Улаанхуарангийн замын өргөтгөл 4 км замыг цогц гудамж, замын жишгээр шинээр барина 2024-10-07




Дэлхийн банкны санхүүжилтээр НЗДТГ-аас хэрэгжүүлж буй “Улаанбаатар хотын тогтвортой авто зам, тээвэр” төслийн хүрээнд Улаанхуарангийн замын өргөтгөл 4 км замыг цогц гудамж, замын жишгээр шинээр барих юм. Уг замын талаар төслийн зохицуулагч Х.Булгаагаас тодрууллаа.



Тэрбээр “Улаанхуарангийн автобусны эцсийн буудлаас Амгалан дулааны станцын хойгуур гарч, Улиастайн автобусны эцсийн буудал хүртэл холбосон 4 км замын зураг төслийг боловсруулж байна. 2025 онд бүтээн байгуулалтын ажлыг эхүүлнэ. Улаанбаатар хотын түгжрэлийг бууруулах, ялангуяа хотоос зүүн тийш гарч байгаа Улиастай, Амгалан, Хужирбулан чиглэлийн ачаалллыг бууруулахад онцгой ач холбогдолтой авто зам юм. Улмаар Улаанбаатар хотын замын сүлжээг өргөтгөж, иргэдийг ая тухтай зорчуулахад үүрэг гүйцэтгэнэ” гэв. Улаанхуарангийн замыг цогц гудамж, замын жишгээр барих онцлогтой.


Цогц гудамж, зам нь иргэдийн алхах, дугуй, авто машин, нийтийн тээврээр мөн бараа таваар хүргэх хэлбэрээр аюулгүй зорчих нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлсэн. Эрүүл мэндэд ээлтэй, эдийн засагт ашигтай, мөн замын аюулгүй байдал, аваар ослыг бууруулдаг болохыг олон улсад хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн байна.


Тодруулбал, замын хөдөлгөөнд оролцогчдын нас, чадвар, тээврийн хэрэгслийн төрлөөс үл хамаарч, тэднийг аюулгүй, тохитой зорчуулах орчин нөхцөлийг бүрдүүлсэн гудамжуудыг уг авто замд төлөвлөх юм. Явган зорчигчийн замтай, дугуйн тусгайлсан замтай, зам хөндлөн аюулгүй гарах гарц, аюулгүй арал, жигд зорчих хэсэг, замын дагуух авто зогсоолтой гудамжийг барих нь цогц гудамж, замын онцлог юм. 



Сонин хачин
Arlo Freya:
LEEULTIMATEHACKER@ AOL. COM telegram:LEEULTIMATE wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 - 9248 https://leeultimatehacker.com I was recently a victim of a scam that left me feeling utterly devastated. I lost a significant amount of money $36,000 due to a fraudulent scheme that I believed was legitimate at the time. The experience was not just financially draining but emotionally exhausting as well. After the scam, I felt lost and hopeless, struggling to come to terms with what had happened. I tried to contact the scammers multiple times, but they had vanished without a trace, leaving me with no options and no recourse. In my darkest moments, a friend reached out to me with some advice. They told me about a company called Lee Ultimate Hacker that specializes in helping victims of scams recover their lost funds. Initially, I was skeptical. I had already been through so much, and the idea of trusting another organization felt daunting. However, my friend reassured me, sharing their own positive experience with Lee Ultimate Hacker. Desperate for a solution, I decided to give them a try. From my very first interaction with their team, I felt a sense of professionalism and understanding that I hadn’t experienced before. The representatives were empathetic to my situation and listened attentively to my story. They walked me through the process, outlining the steps they would take to assist me in recovering my funds. Their transparency and dedication quickly alleviated some of my fears. Lee Ultimate Hacker employed a comprehensive approach to my case. They conducted thorough investigations, reaching out to various financial institutions and authorities to track down the scammers.
