Улсын цолонд ойрхон хүчтэнүүд


Монгол түмний бахархан дээдэлж, хайрлан хүндэлдэг баярын нэг эрийн гурван наадам хаяанд ирлээ. Наадам ойртож буй энэ үед бөхдөө хайртай монгол түмэн аль нутгийн хүчтэний аз од нь гийж, нутаг ус нь түшиж, бэлтгэл нь чамбайрч шинэ цолоор энгэрээ мялаахыг таамаглаж суугаа нь тодорхой. Шинэ цолтон төрөхөд үзэгчид баярлаж, бахархаж, огшиж хүлээж авдаг. Арга ч үгүй биз, олон жилийн хичээл зүтгэл хөдөлмөр, шингэдэг учраас. Мөн улсын цолонд хүссэн бөх бүр хүрдэггүй. “Зууны мэдээ” сонин Тулгар төрийн 2233, Их Монгол Улс байгуулагдсаны 818, Тусгаар тогтнолоо сэргээн мандуулсны 113, Ардын хувьсгалын 103 жилийн ойн төрийн наадмын зүлэг ногоон дэвжээнд шинээр цол хүртэх өндөр магадлалтай таван хүчтэнээс үндэсний бөхийн талаарх үзэл бодол, амжилтын үнэ цэнийг нь сонирхсон юм.Тэд улсын цолоор энгэрээ мялааж, түмнийхээ хүндлэл, уухайн дуунд цэнгэлдэх тойроод алхах өдөр айсуй.


Баянхонгор аймгийн Хүрээмарал сумын харьяат “Хонгор нутаг” дэвжээ, Зэвсэгт хүчний 350 дугаар анги, “Прайд транс”, “Монгол ван” компанийн бөх  цэргийн арслан Г.Жамбалдорж



-Үндэсний бөх нь хэдэн мянган жилийн тэртээгээс өвлөгдөж ирсэн өв соёл, үндэсний дархлаа билээ. 2011 оноос үндэсний бөхөөр хичээллэсэн. Үндэсний бөх бол эр хүнийг зөв төлөвшүүлж,  амьдралын их ухаанд сургадаг. Одоо үед хүмүүс үндэсний хувцсаа тэр бүр өмсдөггүй. Харин үндэсний бөхөөс монгол дээлээ өмсөх соёлыг харж болно.


Би улсын наадмын зүлэг ногоон дэвжээндээ долоо дахь жилдээ зодоглохоор бэлтгэлээ базааж байна. Өнгөрсөн хугацаанд хоёр удаа начны даваанд гарч барилдсан. Бөхчүүд нэг жилийн турш тасралтгүй бэлтгэл хийж наадамдаа ач холбогдол өгч, амжилттай барилдахыг хичээдэг. Миний хувьд төрийн наадмын өглөө өдөр өдрөөс онцгой мэдрэмж өгдөг. Амжилттай барилдахыг бодож, цай сүүнийхээ дээжийг хангай дэлхийдээ өргөөд гэрээсээ гардаг даа. 


Амжилтын нууц өөрийгөө ялан дийлж, бэлтгэлээ чамбайруулах гэж хардаг. Зүгээр сууж байхад амжилт ирэхгүй нь тодорхой. Хэр хөлс урсгана тэр хэмжээгээр амжилт тосдог. Бэрхшээл гарахад зорилгынхоо төлөө өөрийгөө хурцлах чухал. Олон залуу бөхийн эрдэмд суралцаад явж байна. Ер нь бэлтгэл хийгээд хичээж байгаа бөх бүрийн хамгийн том зорилго улсын цолонд хүрэх. Гэхдээ тоотой хэд нь улсын том цолонд хүрнэ. Амжилт гаргахад нутгийн зон олон, бөхдөө хайртай түмэн ихэд баярладаг. Баян чинээлэг хүмүүс бөхийн спорт дэмждэг гэдэг ойлголт өрөөсгөл.  Тэд үндэсний спортоо устаж байхгүй болоход санаа зовдог, Монголоо гэсэн сэтгэлтэй учраас дэмжиж, тусалдаг.


