийг үер буух эрсдэл өндөртэй байршил, үерийн далан, сувгийн хамгаалалтын зурваст буухгүй байх, шинээр хашаа байшин, газар худалдаж авахдаа намаг цэвдэг, үерийн эрсдэл, хөрсний усны нэвчилт зэргийг шалгаж, нягталж байхыг анхааруулж байна.



Сонин хачин
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Jack Wagner:
Hello everyone I'm JACK WAGNER, I want to testify of the great and powerful spell caster named Dr. ABDUL who brought back my ex who left me and got engaged to another man, We were happy together then She suddenly he just changed, She used to call me every morning and night before going to bed but all that stopped when I call her she yell at me and told me she didn't want to have anything to do with me anymore I was so sad and confused I didn't know what to do then I went online to search on how to get back my ex then I found an article where someone was talking about how the great and powerful Dr. ABDUL helped him and he left his email address I took it and contacted him I told him my problem he only smiled and told me to relax everything will be OK I did everything he asked me to do and he assured me that after 24hrs she will be back, To my greatest surprise the next morning it was my girlfriend she came back kneeling and begging for me to accept her back now we are so happy together now. He can also help you, Email: doctorabdulspellcaster@gmail.com or contact him WhatsApp: +2348108728256
Нүүхгүй суухгуй гээд байгаа хүмүүсээр нь үерт урсвал гомдолгүй бас нүүгээгүйгээс болж бусдад учруулсан хохирлыг нь төлөхөд бэлэн гээд гарын үсгийг нь зуруулчих хэрэгтэй