Хот, нийтийн аж ахуйн чиглэлээр Герман улсад суралцах хүүхдүүдтэй гэрээ байгууллаа

Хот, нийтийн аж ахуйн чиглэлээр Герман улсад суралцах хүүхдүүдтэй гэрээ байгууллаа

Нийслэл хот, нийтийн аж ахуйн нарийн мэргэжлийн хүний нөөцийг бэлтгэх зорилгоор тус салбарт ажиллаж буй албан хаагчдын хүүхдүүдийг Герман улсад сургана. Энэ хүрээнд Геодези, усны барилга, байгууламжийн газар ОНӨААТҮГ, “Хот тохижилтын газар” ОНӨААТҮГ, Улаанбаатар хотын Захирагчийн ажлын алба, дүүргүүдийн хот нийтийн аж ахуйн салбарт тогтвор, суурьшилтай ажиллаж буй албан хаагчдын 18-22 насны хүүхдүүдийн судалгааг авч, сонгон шалгаруулалтын хүрээнд ганцаарчилсан ярилцлага хийсэн юм. 



Тэгвэл өнөөдөр сонгон шалгаруулалтад тэнцсэн 60 хүүхэд болон тэдгээрийн эцэг эхтэй сургалтын гурвалсан гэрээ байгууллаа. Гэрээ байгуулсан хүүхдүүд эх орондоо “Цэсэн боловсролыг дэмжих сан” ТББ-ын Герман хэлний мэдлэг дээшлүүлэх сургалтад 11 сар хамрагдах юм. Үүний дараа хэлний шалгалтдаа тэнцсэн тохиолдолд Герман Улсад дараах нарийн мэргэжлээр гурван жил суралцана. 



Энэ үеэр НЗДТГ-ын дарга Л.Хосбаяр “Нийслэлийн Засаг дарга бөгөөд Улаанбаатар хотын Захирагч Х.Нямбаатарын санаачлаагаар хот нийтийн аж ахуйн 13 мэргэжлээр 100 хүүхдийн ХБНГУ-д сургахаар бэлтгэл ажлыг хангаж байна. Өнөөдөр Герман улсад сурах 60 хүүхэд болон тэдний эцэг эхтэй гурвалсан гэрээ байгууллаа. Гэрээ байгуулсан хүүхдүүд маргаашнаас хэлний бэлтгэлийн сургалтад хамрагдаж эхэлнэ” гэдгийг онцоллоо. 


Герман улсад дараах 13 мэргэжлээр суралцана.


  1. Метроны засварчин

  2. Нийтийн тээврийн инженер, засварчин

  3. Дулааны слесарь

  4. Цахилгаанчин

  5. Агуулах, ложистикийн мэргэжилтэн

  6. Үйлдвэрийн механикжуулалт, Мехатроник,

  7. Гүний барилга байгууламжийн инженер, мэргэжилтэн

  8. Металл

  9. Хүнсний технологич

  10. Систем, интеграцчлал мэдээллийн технологийн мэргэжилтэн

  11. Бетон ба төмөр бетоны мэргэжилтэн

  12. Токерчин

  13. Цэцэрлэгжүүлэлт, ландшафт


I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I thank Dr.Ogiso for his marvelous work in my life, my name is Lisa from las vagas and I have got this nasty herpes since 2021 and was taking my medications from my doctor but wasn't satisfied I needed to get the virus outta my system, I searched about some possible cure for herpes when I saw several comments about Dr Ogiso how he use traditional herb to cure this same virus so immediately I contacted him for the medication which he sent me through DHL delivery company. I drink the medicine for about a week as he prescribed and weeks later I tested negative for the virus, Dr.Ogiso truly is great and real' whatssapp : +27786988200 Email: superiorspellhome@gmail.com
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DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE LOST FOREVER? Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online Bitcoin Scam, Crypto Scam, etc. IS MAYER MUSK HACKER. If you are a victim of losing your cryptocurrencies you have to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who can help you find lost bitcoins or restore your bitcoins wallet, if you are a Victims listen to my testimony, i have suffered a lot from this cryptocurrency scams, it reminds me of some heart ache experience when I lost $378K to a fake online crypto investment scam when I invested a huge amount of money. I searched online and came across a recovery expert who I contacted MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who helped recover my money, and I was pleased. I will advise you as a Victim to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. For assistance, you can also contact him via Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
David Greg:
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE LOST FOREVER? Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online Bitcoin Scam, Crypto Scam, etc. IS MAYER MUSK HACKER. If you are a victim of losing your cryptocurrencies you have to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who can help you find lost bitcoins or restore your bitcoins wallet, if you are a Victims listen to my testimony, i have suffered a lot from this cryptocurrency scams, it reminds me of some heart ache experience when I lost $378K to a fake online crypto investment scam when I invested a huge amount of money. I searched online and came across a recovery expert who I contacted MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who helped recover my money, and I was pleased. I will advise you as a Victim to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. For assistance, you can also contact him via Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
БҮГДЭЭРЭЭ САЙН УУ!!!!! Бид олон нийтэд мэдээлэхийг хүсч байна; Та бөөрийг худалдахыг хүсч байна уу? Та санхүүгийн хямралын улмаас бөөрийг зарж борлуулах боломжийг эрэлхийлж байна уу, юу хийхээ мэдэхгүй байна уу? Дараа нь бидэнтэй холбоо бариад DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST .LT.COL@GMAIL.COM хаягаар бид танд бөөрнийх нь хэмжээгээр санал болгох болно. Яагаад гэвэл манай эмнэлэгт бөөрний дутагдалд орж, 91424323800802. имэйл: DR.PRADHAN.UROLOGIST .LT.COL@GMAIL.COM Yнэ: $780, 000 (Долоон зуун, Наян мянган доллар) APPLY TO SELL YOUR KIDNEY FOR MONEY NOW $ 780,000.00
I want to give thanks to Dr Ogiso for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source about Dr Ogiso . My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again . I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather i got in contact with Dr Ogiso.He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. Dr Ogiso makes him realize how much we love and need each other .This man is for REAL and for good . He can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counselling, and we’re doing very, very well , in our love life . Contact :Dr Ogiso Call /text/whatsapp me on: +27786988200 Email; superiorspellhome@gmail.com
I want to give thanks to Dr Ogiso for bringing back my ex husband.No one could have ever made me believe that the letter I’m about to write would actually one day be written. I was the world’s biggest skeptic. I never believed in magic spells or anything like this, but I was told by a reliable source about Dr Ogiso . My love life was in shambles; I had been through two divorces and was on the brink of a third. I just couldn’t face another divorce, and I wanted to try harder to make our relationship work, but my husband didn’t seem to care. and he broke up with me again . I was confused and did not know what to do again, rather i got in contact with Dr Ogiso.He did a love spell that made my husband come back to me. We are now very much happy with ourselves. Dr Ogiso makes him realize how much we love and need each other .This man is for REAL and for good . He can also help you to fix your broken relationship. I had my husband back! It was like a miracle! He suddenly wanted to go to marriage counselling, and we’re doing very, very well , in our love life . Contact :Dr Ogiso Call /text/whatsapp me on: +27786988200 Email; superiorspellhome@gmail.com