Jennifer Charlotte:
RECOVER YOUR SCAMMED MONEY WITH THE HELP OF INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD Hi. Please be wise, do not make the same mistake I had made in the past, I was a victim of bitcoin scam, I saw a glamorous review showering praises and marketing an investment firm, I reached out to them on what their contracts are, and I invested $55,000, which I was promised to get my first 15% profit in weeks, when it's time to get my profits, I got to know the company was bogus, they kept asking me to invest more and I ran out of patience then requested to have my money back, they refused to answer nor refund my funds, not until a friend of mine introduced me to a recovery company, so I reached out and after tabling my complaints, they were swift to action and within 2/³ hours I got back my funds with the due profit. I couldn't contain the joy in me. I urge you guys to reach out to INTELLIGENCE CYBER WIZARD ASSET RECOVERY SERVICE on their support contact details below. Email: intelligencecyberwizard (AT) Gmail (DOT)com What's App/Texts (PLUS) 1 (219) 424-7566 Instagram: @intelligence_cyber_wizard
Recovery Intelligence:
ARE YOU A VICTIM OF INVESTMENT OR NFT SCAM? DO YOU WANT TO INVESTIGATE A CHEATING SPOUSE? DO YOU DESIRE CREDIT REPAIR (ALL BUREAUS)? SCHEDULE A MEETING WITH AN ETHICAL HACKER ASAP TO GET STARTED. Let us show you the art of Ethical Hacking….! EMERALD HACKS is a financial regulator, PRIVATE investigation and funds recovery body. We specialize in cases as regards ETHICAL HACKING, CRYPTOCURRENCY, FAKE INVESTMENT SCHEMES and RECOVERY SCAM. We are also experts in CREDIT REPAIR, we analyze what’s impacting your score. All software tools needed to execute RECOVERIES from start to finish are available in stock. Kindly NOTE that the available tools does NOT apply to CREDIT FIX. Be ALERT to FALSE reviews and testimonies on the internet, the authors and perpetrators unite to form a syndicate. Contact our team as soon as you can via the email address below to book a mail meeting with an ethical hacker. emeraldhacks (.) org (@) gmail (.) com Stay Safe out there !xxx
Michael Raymond:
I want to share my experience about how I got My Wife Back. After three years of a broken marriage, My Wife left me with our two kids. We were constantly quarreling and struggling, which ultimately led to a serious breakup. My wife packed her things and moved away. Despite this, I was determined to reunite with her. But I was told by a reliable source, a very close co-worker, that Dr Kachi is a very dedicated, gifted and talented person, Then I met Dr. Kachi, a remarkable spell caster, who assured me that my wife would return within 24 hours after he prepared a love spell. I’m thrilled to say that Dr. Kachi kept his word! My Wife came back home, fell to her knees, and begged for my forgiveness. Today, our family is back together, and we are happy, healthy, and living together again. Dr. Kachi made my dreams come true by helping us reunite. If you need his assistance, divorce issues in your relationship you can contact him Text or Call at +1 (209) 893-8075, or visit his website at https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site Email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com
Michael Raymond:
I want to share my experience about how I got My Wife Back. After three years of a broken marriage, My Wife left me with our two kids. We were constantly quarreling and struggling, which ultimately led to a serious breakup. My wife packed her things and moved away. Despite this, I was determined to reunite with her. But I was told by a reliable source, a very close co-worker, that Dr Kachi is a very dedicated, gifted and talented person, Then I met Dr. Kachi, a remarkable spell caster, who assured me that my wife would return within 24 hours after he prepared a love spell. I’m thrilled to say that Dr. Kachi kept his word! My Wife came back home, fell to her knees, and begged for my forgiveness. Today, our family is back together, and we are happy, healthy, and living together again. Dr. Kachi made my dreams come true by helping us reunite. If you need his assistance, divorce issues in your relationship you can contact him Text or Call at +1 (209) 893-8075, or visit his website at https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site Email him at drkachispellcast@gmail.com
Morales Diana:
I received a notification that some of my Bitcoin was returning to my wallet. To my astonishment, I discovered that I was able to recover around 80% of my initial investment and the wallet itself was intact. While it wasn’t everything I had lost, it felt like a lifeline had been thrown to me in turbulent waters. Tech Cyber Force Recovery not only helped me recover my funds but also restored a bit of my trust in people and the crypto community. They turned a disheartening experience into a positive outcome, and for that, I am deeply grateful. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. They might just be the support you need to regain not only your investment but also your faith in the process. Email. Techcybersforcerecovery @ cyberservices . com Telegram. @ TECHCYBERFORC
Lucas Hugo:
I'm Lucas, a tech entrepreneur from Stockholm, and I have to say, losing a Bitcoin wallet feels a bit like misplacing your keys—except instead of being locked out of your house, you're locked out of a small fortune. I got into Bitcoin in 2016, and by 2024, my holdings had grown to a staggering $750,000. Everything was going smoothly until one fateful day when I accidentally deleted my wallet while setting up a new device. To make matters worse, I realized I had misplaced my recovery codes during an office move earlier in the year. I was devastated, and my heart sank as I came to terms with the fact that my Bitcoin might be lost forever. At that moment, I doubted whether any recovery was even possible. It felt as if I was staring into a financial abyss, wondering if my investments would vanish into thin air. Just when I thought all hope was lost, a business associate mentioned Lee Ultimate Hacker. Skeptical but desperate, I decided to give them a try. After all, what did I have to lose? I browsed through countless positive reviews, which gave me a glimmer of hope, so I reached out to their team. To my surprise, they were calm, professional, and clearly knew what they were doing. Their expertise gave me the confidence I needed to believe that I could get my wallet back. Within a few weeks, they worked their magic and recovered my wallet. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw my $750,000 was back in my possession. The feeling of relief was overwhelming—like finding that last piece of chocolate in the fridge that you thought someone had eaten! If you’ve ever doubted that you can recover lost Bitcoin, trust me—Lee Ultimate Hacker is the answer. I didn’t believe it until it happened to me. Their team genuinely cares about their clients and works diligently to restore access to your funds. Support@leeultimatehacker.com LEEULTIMATEHACKER@ AOL. COM telegram:LEEULTIMATE wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 - 9248
