Хүчтэй шуурганд малчин айлуудын найман гэр нурж, эвдэрчээ

Баянхонгор аймгийн Баянлиг сум Хатан суудал багийн “Жаргалант” хороолол болон ‘’Адуучын хороо’’ гэдэг газар 2024.06.12-ны өдрийн 19:00-19:20 цагийн хооронд 18-20 м/с хүртэл хүчтэй түр зуурын шороон шуурга шуурсны улмаас хоёр айлын гэр нурж, эвдэрчээ. Шуурганд иргэн Б-ын 5 ханатай гэр, Н-ын 4 ханатай гэр нурж, ашиглах боломжгүй болжээ.



Мөн Өмнөговь аймгийн Булган сум Дал багийн "Нүцгэн хөөвөр" болон "Бүлээн гол"   гэдэг газар 2024.06.12-ны өдрийн 21:00 цагийн орчим 20 м/с хүртэл хүчтэй түр зуурын шороон шуурга шуурч, зургаан гэр нурсан байна. Шуурганд малчин Д-ийн 5 ханатай гэр, 4 ханатай гэр, Б-ийн 5 ханатай гэр, 4 ханатай гэр, Э,  Н нарын 4 ханатай 2 гэр нурсан тухай мэдээллийг аймгийн Онцгой байдлын газарт мэдээлжээ.

Сонин хачин
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Williams Jeffery:
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ОДОО цаг уурын өөрчлөлтөд орсон тул холбогдуулан сууцаа өөрчлөхөөс аргагүй боллоо шүү .
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