“Их-7”: Европт "гацсан" ОХУ-ын хөрөнгийн асуудлыг шийдвэрлэнэ

“Их-7”-ийн бүлгийн сангийн сайд, төв банкны ерөнхийлөгчдийн уулзалт Итали улсын Стреса хотноо өнгөрсөн амралтын өдрүүдэд зохион байгуулагдлаа. Одоогоор хуралдааны шийдвэрийг эцэслэн батлаагүй байгаа юм. Бүлгийн сангийн сайд болон төв банкны ерөнхийлөгчид энэ удаагийн хуралдаанаар Украинд үзүүлэх дэмжлэг болон ОХУ-ын битүүмжлэгдсэн хөрөнгийг хэрхэн зохицуулалт хийх талаар нарийн хэлэлцэнэ хэмээн мэдэгдээд байсан юм.



ОХУ Украин дахь цэргийн тусгай ажиллагаа эхлүүлснээс хойш Европын холбоо өөрийн банканд байрлах Оросын нийт хөрөнгө болох 300 тэрбум ам.долларыг битүүмжлэх шийдвэр гаргасан. Улмаар битүүмжилсэн хөрөнгийн ашгийг тодорхой хэсгийг Укрианы сэргээн босголт болон бусад зардалд дэмжлэг болгон илгээхээр тохиролцсон юм. Мөн АНУ-ын ОХУ-ын төрийн өмчийн хураан авч, Укрианд тусламж үзүүлэх зорилгоор ашиглахыг зөвшөөрсөн хуулийг баталсан. “Их-7” бүлгийн бусад орнуудыг тус хуульд нэгдэх саналыг хүргүүлээд байгаа юм. Тус хэлэлцээрт яригдаж буй өөр нэг асуудал дэлхийн хоёр том гүрний дунд өрнөж буй худалдааны дайн.


Учир нь өнгөрсөн долоо хоногт АНУ, БНХАУ-д ноогдуулах татварын хэмжээг нэмэгдүүлсэн. Ингэснээр импортын голлох бүтээгдэхүүн болох цахилгаан тээврийн хэрэгслийн батарей, компьютерын чип, эмнэлгийн хэрэгслүүд нь нөхцөл байдлыг улам хурцатгах эрсдэлтэй байгаад төлөөлөгчид ихээр санаа зовниж байна. Харин АНУ-ын зүгээс бүлгийн гишүүдийг ижил арга хэмжээ авахыг албан ёсоор уриалаагүй ч эхний өдрийн хуралдаанаар АНУ-ын сангийн сайд Жанет Йеллен “Их-7”-ийн бүлгийн орнууд Вашигтонтой нэг үзэл санаатай байгаагаа харуулахыг хүсэж байгаа тухайгаа мэдэгдсэн юм. Тун удахгүй талууд нэгдсэн мэдээлэл гаргах бөгөөд тус мэдээлэлд олон улсын шинжээчдийн анхаарлыг ихэд татаж байгаа ажээ.


Эх сурвалж: “Зууны мэдээ” сонин 2024 ОНЫ ТАВДУГААР САРЫН 27. ДАВАА ГАРАГ. № 104 (7348)