Elizabeth Aleksandra:
One months ago, I thought I was making a sound investment in a sustainable fashion startup in Paris, putting in EUR 50,000. As someone who values sustainability and innovation, this opportunity felt like a perfect match. The startup, which promised to revolutionize the fashion industry with eco-friendly materials and ethical production methods, had an impressive pitch. Their website showcased professional designs, glowing testimonials from industry experts, and even a few media features that added to their credibility. Initially, everything seemed promising. I was thrilled to be part of a venture that aligned with my values and had the potential for substantial returns. I conducted my due diligence, reviewed their business plan, and even reached out to other investors who expressed confidence in the project. It felt like a dream come true. However, as time went on, my excitement began to wane. After a couple of months, I decided it was time to withdraw some of my earnings. After all, I had invested a significant amount, and it was only reasonable to see some returns. To my shock, I encountered unexpected fees during the withdrawal process. The company cited various "administrative costs" and "processing fees" that I had never heard of before. I brushed it off, thinking it was a standard procedure. I paid the fees, hoping it would be the last hurdle. But as soon as I submitted my withdrawal request, I was met with silence. My broker, who had previously been responsive and engaging, stopped replying to my emails and calls. Days turned into weeks, and my unease grew into frustration. It felt as if I was trapped in a nightmare. Desperate to reclaim my funds, I began researching the situation. I discovered that I wasn’t alone; many others had fallen victim to similar scams. CONTACT DETAILS ; Email: Folkwinexpertrecovery (@) tech-center . com OR Telegram: @Folkwin_expert_recovery
Ofitseriin ongotstoi hesheeg toirson olon ogtloltsoliin zamiin yaagaad barihgui baigaa yum bol dooAmarsaihan munge Er ni usan orgiluur barichihsan baih aa daa Tugjreliin sain shiideh baisan yumsan
Нам дагасан пялдага цүнхчин бөгсчингүүдл хурган дарганцар болж бүхнииг мэдэгч болдогшдээ
Susan Bickford:
It's A Great News to Celebrate with you Viewer, I am truly living the life I have been looking for after Dr Kachi made me win my Powerball Lottery, I had been playing for a good 8years. It was a friend of mine who directed me to Dr Kachi because my friend Nancy has won the Powerball so many times and I don't know how she got the match six numbers to play and win a very big amount of money, then the last time she won the Mega Millions I told her to tell me the secret on how she win. That's when she started telling me about the powerful Dr Kachi who has been her helper. and she gave me Dr Kachi Text/Call Number:+1 (209) 893-8075 I texted the greatest spell caster Dr Kachi and I told him I wanted to win my Powerball with his spiritual rightful number and he told me I should give him 2hours to get everything done and hopefully Dr Kachi do it, and give me a winning numbers to play my ticket that make me win the prize of $223.3 Million Dollars Powerball lottery Tuesday i bought the winning ticket at the Carlie C’s IGA store in Hope Mills, that changed my life for good today, and Dr Kachi a strong spell caster and trust him when he says the results will manifest it's Truth, God bless you Dr kachi for your kind help also can Email: drkachispellcast@gmail.com or website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
Dennis Connor:
Coreassetinc @ Gmail dot com or Telegram handle: Coreassetinc. Recovering my lost investment funds with the help of Coreassetinc Recovery Firm expertise was something I thought wasn't possible again, I was defrauded by scammers through a crypto trading platform online I registered with after they were recommended to me by my trusted friend showing me proof of his investment and withdrawals from the platform. I believed they were genuine and thought it was an opportunity to make more money after seeing the proofs from my friend Mr. Matthew, that's how I lost my whole life savings of $604,000 to cryptocurrency investments and never knew retrieval was a possibility until I connected with Coreassetinc Recovery Firm. They carried out the recovery process with so much ease and their expertise shown brightly throughout the recovery process, with the information I provided they worked tirelessly to ensure I reclaim my lost investment funds. I was hopeless but Coreassetinc Recovery Firm restored hopes with their exceptional recovery service and what amazed me the most was their relentlessness and unwavering commitment to helping me out of my situation, I was thinking they couldn't retrieve back my lost investment funds with the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency, but to my greatest shock, Coreassetinc Recovery Firm transformed my situation giving me back my life and peace of mind back with their exceptional expertise in recovering back lost investment funds. With no traces left behind by the scammers, they requested substantial information on my transactions with the fake platform to work on my case, amazingly with the information I provided, it was a lead on remarkable accomplishment and retrieval of every penny I thought I had lost forever.
