Төв аймгийн Бүрэн сум 150 сая төгрөгөөр наадмын талбайгаа ШИНЭЧИЛНЭ

Төв аймгийн Бүрэн сум 150 сая төгрөгөөр наадмын талбайгаа ШИНЭЧИЛНЭ

Төсвийн жил эхэлснээс хойш хамгийн их зарлагдаж байгаа тендер бол аймаг сумдын наадмын талбай засварлах, шинээр барих. Энэхүү ажлын ихэнх нь орон нутгийн хөгжүүлэх сангийн хөрөнгөөр хийгдэж байгаа юм 



Хамгийн сүүлд буюу өнгөрсөн сарын 31-нд Төв аймгийн Бүрэн сумын засаг даргын тамгын газраас наадмын талбайгаа шинэчлэхээр тендер зарлажээ. Тендерийн төсөвт өртөг 150 сая төгрөг бөгөөд Орон нутгийн хөгжлийн сангаас санхүүжүүлэх юм. Тус сумын хувьд энэ жил 100 жилийн ойгоо тэмдэглэн өнгөрүүлэх юм. 



Sarah Edmond:
A lot of people are going through pains in their relationship. It's hard to give up on love, pretend to be one we love is sad and to get back your joy and happiness. Love is nature and nature is always beautiful, make yourself happy again forever Get connected with Dr,Winner now, his email: Winnersspellcast@gmail.com or view his website:https://winnersspellcast.blogspot.com or WhatsApp number: +2348138289852 or via his Facebook Page ?? https://www.facebook.com/drwinnerspelltemple/
Модон жорлонтой100 жилээ гэж
This is a very happy day of my life with the help PRIEST WISDOM has rendered to me by helping me to get my divorce husband back with his magic power and love spell. I was married for 8 years and it was so terrible because my husband was really cheating on me, and was seeking a divorce but when I came across the PRIEST WISDOM page https://supernaturalspell21.blogspot.com/ on the internet on how he helps so many people to get their ex back and help fixing relationships and make people happy in their relationships. i explained my situation to him and then seek his help but to my greatest surprise he told me that he will help me with my case and here i am now celebrating because my Husband has change totally for good he started begging me to forgive him that he is very sorry for everything, i was really surprised and was also happy, so that was how i forgive him and now we are living together happily than ever before and He always want to be by me and can not do anything without my present. I am really happy with my marriage, what a great celebration. Thank you to PRIEST WISDOM who helped me a lot, if you need his help you can contact him through email Supernaturalspell0@gmail.com Website https://web.facebook.com/PRIESTWISDOM11 call or WhatsApp +2348124644470