Тогтвортой санхүүгийн форумаар ХАА-н салбарын ногоон шилжилтийг онцолно Тогтвортой санхүүгийн форумаар ХАА-н салбарын ногоон шилжилтийг онцолно Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүх: Ногоон хөгжлийг эрчимжүүлэхэд үндэсний зөвшилцөл нэн чухал Б.Одбаяр: Ирэх оноос хотын гол гудамж, замуудын явган замыг стандартын дагуу өргөтгөн шинэчилнэ Улаанбаатарт өдөртөө үүлэрхэг, цас орно ШИНЭ ГАВЬЯАТУУДДАА ХҮНДЭТГЭЛ ҮЗҮҮЛЛЭЭ “Эрдэнэс Оюу Толгой” ХХК Ажлын байрны нээлттэй сонгон шалгаруулалт зарлалаа “Менежментийн зөвлөх үйлчилгээний тэтгэлэгт хөтөлбөр”-т 10 байгууллага амжилттай хамрагдлаа Монгол өв уламжлал, ёс заншлын өргөө 100 ортой цэцэрлэг ашиглалтад орлоо Зудын үнэлгээгээр Архангай, Баян-Өлгий, Говь-Алтай, Завхан, Сүхбаатар, Төв аймгийн хэмжээнд эрсдэлийн түвшин “МАШ ИХ” байна
Нийслэлийн хэмжээнд 36 цэгт иргэдийг дархлаажуулна


Өнөөдөр Улаанбаатар хотод суурин 36 цэг, түр нэг цэгт 37 багийн 127 эмч, ажилтан ажиллана. Та өөрт ойр вакцины аль ч цэгт очиж дархлаажуулалтад хамрагдах боломжтой. Дархлаажуулалтын цэгүүд 09:00-16:00 цаг хүртэл ажиллана.


Дархлаажуулалтын цэгийг дүүрэг тус бүрээр танилцуулж байна.

Сонин хачин
Sharon cee cee:
Legitimate Cryptocurrency Recovery Company - visit OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The recovery team at OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is aware of the effects that investment fraud has on its victims. It can be difficult to know where to begin, as they may lose all of their life savings or make false investments. For a free consultation on scam protection in light of this, please get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. Learn more.. https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is an expert in forensic investigation and has the necessary skills to assist you in regaining your wealth. They can track the money and frequently figure out where your misplaced cash is. The group has made investments in cutting-edge technology and software, which greatly aids in the battle against bitcoin scam
Sharon cee cee:
Legitimate Cryptocurrency Recovery Company - visit OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The recovery team at OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is aware of the effects that investment fraud has on its victims. It can be difficult to know where to begin, as they may lose all of their life savings or make false investments. For a free consultation on scam protection in light of this, please get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. Learn more.. https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is an expert in forensic investigation and has the necessary skills to assist you in regaining your wealth. They can track the money and frequently figure out where your misplaced cash is. The group has made investments in cutting-edge technology and software, which greatly aids in the battle against bitcoin scam
Sharon cee cee:
Legitimate Cryptocurrency Recovery Company - visit OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The recovery team at OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is aware of the effects that investment fraud has on its victims. It can be difficult to know where to begin, as they may lose all of their life savings or make false investments. For a free consultation on scam protection in light of this, please get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. Learn more.. https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is an expert in forensic investigation and has the necessary skills to assist you in regaining your wealth. They can track the money and frequently figure out where your misplaced cash is. The group has made investments in cutting-edge technology and software, which greatly aids in the battle against bitcoin scam
Sharon cee cee:
Legitimate Cryptocurrency Recovery Company - visit OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS The recovery team at OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is aware of the effects that investment fraud has on its victims. It can be difficult to know where to begin, as they may lose all of their life savings or make false investments. For a free consultation on scam protection in light of this, please get in touch with OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS. Learn more.. https://optimistichackergaius.com WhatsApp.. +44 7376 740569 Email.. support@optimistichackergaius.com OPTIMISTIC HACKER GAIUS is an expert in forensic investigation and has the necessary skills to assist you in regaining your wealth. They can track the money and frequently figure out where your misplaced cash is. The group has made investments in cutting-edge technology and software, which greatly aids in the battle against bitcoin scam
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Leo Elijah:
HOW CAN I RECOVER MY LOST BITCOIN FROM SCAMMERS ? BTC SCAM VICTIMS RECOVERS THEIR MONEY THROUGH ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER is currently collecting funds back to all scam victims. Please contact him and explain your situation; he will assist you in all crypto scam retrieval funds, bitcoin scam recovering, investment scam, mobile mass surveillance, and cyber attacks. Here is their contact information. WhatsApp ☎️ 📞 📲 +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker please let them know that i Leo Elijah referred you
Clifford Larson:
RECOVER YOUR STOLEN BITCOIN! Have you fallen victim to a bitcoin scam? We are the experts! Private Investigators specialize in uncovering digital fraud and successfully recovering stolen bitcoin. Case in point: Our client, Mr. George, lost 10 bitcoins to a phishing scam. Utilizing advanced techniques, we traced the transaction to a suspicious wallet. With our relentless investigation and negotiation skills, we secured the return of 7.5 bitcoins to our client. Trust the professionals, Email (century@cyberservices.com ) https://centurywebrecovery.pro
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker
Thomas Brown:
IF YOUR CRYPTOCURRENCY IS STOLEN OR LOST, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? The top rehabilitation specialist is what you require. ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER can help you avoid falling into schemes around crypto theft. Scammers abound in the bitcoin investing space, and even with the greatest of intentions to generate huge profits, investors frequently lose money. These folks are intelligent, yet no one can outwit their clever plans. To entice you to invest your hard-earned money, they usually offer contact agreements and place you in a group with people who have already made investments. After following the advice and investing my money, I found out a few days later that it had been stolen. I am grateful to ROCKET SPEED RECOVERY HACKER for assisting me in getting my Bitcoin back. WhatsApp .. +1 (269) 369–5436 Email… rocketspeedrecoveryhacker@seznam.cz Telegram..http://t.me/rocketspeedrecoveryhacker