Гаргасан амжилт:


2011 онд сумын заан

2012 онд сумын заан цолоо баталсан

2014 онд аймгийн начин

2016 онд аймгийн начин цолоо баталсан

2018 онд цэргийн арслан


Өвөрхангай аймгийн Баян-Өндөр сумын харьяат Зэвсэгт хүчний 256 дугаар анги, “Нутгийн буян” группийн бөх, аймгийн арслан Т.Довчинсэмбээ



-2007 онд эргэлт буцалтгүй үндэсний бөхийг сонгож, бэлтгэл хийж эхэлсэн. Хүүхэд байхаасаа үндэсний бөхөөр барилдсан. Аавтай хамт барилдаан үзээд бөхийн спортод дурласан. Бага байхад зургаан залуу заан мандаж байсан. Д.Сумъяабазар аваргын барилдааныг их үздэг байлаа. Би аав ээжийн талаасаа бөхийн удамтай. Улсын харцага Н.Ганбаатартай ойрын хамаатан. Бөхийн спорт  ялж ялагдахын үнэ цэнийг мэдрүүлдэг. Мөн ямар ч саад бэрхшээлийг давж гарах сэтгэлийн тэнхээ суудаг юм билээ.


Эрийн гурван наадам нь Монгол түмний их түүхийг хадгалсан уламжлалт баяр. Үндэсний бөхийн түүхийг судлаад үзэхэд  эрчүүдийг цэрэгжилтийн бэлтгэлтэй байлгах зорилгоор үүссэн байдаг. Хөгжлийнхөө явцад эрийн гурван наадмын нэг болсон. Би 2011 онд сумын заан цолтой байхдаа улсын наадмыг зорьсон. Үүний дараа 2017 онд аймгийн арслан цолтой барилдаж байлаа. Энэ жил улсын наадамдаа найм дахь удаагаа зодоглоно. 2021 онд Хүй долоон худагт 512 бөхийн барилдаанд долоо давсан. Үүний дараа 2022, 2023 онд төрийн наадамд гурав давж байлаа. Төрийн наадамдаа барилдах хамгийн сайхан. Багахан догдлолтой ч бүтэн жилийн хөдөлмөрөө шалгуулдаг. Тиймээс бэлтгэл сайтай байх чухал. Би цэрвүүгээс барилддаг онцлогтой. Голлож хийдэг мэх гэвэл хавирах, тахимдах.


Гаргасан амжилт:


2007 онд сумын заан

2011 онд аймгийн начин

2012 онд аймгийн начин цолоо баталсан

2013 онд хоёр дахь удаагаа аймгийн начин цолоо баталсан

2016 онд аймгийн арслан


Баянхонгор аймгийн Баянлиг сумын харьяат “Их богд” дэвжээ, “Нэгдэл” клуб, “Бай хөндий цамхаг” компанийн бөх, Чөлөөт бөхийн ОУХМ, аймгийн арслан Ч.Алтангэрэл



-Үндэсний бөхөөр 2016 оноос хичээллэсэн. Анх аймгийн аварга шалгаруулах барилдаануудаас амжилтын гараагаа эхэлсэн. Үндэсний бөхийн өсвөр үеийн улсын аварга шалгаруулах тэмцээнээс хүрэл медаль хүртэж байсан.


Анх  улсын наадамд 2022 онд барилдахдаа дөрвийн даваанд улсын харцага Н.Золбоо ахтай таарч өвдөг шороодсон. Тухайн үед бэлтгэл сайтай байсан учраас өөртөө итгэлтэй барилдсан. Бөхөөр хичээллэхдээ их спортоор сууриа тавьсан болохоор сэтгэл зүй сайтай байдаг. Энэ жил төрийн наадамд гурав дахь жилдээ зодоглоно. Одоогоор нутагтаа наадмын бэлтгэлдээ гарсан байна. Бөхчүүд улсын цолонд хүрэхийг бодож бэлтгэл сургуулилтдаа шамддаг. Би ч ялгаагүй улсын цолонд хүрэхийн төлөө хичээж байна. Үндэсний бөхийн цол бүр сайхан. Онцолбол, улсын заан цол бахархалтай санагддаг.