Сонин хачин
Cameron Hazel:
Lee Ultimate Hacker: The Recovery Expert To Hire For people dealing with the terrible experience of a compromised bitcoin wallet, Lee Ultimate Hacker is a real lifesaver. In cases like the one where they successfully recovered an incredible 50,000 bitcoin that had been stolen, their knowledgeable staff of cybersecurity experts has assisted innumerable people in grave circumstances. In order to determine precisely how the hacker gained access to the system, the Lee Ultimate team carefully examines the breach at the start of the procedure. They then use their vast global network and in-depth technological knowledge to track down the stolen money and put in endless effort to recover control and give the bitcoin back to its original owner. It's a high-stakes, intricate operation that calls for an unmatched degree of talent, perseverance, and resourcefulness. The Lee Ultimate Hacker' team, however, is up to the task, employing cutting-edge forensic technologies, tactical alliances with law enforcement, and unwavering will to defeat even the most intricate hacking schemes. For those who have lost hope of ever recovering their stolen cryptocurrency, Lee Ultimate Hacker provides a beacon of light - a dedicated team of specialists who will stop at nothing to track down the missing funds and restore what was taken. Their proven track record, including the remarkable 50,000 bitcoin recovery case, is a testament to their expertise and commitment to helping clients reclaim what is rightfully theirs, no matter the odds. LEEULTIMATEHACKER@ AOL. COM telegram:LEEULTIMATE wh@tsapp +1 (715) 314 - 9248
Adrian Gustav:
In Singapore’s dynamic and fast-paced environment, the allure of the tech startup scene can be irresistible. My journey into the world of cryptocurrency began when a close friend from a burgeoning startup encouraged me to invest in a Stellar. She took the drastic step of locking me out of my email account, which not only cut off my communication but also jeopardized my access to essential financial resources. The situation was dire; my investments were tied to that email, and without access, I feared losing everything I had worked so hard to achieve. Desperate to regain control, I reached out to friends within the tech community. Their support was invaluable, and they quickly recommended a specialized service: Malice Cyber Recovery. Known for their expertise in digital recovery, I decided to contact them immediately. The team at Malice Cyber Recovery was highly professional and understanding of my predicament. They guided me through the recovery process step by step, reassuring me that they had the tools and skills to help. Working with Malice Cyber Recovery was a revelation. Their thorough approach and technical knowledge provided me with the confidence I needed during a time of uncertainty. Within a matter of days, they successfully restored my access to my email account. The moment I regained control felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. While my initial foray into cryptocurrency had been thrilling, the fallout reminded me of the vulnerabilities that come with digital investments. In the end, I learned the significance of safeguarding my assets and the importance of resilience in navigating the unpredictable landscape of technology and finance. My investment journey was not just about financial gain but also about the relationships and support systems that emerged along the way. if you find yourself in a similar situation you should contact them VIA EMAIL:malicecyyberrecovery@contractor.net WHATSAPP:+61 410 262 541
SHAW fred:
I never thought i could smile and be in a happy marriage again if not for the help of DR Moses . I got the doctors Email and i emailed him, he got back to me with some encouraging words, he got me some herbs cream which i use for just 8 days and i began to feel the male enhancement , and without surgery. This went on for a little period of about 10 days and to my surprise my wife keeps screaming that she love my big dick now. Now my wife no longer cheat on me, and my male enhancement is now about 10.5 inches long on erection and off course very large round. And now my wife uses breasts, hips and bums enlargement. I and my wife are very happy for the help rendered to me by DR Moses HERBS, and i want to say a big thanks to Doctor for the help. you can call/whats-app him directly on +2349060529305 DOCTOR Moses Buba CAN AS WELL HELP THE FOLLOWING PROBLEMS 1. HIV/AIDS SPELL 2. HERPES SPELL 3. CANCER SPELL 4 IF YOU WANT YOUR EX LOVER BACK SPELL 5 IF YOU NEED A BABY SPELLhim to solve 6 LOW SPERM COUNT SPELL get all your problem solve. No problem is too big for him to solve.
Martin ogola:
ALPHA KEY, A LICENCED CRYPTO RECOVERY HACKER, IS A GREAT REFERENCE I can't stand to say that I truly appreciate the work and effort you put into my case. After being conned by two different recovery hackers, I woke up to find that almost everything had been taken from me. If I were to recommend a legitimate recovery hacker on Earth, I would recommend ALPHA KEY RECOVERY; they are the best so far. For any kind of recovery concerns, get in touch with ALPHA KEY RECOVERY HACKER EXPERT right now. Contact info Email: Alphakey@consultant.com WhatsaApp :+15714122170 Signal:+18622823879 Telegram: Alpha Key Recovery Website : https://dev-alpha-key.pantheonsite.io/
David Greg:
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE LOST FOREVER? Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online Bitcoin Scam, Crypto Scam, etc. IS MAYER MUSK HACKER. If you are a victim of losing your cryptocurrencies you have to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who can help you find lost bitcoins or restore your bitcoins wallet, if you are a Victims listen to my testimony, i have suffered a lot from this cryptocurrency scams, it reminds me of some heart ache experience when I lost $378K to a fake online crypto investment scam when I invested a huge amount of money. I searched online and came across a recovery expert who I contacted MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who helped recover my money, and I was pleased. I will advise you as a Victim to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. For assistance, you can also contact him via Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
David Greg:
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE LOST FOREVER? Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online Bitcoin Scam, Crypto Scam, etc. IS MAYER MUSK HACKER. If you are a victim of losing your cryptocurrencies you have to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who can help you find lost bitcoins or restore your bitcoins wallet, if you are a Victims listen to my testimony, i have suffered a lot from this cryptocurrency scams, it reminds me of some heart ache experience when I lost $378K to a fake online crypto investment scam when I invested a huge amount of money. I searched online and came across a recovery expert who I contacted MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who helped recover my money, and I was pleased. I will advise you as a Victim to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. For assistance, you can also contact him via Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
David Greg:
DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY BITCOINS ARE LOST FOREVER? Truth be told, the only organization capable of retrieving your lost funds from online Bitcoin Scam, Crypto Scam, etc. IS MAYER MUSK HACKER. If you are a victim of losing your cryptocurrencies you have to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who can help you find lost bitcoins or restore your bitcoins wallet, if you are a Victims listen to my testimony, i have suffered a lot from this cryptocurrency scams, it reminds me of some heart ache experience when I lost $378K to a fake online crypto investment scam when I invested a huge amount of money. I searched online and came across a recovery expert who I contacted MAYER MUSK HACKER. Who helped recover my money, and I was pleased. I will advise you as a Victim to contact MAYER MUSK HACKER. For assistance, you can also contact him via Email support@mayermuskrecoveries.com Website https://mayermuskrecoveries.com Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
Terry Aron:
A LEGITIMATE HACKER FOR CRYPTO RECOVERY / HIRE MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER Are you having problems accessing your bitcoin wallet? If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing access to your Bitcoin wallet and need expert assistance for recovery, I strongly recommend MAYE MUSK HACKER. I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $908,000 to this fake platform. I saw a post on Quora about MAYER MUSK HACKER. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had. Within 72 hours my money was recovered and the information of the scammers were exposed. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I would never get my money back from those fake online investment scammers, you can also contact them on their Email Recoverywizardmayemusk@cyberservices.com Website https://recoverywizardmaye.wixsite.com/muskhacks Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
Terry Aron:
A LEGITIMATE HACKER FOR CRYPTO RECOVERY / HIRE MAYER MUSK RECOVERY HACKER Are you having problems accessing your bitcoin wallet? If you find yourself in the unfortunate situation of losing access to your Bitcoin wallet and need expert assistance for recovery, I strongly recommend MAYE MUSK HACKER. I was once lured into a crypto currency investment platform that I came across on Instagram. I lost about $908,000 to this fake platform. I saw a post on Quora about MAYER MUSK HACKER. With a little faith in me, I contacted them immediately, and discussed my situation, and sent all the information I had. Within 72 hours my money was recovered and the information of the scammers were exposed. I’m so glad I came across them early because I thought I would never get my money back from those fake online investment scammers, you can also contact them on their Email Recoverywizardmayemusk@cyberservices.com Website https://recoverywizardmaye.wixsite.com/muskhacks Whats-App: +1 (347) 470-7678
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