Хүүхдийн эрхийг хамгаалах асуудлаарх хяналтын сонсголыг маргааш хийнэ

Хууль зүйн байнгын хорооноос Хүүхдийн эрхийг хамгаалах, хангахтай холбоотой асуудлаар УИХ-ын хяналтын сонсгол хийхээр болсон байна. 



Хяналтын сонсгол маргааш буюу энэ сарын 25-нд Төрийн ордонд болох юм. Уг сонсголыг УИХ-ын гишүүн, Хүний эрхийн дэд хорооны дарга Ц.Мөнхцэцэг даргалан явуулах бөгөөд ЭМЯ, ХНХЯ, БСШУЯ, ХЗДХЯ, Соёлын яам, Цахим хөгжил харилцаа холбооны яам болон холбогдох байгуулагын төлөөлөл оролцохоор болжээ.



Сонин хачин
[COINS RECOVERY WORLDWIDE FIRM] Con artists have been scamming and scheming since ancient times. And yet every generation seems to bring a new bag of tricks, inspired by the latest app, platform, or pandemic there is to exploit. This time I fell into an investment designed to alleviate me from poverty, the economy was hitting hard and my taco’s restaurant was in a bad place financially. It was either I get run down by time due to low capital or somehow double my capital and I always hear how cryptocurrency is not only a risk but a good investment strategy if done right . Being desperate I I got engaged with cyber criminals who ran a network of investment scam from the broker to the website where I invested, they ripped me off as much as USD 677K under a month . i thought I was as careful as ever but their superpower is using the right word, asking the right questions because the process of being fooled takes place inside our minds,it’s up to us to realize when we are being taken. When Is I did realize I was on a rampage as to how to recover my asset but no matter what I did it looked like I was always hitting a dead end with no positive lead on how to recover my lost crypto investment, My lawyer first suggested hackers and asked me to give it a thought. Few days later, ready to try anything he connected me with “COINS RECOVERY WORLDWIDE TEAM”, anyone in my situation would have given up hope of recovery but COINS RE-COVERY TEAM recovered my asset with ease and quality experience. I’m indeed grateful for a smooth recovery process, these fraudsters are eating deep into our pockets everydaY,COINSRECOVERYWORLDSWIDE TEAM can turn that around it’s the reason I made out time to write this contact now : COINSRECOVERYWORLDWIDE @ g m ail dot com . We all deserve a second chance…
I lost about $746,000 pounds worth of Crypto to a fake investment trading platform that tricked me into investing on their platform with the intent of earning a 15% daily profit. I was losing it all to a point that I couldn't afford to take care of my bills and my Family.I was very disappointed with myself and was drowning in shame. I had to do a google search and came across coinsrecoveryworldwide, a cryptocurrency recovery company who are experts in recovering stolen and lost crypto funds. I immediately reached them out and explained my problem and they were able to recover 75% of my funds.I will recommend them to any victim out there trying to recover their funds back. Contact Info ;Mail (coinsrecoveryworldwide @ Gmail.com]
монгол эрчүүд яагаад улсаа хамгаалахгүй байгаан . ардчилсан нам монголыг сүйрүүлж байхад гадаадад хувиа хичээгээд . ардчилсан намыг хэн алж устгаж монголыг аврах вэ . ардчилал нэрээр хятдууд оруулж ирж монголчуудыг алуулж хүүхдүүд хулгайлуулж байна . үйлдвэрүүдийг хааж хятад бараагаар дарж байна монголын гэсэн юм болгоныг устгаж байна