Би дэвжээнд гарахаасаа өмнө өрсөлдөгч бөхийнхөө барилдааны онцлог, мэхийг нь тооцоолдог. Энэ нь даваагаа ахиулахад дэм болдог. Өдөр бүрийн хөдөлмөр, хичээл зүтгэл сайн хүн төдийгүй, амжилтын богц дүүрэн тамирчныг бүтээдэг. Өдий зэрэгтэй барилдаж яваа минь спортыг сонгосны гавьяа.


Гаргасан амжилт:


2015 онд сумын заан

2018 онд аймгийн начин

2019 онд аймгийн харцага

2020 онд аймгийн арслан


Архангай аймгийн Тариат сумын харьяат “Бөх билэгт” дэвжээ, Зэвсэгт хүчний 034 дүгээр анги, “Очирням”, “Хүннү шоес” компанийн бөх, цэргийн заан Ө.Батсуурь



-Би Архангай аймгийн Тариат суманд мэндэлсэн. Бөхийн өлгий болсон арын сайхан нутгаараа овоглох бахархалтай санагддаг. Би бага байхаасаа үндэсний бөхөд дуртай байсан. 2015 оноос үндэсний бөхөөр бэлтгэл сургуулилт хийж эхэлсэн. Тиймээс өөрийнхөө хүсэл сонирхлоор тамирчин болсон гэж хэлж болно. Анх нутгийнхаа н.Нарангэрэл багшид шавь орж бөхийн эрдмийг заалгасан түүхтэй. 2017 онд Архангай аймгийнхаа Эрдэнэбулган сумын наадамд түрүүлж цаашид барилдвал амжилт гаргах боломжтой болохыг ойлгосон.


Улсын наадамд 2022 онд 1024 бөхийн барилдаанд зодоглож байлаа. Энэ үедээ хоёр даваад гурвын даваанд Булган аймгийн харьяат аймгийн арслан Н.Намнансүрэнтэй таарч дүүгүүрдүүлээд өвдөг шороодсон. Харин өнгөрсөн жил аймгийн наадамдаа зодоглосон.  Энэ жилийн төрийн наадмын дэвжээндээ зодоглох төлөвлөгөөтэй байгаа.


Тамирчин хүн амжилт гаргахад олон зүйл нөлөөлдөг. Бэлтгэл сургуулилтаас гадна санхүү чухал. Олон жилийг спортод зориулахад хөдөлмөрөөс гадна тууштай байдал, дэмжлэг хэрэгтэй. Энэ бүхнийг зөв зохицуулснаар амжилт ирнэ. Би дэвжээнд гарч барилдахдаа сэтгэл зүйгээ тайван байлгахыг хичээдэг. Ер нь сандраад байдаггүй, тайван талдаа. Би улсын гарди Д.Рагчаа багшаасаа заавар зөвлөгөө авч, суралцдаг. Миний хэтийг харсан хамгийн том зорилго минь улсын наадмын зүлэг ногоон дэвжээнд түрүүлэх.


Гаргасан амжилт


2015 онд сумын начин

2016 онд сумын начин цолоо баталсан

2017 онд сумын заан

2019 онд сумын заан цолоо баталсан

2022 онд цэргийн заан


Баян-Өлгий аймгийн Булган сумын харьяат “Өлгийн хүчтэн” дэвжээ, “Булган мебель” компанийн бөх аймгийн арслан Б.Төмөрбаатар



-Миний хувьд үндэсний бөхөөр хичээллээд 14 дэх жилтэйгээ золгож байна. Хөдөө төрж, өссөн учраас анх овооны бэсрэг наадамд барилдаж эхэлсэн. Тухайн үед түрүүлж, үзүүрлэхдээ их урам авч, бөхөөр хичээллэж болох юм байна гэсэн хүсэлд хөтлөгдсөн. Ингэж л бөхийн спортыг сонгож, тамирчин болох замналаа эхлүүлж байлаа. 2012 оны наадмаар хэдхэн хоногийн зайтай хоёр сумын наадамд түрүүлсэн. Би харцага болсноосоо хойш аймгийнхаа наадамд тасралтгүй барилдаж, түмэн олноо цэнгүүлсэн.