The alarming growth of cryptocurrency investment scams these days is truly distressing. I never believed I would become of the victims, but I was proven wrong. It's true that you can't judge a book by its cover, as the fraudulent company I invested in appeared legitimate. They even had a group chat where people shared testimonies of quick profits after investing. This gave me a false sense of security and made me believe I could easily earn without much effort and stress. After my first cryptocurrency investment; An account manager was assigned to handle my trades and notify me when it was time to withdraw. Initially, I invested smaller amounts $5,000 USD and successfully withdrew my profits. Feeling comfortable, I even voluntarily testified in the Telegram group. However, things took a turn when the manager advised me to increase my investment for a promotional offer. From that point, I faced difficulties with withdrawals after increasing my investment. The manager acted concerned, making it seem like he was not involved, and Advised me to go along with the fees I was asked to pay for me to regain access to withdrawals. I later discovered the truth after working with Century Web Recovery. They successfully recovered my entire crypto investment and my profits from these scammers after they’ve caused me a lot of damages mentally. If you need assistance, contacting Century Web Recovery on email or Website is the best decision to recovering back your funds. Website centurywebrecovery.pro WhatsApp (+14) (136) (316) (896) Email century (at) cyberservices.com
The alarming growth of cryptocurrency investment scams these days is truly distressing. I never believed I would become of the victims, but I was proven wrong. It's true that you can't judge a book by its cover, as the fraudulent company I invested in appeared legitimate. They even had a group chat where people shared testimonies of quick profits after investing. This gave me a false sense of security and made me believe I could easily earn without much effort and stress. After my first cryptocurrency investment; An account manager was assigned to handle my trades and notify me when it was time to withdraw. Initially, I invested smaller amounts $5,000 USD and successfully withdrew my profits. Feeling comfortable, I even voluntarily testified in the Telegram group. However, things took a turn when the manager advised me to increase my investment for a promotional offer. From that point, I faced difficulties with withdrawals after increasing my investment. The manager acted concerned, making it seem like he was not involved, and Advised me to go along with the fees I was asked to pay for me to regain access to withdrawals. I later discovered the truth after working with Century Web Recovery. They successfully recovered my entire crypto investment and my profits from these scammers after they’ve caused me a lot of damages mentally. If you need assistance, contacting Century Web Recovery on email or Website is the best decision to recovering back your funds. Website centurywebrecovery.pro WhatsApp (+14) (136) (316) (896) Email century (at) cyberservices.com
khulan Altan:
I have learned the hard way that even the most seasoned investors can fall prey to malicious actors. When my BTC was stolen, I felt a sense of betrayal and anger. But then, I discovered FORENSICHACKERSTECH, and their professionalism and unwavering commitment gave me a renewed sense of confidence. From the moment I reached out to FORENSICHACKERSTECH, I was impressed by their attention to detail and their deep understanding of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They listened patiently to my story and carefully analyzed the transaction history, leaving no stone unturned in their investigation. Throughout the recovery process, FORENSICHACKERSTECH kept me informed of their progress, providing me with regular updates and answering my countless questions with patience and understanding. Their unwavering dedication and determination gave me a sense of hope during a time of great uncertainty. To my astonishment, FORENSICHACKERSTECH was able to recover a significant portion of my stolen BTC funds. Their ability to track down my stolen assets and outsmart the malicious actors who had taken them from me was nothing short of remarkable. I am eternally grateful to FORENSICHACKERSTECH for their exceptional service. They not only restored my financial well-being but also gave me back a sense of hope and trust. I highly recommend their services to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto theft. FORENSICHACKERSTECH is a beacon of light in the darkness of cryptocurrency scams. Their expertise, professionalism, and unwavering commitment to helping victims of crypto theft are truly unparalleled. If you have lost your cryptocurrency to a fraudulent broker or investment scheme, do not hesitate to contact forensichackerstech: Email (forensichackerstech@gmail.com)
