Архангай аймгийн Ихтамир суманд сүүлийн зургаан хоногт гурван удаа газар хөдөллөө


Архангай аймгийн Ихтамир суманд дахин газар хөдөлжээ. Тус сумаас баруун урд зүгт 72 километрийн зайд өнөөдөр буюу 2024.03.07-ны 10:34 цагт 3.8 магнитудын хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт боллоо. Ихтамир суманд сүүлийн зургаан хоногт 3.8-4.7 магнитудын хүчтэй гурван удаагийн газар хөдлөлт бүртгэгдлээ. 


Үүнээс өмнө тус суманд


2024.03.02-ны өдрийн 12.59 цагт 4.6 магнитудын хүчтэй


2024.03.03-ны өдрийн 05.07 цагт 4.7 магнитудын хүчтэй газар хөдлөлт болсныг бид мэдээлж байсан билээ.


Сонин хачин
Hi everyone i’m here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster called Dr Ogudugu I was so confused and devastated when my boyfriend left me without word, I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. So a friend of mine introduced me to this powerful spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so i contacted him and he promise that in less than 48 hours he will come back to me. After i did all he asked to my greatest surprise my bf who had refuses to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, if you have any relationship problem i will advice you contact him for your testimonies. His contact details. greatogudugu@gmail.com
Hi everyone i’m here to testify of a great and powerful spell caster called Dr Ogudugu I was so confused and devastated when my boyfriend left me without word, I needed him back desperately because i loved him so much. So a friend of mine introduced me to this powerful spell caster who had helped her in getting her lover back, so i contacted him and he promise that in less than 48 hours he will come back to me. After i did all he asked to my greatest surprise my bf who had refuses to speak with me came to my house and asked for forgiveness for all he had made me go through and now we are living happily together, if you have any relationship problem i will advice you contact him for your testimonies. His contact details. greatogudugu@gmail.com
Ruben Bomati:
Би Доктор Калад хуучин эхнэрээ эргүүлэн авчрахад минь тусалж чадах юм бол олон нийттэй хуваалцана гэж амласан бөгөөд энэ нь намайг Доктор Кала миний төлөө хийсэн гайхалтай зүйлсийн тухай энэхүү сайхан гэрчлэлийг бичихэд түлхэц болсон юм. салалт. Би эхнэртээ маш их хайртай, түүнийгээ алдаж байгаагаа хүлээн зөвшөөрөхгүй байсан тул эхнэрээ хэрхэн эргүүлэн авчрах талаар хэдэн зөвлөгөө авахаар судалгаа хийж, форумын нэг эмэгтэй гэрчлэхийг харсан. Тэр яаж доктор Калатай холбоо барьж хуучин охиноо эргүүлэн авч чадсан бэ, мөн би мөн доктор Калатай цахим шуудангаар холбогдож, түүнд асуудлаа тайлбарласан бөгөөд тэр надад эхнэрээ 2 хоногийн дотор эргүүлэн авахад тусалсан бөгөөд эхнэр маань салалтыг зогсоож, буцаж ирсэн. Тэр намайг дахиж хэзээ ч орхихгүй гэж амлаж, бас түүнийг уучлаарай гэж гуйж, яг одоо гэрлэлтээ баясгаж байна, мөн хуучин амрагаа эргүүлэн авчирч, буцааж өгөх чадвартай агуу шившлэгч доктор Калад баярлалаа. Таны салалт, гэрлэлт, харилцааны асуудалд төгсгөл болно. Та мөн Доктор Калатай kalalovespell@gmail.com эсвэл WhatsApp +2347051705853 хаягаар холбогдож болно.
Та нар эх удгандаа хандиваа өгж зогсоохгүй бол ч хэцүүднэ шүү.
Mary Robinson:
Good day to everyone reading my post, i'm here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email drkachispellcast@gmail.com or through WhatsApp and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075 his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
Юу гуцаад байгаа дэмий тэнэцэн хог вэ
Coinfx market is a big scam broker, i paid a huge amount of $70,000, they persuaded me, into putting more of my hard earned money with all hope to get profits in return, they won’t allow me to make a withdrawal of my investment, all because all they wanted is to steal my money, i got advised to file a refund case against them, which to my greatest surprise i was able to withdraw my money, i contacted a recovery expert { MORRISGRAY830@GMAIL.COM } and his team of recovery experts, they where able to assist me with the withdrawal of my money, and restore my funds, they are very responsive, and you can reach out to him for help also, i know am not the only one who has fallen victim, people out there might also need this information...
Niitiin teeveriin dashdorjiin ganbaatar hogiin hulgaich duu enhjargal ynhan solongosuud nuuren deer tamhiaa darj untaraadag hun aminii heregten!
Юу гуцаад байгаа дэмий тэнэцэн хог вэ