Үндэсний бөх хүнийг хөгжүүлдэг буянтай спорт гэж тодорхойлмоор байна. Хамгийн түрүүнд бусдыг хүндлэх их ухаанд суралцдаг. Давуу төлөв зантай, сайн хүн болдог гэдгийг мэдэрч явна. Монголчууд бөхөө хайрлаж, хүндэлдэг сайхан сэтгэлтэй түмэн. Даваад туг тойрохдоо түмнийхээ итгэл, сэтгэлийг мэдэрдэг.


Улсын баяр наадмын дэвжээг өнгөрсөн онд зорихдоо улсын начин Э.Энх-Амгалантай барилдаж тахим буулгасан. Энэ жил дахин улсын наадамдаа хүч үзэхээр хэд хоногийн өмнө бэлтгэлдээ гарсан. Улсын цолонд хүрэх зорилго тавьсан.


Гаргасан амжилт:


2012 онд сумын заан

2013 онд аймгийн харцага

2015 онд аймгийн харцага цолоо баталсан

2017 онд аймгийнхаа наадамд тав давсан

2019 онд хоёр дахь удаагаа аймгийн харцага цолоо баталсан

2022 онд аймгийн арслан


Эх сурвалж: “Зууны мэдээ” сонин 2024 ОНЫ ЗУРГААДУГААР САРЫН 18. МЯГМАР ГАРАГ. № 120 (7364)


Сонин хачин
Эд нар тэгээд цол авах найраагаа хийчихсэн, мөнгө нь бэлэн гэсэн үг үү
Шовгор нь байгаад допингныхоо дозыг тохируулж чадвал тэгээд цол авах л байлгүй дээ, хөөрхийс
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Steve Ice:
THE PAIN AFTER LOSING A HARD EARNED MONEY TO A FAKE ONLINE INVESTMENT. If you are a victim of losing your hard earned money to a fake online investment. Or you have placed your hard-earned money into virtual currencies such as Ethereum and Bitcoin, putting your faith in the security of the passwords and private keys safeguarding your money. But what occurs if a passcode is forgotten or a hard drive fails? Your cryptocurrency wallet, which may contain hundreds or even millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrency, vanishes out of sight overnight. It happened to me when I lost $979,000 pounds to a fake Crypto fraudulent company. I was really in disbelief and had to look for a means to recover my funds back. But fear not, for MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER has arrived as a beacon of hope for those who have had their hard-earned crypto stolen. This service is like a superhero for tracking down lost or stolen cryptocurrency. I provided what they required to the experts and all my funds were recovered back by the Hackers. I recommend MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER they are the best ever, for those who have been robbed of their digital fortunes now have a crypto guardian to call upon in their time of need. MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER gives victims the hope that all is not lost. You can also reach them on via Email: Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678 God Bless MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER. I’m forever grateful to God for the successful recovery. I’m so happy I got all my lost money back..
Serik turuulne shdee
Hurts arslan N.Usukhbayar haana bn
Nachin battai awnaa
Чи өөрөө шээс
Хамгийн гол нь допинг хэрэглээгүй байх ёстой шүү. Тэрнээс Монгол бөхийн өрсөлдөөн байлгүй яахав.
Төмөрбаатар худ шүү. Жил болгон улсын цолтон төрдөг болох нь баян-өлгийнхөн давраад байгаарай. Шээснүүд
Serik turuulne shdee
Чи өөрөө шээс
monhjargal osohbayr altantsooj?
ulgiin breke umniin goviin dorjpalam nariig harj bna
Niitiin teeveriin dashdorjiin ganbaatar hogiin hulgaich duu enhjargal ynhan solongosuud nuuren deer tamhiaa darj untaraadag hun aminii heregten!
А.н Мягмарсүрэн,А.х Пүрэвдорж, А.з Поржпалам, Батсуурь, Ц.з Наранбаяр, А.а Амгаланбаатар, Мөнхжаргал, Бумбаяр, Алтангэрэл, Жамбалдорж, Довчинсэмбээ, Дашдаваа, А.х.а Өсөхбаяр, Эркебулан нар цол авах байх амжилт