БНАЛАУ-ын Ерөнхийлөгч Тонглун Сисүлит-ийн төрийн айлчлал өндөрлөлөө


Монгол Улсын Ерөнхийлөгч Ухнаагийн Хүрэлсүхийн урилгаар хүрэлцэн ирсэн БНАЛАУ-ын Ерөнхийлөгч Тонглун Сисүлит-ийн төрийн айлчлал өндөрлөлөө.


Эрхэм зочдыг Ерөнхийлөгчийн Тамгын газрын дарга Я.Содбаатар болон албаны төлөөлөгчид “Чингис хаан” олон улсын нисэх онгоцны буудалд үдэж мордууллаа.



Айлчлалын хүрээнд хийсэн төрийн тэргүүн нарын албан ёсны яриа хэлэлцээ халуун дотно уур амьсгалд болж, Ерөнхийлөгч У.Хүрэлсүхийн 2023 онд Лаос Улсад хийсэн төрийн айлчлалаар хүрсэн ололт амжилтаа бататган ахиулж, харилцааны түүхэн шинэ жарны хуудсыг нээлээ.




Монгол Улс нь Ази, Номхон далайн бүс нутгийн олон талт хамтын ажиллагаанд идэвхтэй оролцох бодлого баримталдаг.

Энэ хүрээнд Лаос Улсыг Зүүн өмнөд Ази дахь чухал түнш хэмээн үзэж, харилцаа, хамтын ажиллагааг гүнзгийрүүлэн хөгжүүлэх, ард түмний найрамдал, нөхөрлөлийг бэхжүүлэх, хамтын ажиллагааны хэтийн төлөвийг тодорхойлоход энэ удаагийн айлчлал онцгой ач холбогдолтой боллоо.


Сонин хачин
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Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Walter Brian:
THIS IS REAL. I REPEAT, THIS IS REAL. The black mirror is real, the black mirror is really powerful, effective and 100% reliable. My name is Walter Brian, I want to thank Dada Magical for giving his black mirror to me. Since he gave me his black mirror, I became rich, successful, protected, informed and powerful. I was browsing through the internet one day when I saw multiple testimonies on how Dada Magical has helped so many people with his black mirror. I thought it was a joke at first but I gave it a try and contacted him. He sold the black mirror to me and told me how to use it and all that I need to do. I followed the instructions just as he told me and to my greatest surprise, it worked just as he told me. The black mirror is still working for me. The mirror also brings good luck, blessings and information. Contact Dada Magical now on his email; Dadablackmirrors@gmail.com and he will help you also with the black mirror just the same way he helped me. Thank you Great Dada Magical.
Williams Jeffery:
REACH OUT TO BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY FOR A STOLEN BTC RECOVERY. Please, can anyone get a stolen money recovered? YES you can. Hire BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY. I have heard a lot of testimonies about them. Victims of cryptocurrency scam should help themselves through the following information; official email address: Blissparadox @ aol. com, Website; https://dev-blissparadoxrecovery.pantheonsite.io My friend lost about $195,000 worth of bitcoin and they were able help recover her lost money. If you want to recover yours too, kindly reach out to them through other convenient means: Whatsapp +1 3 8 0 2 0 6 9 7 1 2 Signal No. + 1 7 2 7 6 1 5 9 0 3 0 Telegram: Blissparadoxrecovery, Regards!
Williams Jeffery:
REACH OUT TO BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY FOR A STOLEN BTC RECOVERY. Please, can anyone get a stolen money recovered? YES you can. Hire BLISS PARADOX RECOVERY. I have heard a lot of testimonies about them. Victims of cryptocurrency scam should help themselves through the following information; official email address: Blissparadox @ aol. com, Website; https://dev-blissparadoxrecovery.pantheonsite.io My friend lost about $195,000 worth of bitcoin and they were able help recover her lost money. If you want to recover yours too, kindly reach out to them through other convenient means: Whatsapp +1 3 8 0 2 0 6 9 7 1 2 Signal No. + 1 7 2 7 6 1 5 9 0 3 0 Telegram: Blissparadoxrecovery, Regards!