Andrea Robertson:
Life comes with risks but taking some risks can be dangerous to the extent you can loose all.......I was tricked by a crypto investment company who i thought were legit, i invested and when it was time to receive my returns they told me to scan my bitcoin wallet bar code i did that and sent to them all of a sudden all my bitcoins were gone and i was devastated, i explained what had happened to my brother who introduced me to premiumhackservices AT gmail DOT com and they helped recover my funds, +14106350697 Whatsapp, how it all happened is still like a magic to me but i want to say thank you
Naad Ganbaatar, duu Enkhjargaliinhaa zurgiig taviadhaach huu. Harj avii
Roland Hader:
The Best Ways to Recover Money from Amazon // Lost Recovery Masters Looking for authentic hackers skilled in retrieving money from stolen, misplaced, or fraudulent transactions on Amazon? Look no further than Lost Recovery Masters. They specialize in providing services to clients in the USA, offering a range of cyber security solutions for Amazon-related scams, including but not limited to: Off Platform Payments, Deceitful Sellers, Impersonated Tech Support, Prime Cold Calls, Dangerous Links, Fake Job Offers, Free Gift Card Scams, and other cyber security issues related to hacking. Contact details: Website: https://lostrecoverymasters.com/ Support email: Support@lostrecoverymasters.com Whatsapp: (+44(7537)-105921)
Donald Angus:
Lost Your Crypto Due to a Scam? iBolt Cyber Hacker Recovers Lost Cryptocurrency If you’ve lost your cryptocurrency due to a scam, there’s hope! I was in the same situation, completely lost after falling victim to investment attack that wiped out my crypto savings. I thought it was gone forever, but then I found iBolt Cyber Hacker, and they turned things around for me. If you’ve been scammed and feel like you’re out of options, I strongly recommend reaching out to them. Their ability to recover lost crypto is amazing. i trust this organisation. Email: Support@iboltcyberhack.com Cont/Whtp +39 350 929 0318 Website: https://iboltcyberhack.com/
as a newbie to cryptocurrency trading, I lost a lot of money trying to navigate the market on my own, then in my search for a genuine and trusted trader/broker, i came across Trader Bernie Doran who guided and helped me retrieve my lost cryptocurrencies and I made so much profit up to the tune of $60,000. I made my first investment with $2,000 and got a ROI profit of $25,000 in less than 2 week. You can contact this expert trader Mr Bernie Doran via Gmail : BERNIEDORANSIGNALS@GMAIL.COM or WhatsApp +14242850682 and be ready to share your experience , tell him I referred you
Mary Robinson:
Good day to everyone reading my post, i'm here to appreciate a legitimate spell caster call Dr Kachi who can help you winning the lottery draw, i have never win a biggest amount in lottery unite the day i saw good reviews about DR Kachi how he has helped a lot of people in different ways both financially/martially and i have been playing Mega Million for 8years now, but things suddenly change the moment i contacted Dr Kachi and explained everything to me about the spell and I accepted. I followed his instructions and played the Mega Million with the numbers he gave me, now i am a proud lottery winner with the help of Dr Kachi spell, i win $640 Million Dollars in Mega Millions Ticket, i am making this known to everyone out there who have been trying all day to win the lottery jackpot, believe me this is the only way to win the lottery, this is the real secret we all have been searching for. I want to thank Dr Kachi for his endless help and his from the United States. you can contact via email drkachispellcast@gmail.com or through Text and Call Number: +1 (209) 893-8075 his website: https://drkachispellcaster.wixsite.com/my-site
Niitiin teeveriin dashdorjiin ganbaatar hogiin hulgaich duu enhjargal ynhan solongosuud nuuren deer tamhiaa darj untaraadag hun aminii heregten!
Naad Ganbaatar, duu Enkhjargaliinhaa zurgiig taviadhaach huu. Harj avii