Монгол Улс ЕАЭЗХ-той түр хэлэлцээр байгуулна

Монгол Улс ЕАЭЗХ-той түр хэлэлцээр байгуулна

Евразийн эдийн засгийн холбоо, Монгол Улс хооронд чөлөөт худалдааны түр хэлэлцээр байгуулах төслийн үлдсэн асуудлуудыг тохиролцжээ. 

Евразийн эдийн засгийн комиссын худалдааны сайд Андрей Слепнев, Эдийн засаг хөгжлийн сайд Л.Гантөмөр нарын уулзалтын дараа тус холбооноос мэдэгдэл гарсан байна.

Слепнев тус мэдэгдэлдээ "Бид үр дүнтэй хэлэлцээр хийж, Евразийн эдийн засгийн холбоо болон Монгол Улсын хоорондох чөлөөт худалдааны түр хэлэлцээрийн төслийн бүх үлдсэн асуудлыг нарийвчлан хэлэлцлээ. Монгол Улсыг ойрын хөрш, найрсаг харилцаатай орон хэмээн үзэж, цаашдын хамтын ажиллагааг хөгжүүлэхэд тууштай байгаагаа дахин нотолж байна" хэмээн онцолжээ.

ЕАЭХ болон Монгол Улсын хооронд чөлөөт худалдааны түр хэлэлцээр байгуулах хэлэлцээг 2024 оны тавдугаар сарын 8-нд болсон Евразийн эдийн засгийн дээд зөвлөлийн шийдвэрийн дагуу явуулж байгаа юм. Хэлэлцээр гурван жилийн хугацаатай үргэлжлэх бөгөөд хоёр тал тус бүр 375 нэр төрлийн бараанд гаалийн татварын хөнгөлөлт үзүүлэх аж.


Elizabeth Rush:
God bless Capital Crypto Recover Services for the marvelous work you did in my life, I have learned the hard way that even the most sensible investors can fall victim to scams. When my USD was stolen, for anyone who has fallen victim to one of the bitcoin binary investment scams that are currently ongoing, I felt betrayal and upset. But then I was reading a post on site when I saw a testimony of Wendy Taylor online who recommended that Capital Crypto Recovery has helped her recover scammed funds within 24 hours. after reaching out to this cyber security firm that was able to help me recover my stolen digital assets and bitcoin. I’m genuinely blown away by their amazing service and professionalism. I never imagined I’d be able to get my money back until I complained to Capital Crypto Recovery Services about my difficulties and gave all of the necessary paperwork. I was astounded that it took them 12 hours to reclaim my stolen money back. Without a doubt, my USDT assets were successfully recovered from the scam platform, Thank you so much Sir, I strongly recommend Capital Crypto Recover for any of your bitcoin recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity concerns. You reach them Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 His Email: Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover His website:
Elizabeth Rush:
God bless Capital Crypto Recover Services for the marvelous work you did in my life, I have learned the hard way that even the most sensible investors can fall victim to scams. When my USD was stolen, for anyone who has fallen victim to one of the bitcoin binary investment scams that are currently ongoing, I felt betrayal and upset. But then I was reading a post on site when I saw a testimony of Wendy Taylor online who recommended that Capital Crypto Recovery has helped her recover scammed funds within 24 hours. after reaching out to this cyber security firm that was able to help me recover my stolen digital assets and bitcoin. I’m genuinely blown away by their amazing service and professionalism. I never imagined I’d be able to get my money back until I complained to Capital Crypto Recovery Services about my difficulties and gave all of the necessary paperwork. I was astounded that it took them 12 hours to reclaim my stolen money back. Without a doubt, my USDT assets were successfully recovered from the scam platform, Thank you so much Sir, I strongly recommend Capital Crypto Recover for any of your bitcoin recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity concerns. You reach them Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 His Email: Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover His website:
Elizabeth Rush:
God bless Capital Crypto Recover Services for the marvelous work you did in my life, I have learned the hard way that even the most sensible investors can fall victim to scams. When my USD was stolen, for anyone who has fallen victim to one of the bitcoin binary investment scams that are currently ongoing, I felt betrayal and upset. But then I was reading a post on site when I saw a testimony of Wendy Taylor online who recommended that Capital Crypto Recovery has helped her recover scammed funds within 24 hours. after reaching out to this cyber security firm that was able to help me recover my stolen digital assets and bitcoin. I’m genuinely blown away by their amazing service and professionalism. I never imagined I’d be able to get my money back until I complained to Capital Crypto Recovery Services about my difficulties and gave all of the necessary paperwork. I was astounded that it took them 12 hours to reclaim my stolen money back. Without a doubt, my USDT assets were successfully recovered from the scam platform, Thank you so much Sir, I strongly recommend Capital Crypto Recover for any of your bitcoin recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity concerns. You reach them Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 His Email: Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover His website:
Elizabeth Rush:
God bless Capital Crypto Recover Services for the marvelous work you did in my life, I have learned the hard way that even the most sensible investors can fall victim to scams. When my USD was stolen, for anyone who has fallen victim to one of the bitcoin binary investment scams that are currently ongoing, I felt betrayal and upset. But then I was reading a post on site when I saw a testimony of Wendy Taylor online who recommended that Capital Crypto Recovery has helped her recover scammed funds within 24 hours. after reaching out to this cyber security firm that was able to help me recover my stolen digital assets and bitcoin. I’m genuinely blown away by their amazing service and professionalism. I never imagined I’d be able to get my money back until I complained to Capital Crypto Recovery Services about my difficulties and gave all of the necessary paperwork. I was astounded that it took them 12 hours to reclaim my stolen money back. Without a doubt, my USDT assets were successfully recovered from the scam platform, Thank you so much Sir, I strongly recommend Capital Crypto Recover for any of your bitcoin recovery, digital funds recovery, hacking, and cybersecurity concerns. You reach them Call/Text Number +1 (336)390-6684 His Email: Contact Telegram: @Capitalcryptorecover His website:
HOW DO I GET A RELIABLE RECOVERY HACKER TO GET BACK MY STOLEN BITCOIN CONTACT THE HACKANGELS WhatsApp 1(520)200-2320+) or shoot them an email at ( They also have a great website at( I’ve read many stories about THE HACKANGELS how the expert is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scammers or any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online trading platform where I invested about $875,000 worth of Btc and lost everything. They helped me get my stolen funds back, they are the best, I can assure you a swift and competent job with them. If you're in London, you can even visit them at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!
HOW DO I GET A RELIABLE RECOVERY HACKER TO GET BACK MY STOLEN BITCOIN CONTACT THE HACKANGELS WhatsApp 1(520)200-2320+) or shoot them an email at ( They also have a great website at( I’ve read many stories about THE HACKANGELS how the expert is helping people recover their funds after losing them to scammers. It is indeed surprising to know you can recover all lost bitcoin back from scammers or any fake investment site. I used to be a victim of an online trading platform where I invested about $875,000 worth of Btc and lost everything. They helped me get my stolen funds back, they are the best, I can assure you a swift and competent job with them. If you're in London, you can even visit them at their office located at 45-46 Red Lion Street, London WC1R 4PF, UK. They’re super helpful and really know their stuff! Don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help!