"PGL Cluj-Napoca"-д "The MongolZ" тэргүүлж байна
Өчигдөр 10 цаг 10 мин

Цахим спортын "CS2" төрлийн энэ оны ээлжит нэгэн өндөр шагналын сантай тэмцээн Румын улсад өнөөдөр/2025.02.14/ эхэлнэ. 1.25 сая ам.долларын шагналын сантай "PGL Cluj-Napoca 2025" тэмцээнд дэлхийн шилдэг 16 баг оролцож байгаа бөгөөд Монголын "The MongolZ" баг Valve-ийн дэлхийн чансаагаараа бусад багуудаа тэргүүлж байна. Нөгөө талаараа тэднийг түрүүлэх хамгийн өндөр магадлалтай багаар нэрлэж байгаа аж. Гэхдээ "FaZe Clan", "MOUZ", "Team Falcons", "Eternal Fire", "Astralis" зэрэг шилдгүүд байгааг мартаж болохгүй.

Чансааг тэргүүлэгч "The MongolZ" эхний тоглолт өнөөдөр 22:00 цагаас АНУ-ын "Complexity" багийн эсрэг тоглоно. "EliGE"-ийг "FaZe" руу явуулсан тус баг сүүлийн үед тааруу байгаа.

Энэхүү тэмцээнд Бразилын "Imperial"-ийн эмэгтэй баг оролцож байгаа нь онцлог байна. Тэд сүүлийн үед олны анхаарлыг татаж, эрчүүдтэй өрсөлдөж чадна гэдгээ харуулсан. Энэ удаад тус баг бүрэн бүрэлдэхүүнээрээ Румынд ирсэн гэнэ. Өнгөрсөн "IEM Katowice" тэмцээнд тус багийн ахлагч "tory" буюу Виктория Казиева оролцох боломжгүй болж, дасгалжуулагч "bubble" буюу Камен Костадинов орлосон юм. Тэдний эхний өрсөлдөгч нь Туркийн "Eternal Fire" байх болно.

Сонин хачин
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)
Alexander Userelu:
Lost Recovery Masters They are Here To Help you Recover Your lost or stolen Cryptocurrency Lost Recovery Masters is a service that specializes in helping individuals and businesses recover lost or stolen cryptocurrency. Their team of experts likely have experience and tools to assist with cases involving lost private keys, forgotten passwords, hacked accounts, or other situations where access to cryptocurrency has been compromised. If you are in need of assistance with recovering your lost or stolen cryptocurrency, Lost Recovery Masters may be able to help you navigate the process. It is important to verify the legitimacy and credibility of any service offering cryptocurrency recovery assistance to ensure that your funds are in safe hands.You can contact them via Website: (https://lostrecoverymasters.com/) Whatsapp (+44(7537-105921) Support Email (Support@lostrecoverymasters.com)